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Early Career Initiative Q1 Update For the Board of Governors Sunday, November 5, 2006. Early Career Initiative Update.
Early Career InitiativeQ1 UpdateFor the Board of GovernorsSunday, November 5, 2006
Early Career Initiative Update • This is the first semi-annual report to the Board of Governors on the Early Career Initiative that highlights the key activities and detailed sector progress reports using the Balanced Scorecard online tool. • For further information contact Amy Geffen (212) 591-7375 or geffena@asme.org
ECE & SI Initiative Activities • Drafted Volunteer career path (Centers) • Launched ECLIPSE internship program (Centers) • Conducted two and planned four Early Career Forums at ASME conferences (Centers, K&C) • Planned two Industry Symposia (SM) • Recruited ECEs for volunteer positions (SM, Centers)
ECE & SI Initiative Activities • Enhanced Members Only web site (Services) • Client Relationship Directors include focus on ECEs (Services) • Enhanced existing Career Center with articles and job listings (Services) • Developed business plan for Early Career Technical Conference (K&C)
G Members Only Web Site: The expanded E-Library and back issues of ME Magazine are now behind the "Members Only" screen and progress is being made to the navigation of this site. ASME.org Editorial Board: Denny Wall has been working with Loretta McHugh and they've already identified an Early Career member and a student member who will provide input to the Editorial Board. NonTechnical Benefits: Marilyn Borysek is working with Larry Grogin from Grogin Associates (source of a new financial planning benefit launched June '06) who will speak at the Early Career Forum at Congress. Financial "take away" kits geared toward ECEs are being developed and emails have been sent to promote this event. Membership Development will enlist several members of the Committee on Early Career Development to assist in a research project to get input from a random sample of members on what non-technical benefits are of interest to them. Scripts, survey questions and call-lists will be provided by the end of January. Marketing Strategy: Maureen Mandel will form a task force of approximately 5 people to develop a marketing strategy for ECEs and will have a preliminary outline by the end of the year per the milestone description. Promote Corporate Intranet Centers: Nothing to report at this time. Career Center/Job Listings: Approximately 11 articles have been added to the career center and the job listings have increased approximately 12% since this time last year. Membership Development will enlist several members of the Committee on Early Career Development to assist in a research projects to get input from a random sample of members on their perception of existing Career Center features and recommendations for features to be added. Scripts, survey questions and call-lists will be provided by the end of January. CRD Focus on ECE Needs: The CRDs continue to promote ASME products and services geared toward Early Career Engineers when appropriate. They also continue to collect feedback on existing resources and suggestions for additional resources during interactions with targeted companies. Back to Map
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G 2. The Sectors are being encouraged to include budgets for hosting Early Career Leadership Intern Program to Serve Engineering (ECLIPSE) interns on their units for FY08. The application deadline for interns for the intern class of 2007-8 is January 15. We hope to present to the sectors a large pool of early career engineers who stand ready to make contributions to units throughout ASME. 3. Identification of Early Career Engineers to fill volunteer positions within the Centers sector for terms beginning in July 2007 has begun. The VOLT Academy's Volunteer Opportunities Bulletin Board and the Young Engineers Correspondents are expected to expedite the process. 4. A Student Stakeholders Meeting is scheduled for the 2006 Congress, which brings Early Career Engineers and students together. The ME Today online magazine for Early Career Engineers is also being sent to ASME student members who are seniors. The organization of and audience for typical local Early Career Forums nowadays consists of both students and Early Career Engineers. 5. A Strategic Priorities Grant proposal is on the Board of Governors November 2006 agenda for approval to bolster ASME's Early Career Forums and Career Fairs. In FY07, Forums have been conducted in Las Vegas and Philadelphia and one is taking place at the Congress. There is also a Career Fair at the Congress. 6. Early Career Engineers are engaged on project teams in the Centers sector, including the one reviewing services for graduate students. To better meet customer demand, the Committee on Early Career Development has added three sub-committees on career, technology, and professional issues. There are six initiatives based on the recommendations from the Report on the Strategic Initiative on Young Engineers that the Centers sector is reporting on. They are shown as Milestones in the next slide. 1. The ASME Volunteer Career Path has been drafted. There will be a special session at the March 2007 Leadership Training Conference designed for Early Career Engineers. The Committee on Early Career Development is assisting the VOLT Academy with identifying attributes needed for success for the volunteer career path. Back to Map
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K & C has been actively promoting early career forums at the conference and section level. Once ECF was held at the Design conference. One is planned for the Water Conference in conjunction with the Silver State Section and another is planned by the Ontario Section (both in October.) District F is also hosting an Early Career Technical Conference in October. K & C will track student and early career activities at all existing conferences. K & C is working on developing the student liaison program to create a volunteer network of members focused on visiting local student sections. K & C is developing a business plan for an Early Career Technical Conference to be held in FY08 G Y Back to Map
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