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Digital Parliament: Experience & Expectations

Digital Parliament: Experience & Expectations. NARINDER SINGH ARNEJA Deputy Director General National Informatics Centre arneja@nic.in , 98111063803. FUNCTIONS OF PARLIAMENT. LEGISLATIVE. REPRESENTATIVE. OVERSIGHT of Government.

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Digital Parliament: Experience & Expectations

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  1. Digital Parliament: Experience & Expectations NARINDER SINGH ARNEJA Deputy Director General National Informatics Centre arneja@nic.in, 98111063803 Digital Parliament

  2. FUNCTIONS OF PARLIAMENT LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATIVE OVERSIGHT of Government “Parliament is one of the main pillars of democratic society.” • It plays a key role in Promotion and enhancement of democracy and democratic values. • It enacts Laws, debates and establishes political priorities, allocates resources, represents different constituencies and political parties and : • Oversees the executive branch of government • Parliament is the principal forum for discussing public policy and promoting consensus-building. THREE MAIN FUNCTIONS OF PARLEAMENT ARE Digital Parliament

  3. OBJECTIVES OF e-Prliament • To make Parliament/Legislatures • Transparent • Accessible • Accountable • Effective • Openness • Providing citizen - Greater access to Parliament & Parliamentarians. • To Make use of ICT • To connect various Stakeholders • To support law making • For Representation • For Active participation in the parliamentary debate by the legislatures. • For Effective Oversight function Digital Parliament

  4. E-Parliament/Digital parliament “e-Parliament or Digital parliament is defined as the use of ICTs in parliamentary institutions with the objective of enhancing and strengthening their core functions and operations.” • e-Parliament in Promoting e-Democracy. • To encourage participation of citizens in the democratic and socio-economic platforms. • Interaction endeavors between the members of parliament and the general citizens. • To facilitates efficient public service delivery, enhances social inclusion, allows transparency in the public service, and facilitates cost savings in government’s bid to involve citizens in its governing processes.  Digital Parliament

  5. Role of ICT- Highlights • ICT is a core enabler in strengthening and transforming parliaments. • Clear vision and understanding of potential of ICT. • Commitment to a vision and to strategic change supported at the highest levels of the institution. • Constraints: • Lack of funding • Insufficient Knowledge among staff and members. • Lack of resources • Resistance to Change Digital Parliament

  6. Strategic barriers to ICT development in Parliament 58% Inadequate financial resources 49% Inadequate staff capacity 23% Lack of Strategic Plan 43% Members’ Knowledge of ICT 40 % Vision Statement, Strategic Plan & Regular Updates 73% Vision Statement only 56% Vision Statement & Strategic Plan Source of Data: IPU Biggest challenges cited by parliament Strategic thinking about ICT Digital Parliament

  7. Digital Parliament (India) For Members For Public Digital House [english & Hindi) Members’ Portal [English &Hindi] Mobile/Tablet apps [ios, android] or PWA For Members [English & Hindi] Public Portal [English & Hindi] Mobile/Tablet Apps [ios &android] or PWA For Public [English & Hindi] Digital Parliament

  8. Digital House Today in <HOUSE-NAME>- A typical Day in a House 1. List of Business of the Day 2. Papers to be laid - List 3. Synopsis of the Debates (previous day) 4. Bulletin- Part-I (previous Day) 5. Bulletin- Part-II (Latest) 6. Verbatim debates (previous Day) 7.Question’s List - of the day 8. Questions & Answers – of the day 9. Access to Papers Laid documents – of the day 10. Legislative Business ( Govt. Bills/ PMB) – access to the text of Bills 11. Access to – replies on Special Mentions, Government assurances etc. 12. Access to Parliamentary Committee Reports (Laid/presented) Digital Parliament

  9. Members’ Portal • Online Submission of all types of Notices with their status updates • Question Branch: • Starred/Unstarred Notices • Short Notice Question • Half An Hour Discussion • Private Member Question • Legislative Section • Notice for Raising Matter With Permission (Zero Hour) • Notice for Special Mention (U/R 180B) • Short Duration Discussion(U/R 176) • Calling Attention (U/R 180) • Notice of Motion(U/R 168) • Amendments to Motion of Thanks on Address by the President • Intimation for inclusion of name in the Ballot for Resolution • Text for Private Members’ Resolution • Notice to raise a Question of Privilege (U/R 187) • Statement Regarding Govt. Legislation and Other Business • Bill Office • Notice of Private Members’ Bills • Notice of Amendments’ to a Bills • Notice of Motions after introduction of a Bill Digital Parliament

