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How to succesfully start up a dot.com business. By Jenna Jerkovich. Start with GOOD, knowledable , capable people . Can you compare your fellow employees to animals that would help you succeed in the wild ?. Offer something customer’s really want or need .
How tosuccesfullystart up a dot.combusiness By JennaJerkovich
Startwith GOOD, knowledable, capablepeople. • Can you compare yourfellowemployeestoanimalsthatwouldhelpyousucceed in thewild?
Offersomethingcustomer’sreallywantorneed. • Makesomethingeasiertoget. • Createsomethingthatpeoplecan’t imagine living withoutafteryou’veintroducedittotheinternetmarket.
Spend as littlemoney as possible… • So thatifsomethingdoesgowrong, there’snottoomanybountyhuntersonyourtail. • Expenses, overhead, andprototypeallneedto be fundedbutkeepthemto a minimumbecausetheultimategoalis to maximize the company's chances of succeeding, not to maximize the amount of stock you retain. • ***Key way to saving money – Shop at Walmart and remember you never need to buy new clothes, you can be your own tailor with a cheap pair of scissors.