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Ocean Climate and Carbon Programs in the Northwest Atlantic. Why are they important to Canada? NW Atlantic is a key area for the global climate and carbon systems It is sensitive to climate change (e.g. Arctic, AMOC & Gulf Stream) influences
Ocean Climate and Carbon Programs in the Northwest Atlantic Why are they important to Canada? NW Atlantic is a key area for the global climate and carbon systems It is sensitive to climate change (e.g. Arctic, AMOC & Gulf Stream) influences Large-scale ocean influences a major factor to shelf/slope ecosystems Regional ocean is poorly resolved in climate change models Present and Planned Programs Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP): shelf/slope system Atlantic Zone Off-shelf Monitoring Program (AZOMP): Lab Sea & Scotian Slope Argo, Davis & Barrow Straits, remote sensing & other DFO Climate Change Science Initiative (CCSI) ? UK RAPID Climate Change program: existing link with AZOMP US AMOC & OSNAP program: Newfoundland Slope ? Collaborations w Germany & Canadian universities (Dal, MUN, HMRI) Under discussion
Upper-Ocean Circulation and Temperature in the Western North Atlantic Cold flowsWarm flows Annual-mean Temperature at 50m The ocean climate and biogeochemical setting of the Atlantic Canadian shelves, and hence its ecosystems, are strongly influenced by the larger- scale circulation in North Atlantic and Eastern Arctic Oceans. Monitoring, understanding & predicting changes in this circulation are key to climate change projections, impacts and adaptation for Atlantic Canada
Annual air-sea carbon dioxide flux (positive out) using gridded data from Takahashi et al. (2009). The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) - a key component of the global ocean’s MOC (or its “conveyor belt” for heat and carbon) Cold Currents Warm Currents The NW Atlantic is one of the primary areas for cooling/sinking of the global MOC and for CO2 uptake by the global ocean.
DFO Monitoring of Water Properties in the NW Atlantic: physical, chemical, plankton AZMP on shelves AZOMP on Lab Sea (AR7W) line & eXtended Halifax Line (XHL) Davis Strait (US/DFO) Remote Sensing & other Argo floats Contributions to International Climate & Carbon Programs SCOR & UNESCO-IOC International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP)
International Programs for Ocean Transports and Fluxes: UK 1. Ocean Observations & Modelling 2. Ocean Models & Past Reconstructions 3. Climate Model & Decadal Forecasting 4. Socioeconomic Impacts • RAPID-WATCH: Monitoring the Atlantic Overturning Circulation • Large cross-basin monitoring array at 26 N (with US NOAA) since 2004 • Western Atlantic Variability Experiment (WAVE) array since 2004 Proposed to continue XHL With DFO on XHL since 2007 Linked with AZOMP & AZMP Funded until 2013 UK interest in joint continuation
International Programs for Ocean Transports and Fluxes: USA AMOC Monitoring Strategy OSNAP RAPID U.S. AMOC Scientific Objectives MOVE • The design and implementation of an AMOC monitoring system • An assessment of AMOC’s role in the global climate • An assessment of AMOC predictability SAMOC
OSNAP US/Canada Cape Desolation Array US/UK Cape Farewell Array Netherlands: Reykjanes Ridge Array OOI OSNAP West OSNAP East UK Ellett Line Array German 53⁰N Array ----“Soft” lines: US
How RAPID and OSNAP can enhance DFO ocean monitoring & climate programs in the NW Atlantic ◙ ◙ • RAPID: • Properties & Transports on XHL • Linkages with UK & 26N Array ? • OSNAP: • Deep-Water Transports in/out of Lab Sea • Linkages with NE Atlantic & European / US programs ? OSNAP would like Canadian collaboration in measuring the Labrador Current as part of 53N array with Germany • Biogeochemical: • Potential linkages with Dalhousie, Kiel & others Many other potential benefits through linkages with RAPID & OSNAP climate change interpretation, predictions & impacts studies • Ecosystem: • BASIN & other
OSNAP Intersection with BASIN: Basin-scale Analysis, Synthesis, and INtegration
Moored Array under Discussion for 53N - Kiel moorings in deep water: 2200-3500m isobaths - Joint DFO-Kiel-UWash mooring on 1500m isobath - Need 3-4 moorings at shelf edge for Lab Current: DFO BIO & NAFC? MUN? US? Kiel? Other?