  10. Members’ Portal… Contd.. 2. Submission of all types of Bills such as: • TA/DA • Medical Bills • Electricity/Water etc. • Computer Equipment purchase Bills etc. 3. WebSmS (group SMS Service) 4. Group Email Service (pre-defined groups) Digital Parliament

  11. Members’ Portal… Contd.. 6. Online submission of all the forms for various services available for the Members such as: • [Application  for a General Pass  for Personal Staff of Members] • [NICNET Application Form] • [Wi-Fi access request form] • [Members’ Portal request Form] • [Application for seeking prior permission of the Central Government to accept foreign hospitality-FC-2] • Form-3 Table Office • [Form regarding style of name, Address, choice of language for parliamentary papers ]  • Proforma for New Identity Card of the Sitting Members of Rajya Sabha • [Application for issue of Non-Transferable First Class Railway Pass for the use of Member’s Spouse ] • [Application for intimation of Bank Account number] • [Nomination Form (FORM – E)] • [Specimen Signature ] • [Intimation regarding engagement of person by Members of Rajya Sabha for Receiving Office Expense Allowance]  • [Declaration of usual place of residence under Rule 8 of the Members of Parliament (Travelling and Daily Allowances) Rules, 1957.]  Digital Parliament

  12. Members’ Portal… Contd.. • [Application form for allotment of accommodation. ] • [Application form for allotment of a servant quarter.] • [Application form for allotment of a motor garage.] • [Application for installation of a telephone at Delhi/New Delhi residence of a Member of Parliament under the Housing and Telephone Facilities (Members of Parliament) Rules, 1956 (as amended). ] • Application for installation of a telephone at the permanent/usual place of residence of a Member of Parliament under the Housing and Telephone Facilities (Members of Parliament) Rules, 1956. ]  • [Application for installation of the third telephone connection for internet connectivity purposes for a Member of Parliament under the housing and telephone facilities (Members of Parliament) rules, 1956 (as amended) • [Application for mobile phone connection for Member of Parliament under the Housing  and Telephone Facilities (Members of Parliament) Rules, 1956. ] • [Application for second mobile connection for a Member of Parliament under the Housing  and Telephone Facilities (Members of Parliament) Rules, 1956. ] • [Application for provision of additional broadband internet facility in telephone connection to a Member of Parliament]  • [Proforma for CGHS Card. ] • Format for issuance of FASTags to Hon’ble MPs vehicles • Form for choice of Nodal District under MPLAD Scheme • [ Form regarding delivery and choice of language for parliamentary papers] Digital Parliament

  13. Members’ Portal • Constituency Management • Grievances Management System Digital Parliament

  14. Mobile APP for Members Secured App [android/ios] for members of Parliament Daily Business All Notices/Forms Submission Grievances from Citizens of the Constituency/State Digital Parliament

  15. Public Portal Responsive, Easy to Use GUI, Website with information classified into various Heads/Subheads and data Analytics, Graphs and Charts based on the various Parliamentary Legislative Databases. Digital Parliament

  16. Mobile App for Public • Easy to Use Mobile App for Public • App must shows Live Webcast of House Proceedings besides Business of the Day, Questions and Answers, Bills, Committees Information, Members Information etc. • Reach Your MP (Grievances Submission and Status) Digital Parliament

  17. WHAT is NeVA ? • NeVA is a suite of ICT Applications to make a Legislature DIGITAL. ( Paperless Legislature/Poor Paper Legislature) • Cloud enabled, Mobile friendly, configurable, Generic applications, configurable workflows, Multitenancy, Electronic flow of information, roll based access, Digital Parliament

  18. Main Features? • Fully functional responsive web portal • Mobile App for Members and citizens • Paperless House Sessions Management • Workflow/roll based access for electronic transfer of documents/information • Committees Functions automation • Verbatim Preparation by reporters and editing branches Digital Parliament



  21. THANK YOU Digital Parliament

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