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12th Workshop for European National Coordinators for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources Antalya, Turkey, 16 September 2006. “ Building up the role of National Coordinator of AnGR for strengthening the Capacity of Balkan’s Network for agro-biodiversity of livestock” ERFP - Project
12th Workshop for European National Coordinators for theManagement of Farm Animal Genetic ResourcesAntalya, Turkey, 16 September 2006 “Building up the role of National Coordinator of AnGR for strengthening the Capacity of Balkan’s Network for agro-biodiversity of livestock” ERFP - Project Prof.Dr. Kristaq Kume National Coordinator of AnGR ALBANIA
12th Workshop for European National Coordinators for theManagement of Farm Animal Genetic ResourcesAntalya, Turkey, 16 September 2006 The Objectives of the project • To support the Balkan countries in their efforts for strengthening the capacity of Balkan Network. • To dissemination of good In-situ practices based on European directives and international conventions and to development of proposals for concerted action regarding in-situ conservation. • To development of the Common Approach for the conservation and sustainable use of local breeds according the geo-climacterics characteristics in the lowland, hill and mountainous areas in the Balkan’s regions • The project will develop a regional cooperation among neighbouring countries, in order to identify the economic and cultural values of management and conservation of indigenous breeds, at present risk of extinction
12th Workshop for European National Coordinators for theManagement of Farm Animal Genetic ResourcesAntalya, Turkey, 16 September 2006 Balkan Network for Agro-biodiversity of livestock Workshop Rare breeds of the Balkan July 6-8,21006 Pernik , Bulgaria I. Status of In-situ consevation In most of the Balkan countries , the status of In-situ conservation is not clear yet Need for strengthened of the Networking especially of the private sector are present Breeders should be motivated to build breedes organisations, cooperatives etc. Herd books are necessary Subsidies are paid in Croatia, Greece, Serbia and partly in Bulgaria and Turkey. In some countries governmental subsidies are in preparation (e.g.in Montenegro). In other countries like BiH, Albania subsidies ore not planned yet.
12th Workshop for European National Coordinators for theManagement of Farm Animal Genetic ResourcesAntalya, Turkey, 16 September 2006 II. State of the monitoring efforts ► Monitoring and identification is running in several countries, but on low level ► Some single project could be launched ► Priority issues are : Strengthening the collaboration between the public institutions and privates stakeholders Dissemination of the good In-situ conservation practices The efforts for development of Agrotourism, marketing of local products and nature management shall be intensified
12th Workshop for European National Coordinators for theManagement of Farm Animal Genetic ResourcesAntalya, Turkey, 16 September 2006 III. Networking Balkan networking is very important especially for cross border occurring breeds Join research and conservation projects among the Balkan counties are necessary The network should be efficient and include concrete actions The network should target farmers, consumers experts and Scientifics
12th Workshop for European National Coordinators for theManagement of Farm Animal Genetic ResourcesAntalya, Turkey, 16 September 2006 • IV. Visions of collaboration: Balkan Network - National Coordinator • Balkan Network should be a dynamic mechanism to support the efforts for the In-situ conservation and sustainable use of AnGR • Collaboration between the National Coordinators of AnGR and the Balkan Network should be intensified. • National Coordinators as the most important public institution should supported the Balkan Network with the aims to carried out the following : • Identification of strengths and areas in need of development • To build a cross border Balkan Network increasing the participation of the Private and formal sector • Cross border meetings, exhibitions ect. • Exchange of reproductive animals • Strengthen of biodiversity awareness
12th Workshop for European National Coordinators for theManagement of Farm Animal Genetic ResourcesAntalya, Turkey, 16 September 2006 V. Next action November, 2006 Organizing and carried out, in Tirana, Albania: Round table “ Balkan Network & National Coordinator - strengthen the collaboration - for the In-situ conservation and sustainable use of the Native rare breeds” Participants: Members of Balkan Network & National Coordinators of AnGR from Balkan counties. The main objective: Strengthening the collaboration between Balkan Network and NC-s.
12th Workshop for European National Coordinators for theManagement of Farm Animal Genetic ResourcesAntalya, Turkey, 16 September 2006 The expected output: Building up the role of NC- as most important public institution, representative of respective government, in the strengthening of the capacities of Balkan Network The mains topics could be : • Dissemination of good In-situ practices of native rare breeds • Development of the Common Approach for the conservation and sustainable use of native rare breeds as a potential factor for development of Agro tourizm • Identification the priorities for join conservation projects among the Balkan counties