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Explore the impact of motivation on language learning and the importance of technology in modern education. Learn about Generation Y characteristics, technology integration, and ways to create attractive language learning experiences. Discover various online resources and techniques for effective language teaching.
AN ATTRACTIVE ENGLISH TEACHER YANUARTI APSARI, M.PD English Education Study Program STKIP Siliwangi Bandung Bengle, 4 Oktober 2017
Professional Competency Mastering English Problems faced by Students Attractive Teacher
BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEMS • The teachers do not facilitate the best way of teaching and learning English • Teacher does not provide learners suitable, good and interesting materials • Some teachers are still not eager to use technology in teaching although the school has already provided it as multimedia room or computer room.
In what ways can motivation affect language learning? Learner wants to learn Learner sees learning as an enjoyable and satisfying experience Learner applies cognitive powers to acquire knowledge Increased competence enable learner to learn more easily Learning is successful Learner’s competence develops
ASSURE MODEL • Analyzing the learners; • State the objective; • Select Material, Media, Method; • Utilize Material, Media, Method; • Require Learners’ active articipation; • Evaluate and Revise.
THE GENERATION • Gen Z: Born 1996 • Gen Y: Born 1977 to 1995 • Gen X: born 1965 to 1976 • Baby Boomer: 1946 to 1964
GENERATION Y • Generation Y grew up with technology. • Armed with smartphones, laptops, and other gadgets. • They like to communicate through email and text messaging rather than face-to-face contact
Y – GENERATION • a generation that can… • use tools and create technology to change the world in new ways. • be extremely productive and supportive, if engaged. • innovate and communicate in new and distinctive ways.
Why Technology... Collaboration Leadership Google Online Participation Mobile Individuality Blogs Generation Y (1977 – 2002) iPod technology Characteristics Instantaneous internet Direct interactive Convergence Open easily bored Confident
Why Technology... youTube Online Google CD’s Mobile iTunes Gen Y Formative Events iPod MTV Cable Technology Gaming Reality TV Amazon.com internet
Nowadays …….. Technology Human’s life affects
SOME WAYS OF CREATING LANGUAGE LEARNING MORE ATTRACTIVE: • Teachers use the fun way to teach children. “Learning is most effective when it’s fun” (Hernowo, 2005) • Teachers provide suitable, good, enjoyable, and interesting materials One of the alternative techniques that will provide fun learning activityis using : INTERNET
This means that..... • Technology contribute to the development of learners and language teaching programmes
LETS USE INTERNET • webquest.org • anglomanicy.pl • superteacherworksheet.com • learnenglishkids.britichcouncil.org • ixl.com • slideshare.net
The WebQuest is a teacher-created lesson plan in the form of a simple WorldWide Web page with active, preselected Internet links and a specific purpose for students.
slideshare.net Bisadigunakanuntukmencari power point untukmengajar…
Pemanfaatan media gambar untuk tingkat SD FLASHCARD Kartu-kartubergambar yang dilengkapikatakata. Tujuan : MelatihKemampuanotakkananuntukmengingatgambardankatakata
KELEBIHAN MEDIA GAMBAR • Sifatnya konkret • Mengatasi batas ruang dan waktu • Murah dan mudah didapat dan digunakan • Gambar memiliki makna yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan tulisan.
Melihat sebuah gambar lebih tinggi maknanya dari pada membaca atau mendengar. • Melalui membaca dapat di ingat hanya ±10%, melalui mendengar yang diingat ±20%, dan dari melihat ±30%. Gambar yang secara baik dapat memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik.
MEDIA GAMBAR UNTUK TINGKAT SMP PICTURE SERIES (PICTURE AND PICTURE) Siswadimintamenggambarkanaktivitassederhana yang terdapatdidalamgambarsecaraberurutan
MEDIA GAMBAR UNTUK TINGKAT SMA Gambar yang berisi lebih dari satu aktivitas. (Writing Decriptive Text, Narative, procedural )