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VÄLKOMMNA till EUHA 17 - ’B-uppsatskursen’. Introduktion 2012-05-04. a tt förklara – att förstå. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFp8p0tYuQ8. a tt förklara – att förstå. http ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lNFRLrP014&feature=related. The research problem:
VÄLKOMMNA till EUHA17 - ’B-uppsatskursen’ Introduktion 2012-05-04
att förklara – att förstå http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFp8p0tYuQ8
att förklara – att förstå http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lNFRLrP014&feature=related
The research problem: * ett epistemologiskt problem, ex: en kritisk ställning mot ett fenomen, en empirisk undersökning, applicering av en teori, m.m. * formulerad på 2-6 rader = intressant och tydligt, genomförbart, akademiskt relevant, anger en handlingsplan, att förklara/förstå, etiskt försvarbar
Analyzing texts about EU politics & culture = “simple methodological tools..” 1. Supranational or intergovernmental..? Centralization or decentralization..? Political pessimism or optimism..? Integration or federalization..? Focus on History or the Future Centre or periphery Leftistor Rightist..?
Further theoretical reflections on Historical Change The Power of Identities & Images ‘Real-Politics’ The powerofIdeologies Political / Economic / Cultural Interests HISTORICAL CHANGE.. Political elites & Civil societies Individuals & collectiveactors Actors & structures
The idea of the state 2. Barry Buzan’s ’model of the State’ The institutional base The physical base Can we use it in relation to studies of the EU…?
EU’s and itsmemberstates(see: Bomberg et.al ch.4 = ”SixDetermining Features” Integration preferences Entry Date Economic Ideology Size… State structure Wealth
Vetenskapsteortiska begrepp * Ontologi och Epistemologi *Paradigm * Positivism och Hermeneutik *Operationalisering * Intersubjektivitet • * Kontextualisering
Det är teorin som avgör vad vi kan observera Man kan inte lära sig mycket av historien, men ändå en hel del mera än av samhällsvetenskapliga teorier
Reflections on historical change.. Let’s start with two ”great political speeches”.. Ronald Reagan: = "tear down this wall“ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtYdjbpBk6A Martin Luther King = “I have a dream” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oXtd_XRb3U&feature=related
”Reflections on the ISMS” Liberalism Conservatism Marxism Cosmopolitanism feminism Constructivism……… *Ideas *Ideologies *Political projects *Grand theories *??
KvalitativaIntervjuer Innehållsanalys METODOLOGI Fallstudierochkomparationer Diskursanalys Historisktperspektiv, källorochkällkritik Argumentationsanalys
Argumentationsanalys • Hänvisningsmönster (ex: till erfarenhet, lag, moraliska kategorier, …) • Logiska framställningar • Känslornas betydelse • Framställningens struktur • Retorikens struktur • Vad som sägs/skrivs/visas men också HUR…
Innehållsanalys • Huvudbudskapet = detmanifestainnehållet = VAD? = Vilka idéer/begrepp • ”Att räkna ord…” • Relationsmönster = Vad i relation till Vad? • Att fånga meningsbärande enheter = begrepp meningar, fraser • Metodologiskt kategoriseringsarbete
Narrative Analysis = What is a narrative? Not every text is a narrative: a “narrative” comprises sequence and consequence: events are selected, organised, connected, and evaluated as meaningful for an audience. Narratives: a wayto make sense of the world..
Elements of a narrative • Time-sequence • Characters • Plot Different definitions: • an entire ‘life story’, as it emerges from interviews, observation, and/or documents • brief, topicallyspecificstoriesorganised around characters, setting, and plot
Visual analysis (av narrativ) • Complements the traditional narrative analysis (word-based: interview transcripts, ethnographic observations in fieldnotes, letters, documents) withvisual elements • Covers severalvisual genres: photography, painting, collage, video, incl. Video diaries • Different locations: museums, public spaces (street art, grafitti, monuments), private displays, art
Visual analysis 2 • Images have a highercapacitytocommunicate or awaken emotions – enablesotherstosee and feel like the self • Images are not documentaries: theyaresubjective • Images do not testify for accuracy; they must be subjectto interpretation and contextualization
Comparativeanalysis • Throughout your academic career, you'll be asked to write papers in which you compare and contrast two things: two texts, two theories, two historical figures (…) "Classic" compare-and-contrast papers, in which you weight A and B equally, may be about two similar things that have crucial differences (…) or two similar things that have crucial differences, yet turn out to have surprising commonalities (…) REF: Kerry Walk, for the Writing Center at Harvard University, http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~wricntr/documents/CompAnalysis.html
Comparativeanalysis • Organizational Scheme. Your introduction will include your frame of reference, grounds for comparison, and thesis. There are two basic ways to organize the body of your paper. • In text-by-text, you discuss all of A, then all of B. In point-by-point, you alternate points about A with comparable points about B. REF: Kerry Walk, for the Writing Center at Harvard University, http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~wricntr/documents/CompAnalysis.html
Discourse analytical concepts: 3. metaphors ”flying significants” ”nodal points” Orders of discourses Organizational words
Integration Successive waves of both geographical expansion (enlargement) and closer collaboration in economical and political areas (deepening) These two processes are two aspects of the same phenomenon: integration
There will be no peace in Europe if the States rebuild themselves on the basis of national sovereignty, with its implications of prestige politics and economic protection (...). The countries of Europe are not strong enough individually to be able to guarantee prosperity and social development for their peoples. The States of Europe must therefore form a federation or a European entity… (Jean Monnet1943)
We hope to see a Europe where men of every country will think as much of being a European as of belonging to their native land, and that without losing any of their love and loyalty of their birthplace. (Winston Churchill 1948)