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Biology:Dr. Garry Sunter (458-5479)Biotechnology:Dr. Steven Saville (458-7023)Administrative Assistant for MS Programs:Diane May (458-4459) Main Biology Office (BSB 2.03.02).. Program Advisors and Contacts.. Be Aware of Your Admission Status.. Your admission status will fall into
1. Masters of Science Degrees in Biology and Biotechnology How to successfully navigate through your program.
Biology: Dr. Garry Sunter (458-5479)
Biotechnology: Dr. Steven Saville (458-7023)
Administrative Assistant for MS Programs: Diane May (458-4459)
Main Biology Office (BSB 2.03.02).
3. Be Aware of Your Admission Status. Your admission status will fall into one of the following categories:
Special Graduate
4. Unconditional Status If you are unconditionally accepted, you are a clear admission and do not have to fulfill added requirements.
For unconditional acceptance, you must have:
Degree in Biology or equivalent
GRE scores above 1000
GPA > 3.0
Two supportive letters of recommendation
Statement of Future Plans
5. Conditional Status If you have a conditional acceptance, find out what the conditions are and meet them as soon as possible. (Review your acceptance letter.).
If you are required to enroll in additional courses, take them first!
When you have met all conditions, be sure you formally apply to change your status with Diane May who will process the appropriate paper work.
Courses completed to satisfy conditions cannot be applied to the MS degree.
6. If you are a Special Graduate Special Graduate students that decide to seek a degree must submit a formal application to the MS program.
A maximum of 12 hours of course work earned as a Special Graduate can count toward your Masters Degree.
7. MS Biology Program of Study Includes 18 hours of organized course work.
Includes 18 hours of additional coursework.
For non-thesis degree, includes 3 hours of Bio 7041 (Colloquia).
For Thesis, includes 6 hours of Masters Thesis.
Custom design a program of study that supports your educational and career goals.
8. Organized Coursework Courses can be selected to develop expertise in:
Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Biology
Plant Biology
Bioinformatics/Computational Biology
9. Additional Coursework (18 Hours) Organized courses (Typically Graduate Level Biology Courses).
Up to 6 hours of approved upper division undergraduate courses.
Colloquium courses (3 hours required for Biology MS if student chooses non-thesis option).
Seminar courses.
For thesis degree, includes 6 hours of Masters
Thesis (Bio 6983).
Directed Research (Bio 5973).
Independent Study (Bio 6951-3).
Note: A maximum of 6 hrs of Bio 5973 and Bio 6951-3 combined, can be applied to your degree.
10. MS Biotechnology Program of Study Includes 14 hours of required Core Lecture Courses.
Includes 3 hours of laboratory coursework.
Includes 3 hours of experimental data management coursework.
Includes 9 hours of coursework selected from 1 of 4 areas of specialization.
Includes 7 hours of electives.
11. Core Courses
12. Areas of Specialization
13. Research Options
14. Masters ThesisRecommended for individuals interested in research careers. To complete a Masters Degree with a Thesis:
Select a Chairperson for your committee with whom you will do your thesis research.
Select a Thesis Committee (3 professors including your Chairperson).
Must be enrolled in Master’s Thesis (Bio 6983) every semester in which thesis is in progress. 6 hours of Masters Thesis can be applied to the degree.
Obtain approval for your Thesis project from your committee.
Take an oral qualifying exam. Write and orally defend your Thesis.
15. Can I switch from Thesis to Non-thesis? Yes, BUT:
If you have Masters Thesis credits, the hours will not count toward your degree. You will have to make up the hours with other courses.
You must fill out the appropriate paper work to change your status.
Therefore, be sure you want to do a thesis before you take your Masters Thesis hours.
16. Things to do in the first year. Develop a Program of Study.
Remember, NOT all courses are offered every semester, so plan carefully.
Thesis versus Non-Thesis option.
17. How and When do I select a Chairperson and Committee? Talk with your professors.
Form your committee by the end of your second semester.
Committee is comprised of 3 members.
Tenure/Tenure-track or non-tenure track with a Ph.D.
No more than one member can be NTT, and that person cannot be the Chair.
18. Comprehensive Exam Required for all MS students (thesis and non-thesis).
Oral qualifying examination.
Normally taken in second year.
Schedule exam for the end of your next to last semester or early in your last semester.
Make sure all paperwork is in order before the qualifying exam. (Work with Diane May to make sure your file paperwork is up to date and complete).
19. Other Things you should know. You must complete the program in no more than 6 years. You lose credit hours that are older than 6 years.
You can complete the program in 1.5 - 2 years.
You may switch programs but you must formally apply for admission to the new program.
Look before you leap! Select your Chairperson and research project carefully.
20. Members of your committee.
Biology: Dr. Garry Sunter (458-5479)
Biotechnology: Dr. Stephen Saville (458-7023)
Administrative Assistant for MS Programs: Diane May (458-4459)
Main Biology Office (BSB 2.03.02)
21. Good Luck on Your Journey And Welcome to UTSA!