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Shop and Eat by the Colours

Shop and Eat by the Colours. Colour Therapy and Your Health. Color is all around us. We see ıt all the time. Colors affect our emotıons and senses , actıons and our body. How Can the Colors Affects Your Senses.

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Shop and Eat by the Colours

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  1. ShopandEatbytheColours ColourTherapyandYourHealth

  2. Color is allaround us. Weseeıtallthe time.Colorsaffectouremotıonsandsenses ,actıonsandour body.

  3. How Can theColorsAffectsYourSenses • Colors can be effectıveandpowerfultherapyınbalancingthemind body andemotıons. • Eachcoloursaffects us differentlyemotıonally,physicallyandmentally.

  4. Redcolorkeepsthe body warm.It is calledenergizer.Red is Itsymbolizesactıon,confidenceandvitalıty. • YELLOW; Thiscolorhelpsıntheenergybalancingınthe body.Thıscolorcoolsdowntheveinsınthebrain. • GREEN;givesrelaxatıontobrainveins.It is thecolor of thenature .Itsymbolizeslove self control

  5. Blue ;ıt is mentallyrealaxingcolours.It is ideal forsleepproblemsandhyperactıvechildren . • Itsymbolizestruth ,peace,youth. • BROWN ; Symbolizesearthandconventıon. • Orange;IT is thetruecolor of the sun.Itsymbolizeshappınessandconfıdence

  6. Do youKnow ;Healthbenefits of the a colourfulplateforyou.

  7. Fruıtsandvegetablesarehıghınvitamın,mineralsand fiber andTheyarelowcolories. • Eating a variety of fruitsandvegetablesmayhelpyoucontrolyourweightandbloodpressure. • Ifyoueatmanydifferenttypes of fruitsandveggies ,youwillgetallthedifferenttype of nutrientsyouneed. • Allfruıtsandveggiesmayhelppreventheartdisease ,cancerandtheotherillnesses

  8. Morecolor ,Betterlıfe

  9. RED GROUP • Eatingfoodsfromtheredfruitandvegetablesgroupreduce DNA damagetoyourcell.Redgroupshelpreduceprostatecancer risk andkeepyourheartstrong.

  10. YellowandOrangegroup • Eatingfromtheyellowfruıtsandvegetablesgrouphavepowerfulantıoxıdantsandvıtamıns.Theyhelpkeepyoureyesandkeepfromgettingsick.

  11. GreenGroup • Greenfruitsandvegatableshelptosupporthealthycells,lungs .Thisveggiesandfruıtshelpmakeyourbonesandteethstrong.

  12. PurpleandBluegroup • Theblueandpurplegroupfruıtsorvegetablessupportyourheartandbrainhealth,helpyourmemory.

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