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NORTH KIAMA BYPASS. Geometric Constraints lead to an Innovative Precast Concrete Segmental Arch Tunnel. Presented by: Paul Quach. 1985. 1995. 2005. History. 1986 - Princes Highway not to be widened. 1990 - Extensive route study. 1991 - EIS.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NORTH KIAMA BYPASS Geometric Constraints lead to an Innovative Precast Concrete Segmental Arch Tunnel Presented by: Paul Quach

  2. 1985 1995 2005 History 1986 - Princes Highway not to be widened 1990 - Extensive route study 1991 - EIS 1996 - Updated EIS and Commission of Inquiry 1997 - Project approval by NSW Min. Urban Affairs and Planning 2001 - Funding Granted

  3. North Kiama Bypass • $178M, 7.6km, 4 lane link from Dunmore to Kiama • Three Interchanges • Bombo • Swamp Road • Shellharbour & Tabbitta Roads • Off Ramp at Bombo rail Station • On-road Cycle ways • Bridges at Bombo Access • Panama Street • Bombo Beach Access Road • Bombo Quarry Rail Siding (Tunnel)

  4. Design Staging Construction NORTH KIAMA BYPASS: BOMBO ACCESS

  5. KIAMA Site Location Reference: www.expedia.com

  6. Site Location

  7. North Kiama Bypass

  8. North Kiama Bypass


  10. Staging

  11. Staging Stage 1 Construction

  12. Staging Stage 1 Construction

  13. Staging Stage 2 Construction


  15. Design

  16. Design

  17. Design

  18. Design A B

  19. Design A B

  20. Design A B

  21. Design A B

  22. Design • 3D Analysis of End Structures • Development of mesh • Pre-cast arch panels • In-situ collar • Complete model • M1600 wheel load positions • Analysis results • deflection, 100 x magnification • Plate bending moments

  23. Design

  24. Design

  25. Design

  26. Design

  27. Design

  28. Design

  29. Design

  30. Design

  31. Design

  32. Design Staging Construction NORTH KIAMA BYPASS: BOMBO ACCESS

  33. Construction

  34. Construction

  35. Construction

  36. Construction

  37. Construction

  38. Construction

  39. Construction

  40. Construction

  41. Construction

  42. Construction

  43. Construction

  44. Completed Project

  45. Completed Project

  46. PAUL QUACH Business Development Manager The Reinforced Earth Company 2/20 George Street Hornsby, NSW2077 Tel. +61 2 9910 9910 Fax.+61 2 9910 9999 pquach@reco.com.au www.reco.com.au www.rta.nsw.gov.au Statistics Permanent Walls 2400m² 7m max height Temporary Walls 1200m² 8m max height Tunnel 70m long 13m Span 6m High Thank you

  47. Owner Roads & Traffic Authority NSW Head Contractor John Holland Pty Ltd Primary Designer Hughes Trueman Brian Bourne Geotechnical D. J. Douglas & Partners Design and supply of walls and tunnel The Reinforced Earth Company Sub-consultants and suppliers 3D Analysis of Tunnel by Interactive Design Services Geotechnical by M.A.Adler & Associates Design Verification by Cardno MBK NORTH KIAMA BYPASSAcknowledgements

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