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Manual UU 7001(24 - …). Loading of boreholes with emulsion explosives Austin Powder Germany GmbH. Checklist, to apply before start. Safe position of vehicle ? Safety equipment ok? No damages , spillages ? Tanks loaded sufficiently ?
Manual UU 7001(24 - …) Loadingofboreholeswithemulsion explosives Austin Powder Germany GmbH
Checklist, toapplybeforestart • Safe positionofvehicle? • Safetyequipment ok? • Nodamages, spillages? • Tanks loadedsufficiently? • Valvesopened, flowofcomponentspossible? • Atfirststartupblow out all pipeswithpressureair (max. 8bar).
Start ofproduction 1. Establishelectric power supplywiththeCEE32-plug (1)and bring themainswitch (2)on control box in position „ON“. 1 2 2. Check control box ifswitchesandbuttonsare in proper position. • IfEmergency stop(3) was pushed, pull it out! - Are switchesproduction(4)andremote control(5)ofrequestedproductionline in position „ON“? Are lampsofventilationReactive 1 and Reactive2 (5) on? 3 4 5 6
Start ofproduction 3. When all switchpositionsare ok, make a resetbypressingtheilluminated push button (1). Thengivereleaseforproductioncontroland press green(I) on double push button(2) . 2 1 4. Forsomesecondsthedisplayshowsthe Austin logo. Thenprogramchangesautomaticallytopageprofileselection.
Start ofproduction 5. Select a blast profile . Whenyoutouchto a profilekey on thescreen, you will open a secondpageofthisprofilewhereyoucan check thepreselectedvalues. To check anotherchoiceof a blast profile, push thereturnbutton (1) in theleftbottomcornerofthedisplay. Whenyourchoiceis ok, touchtheproceedbutton (2) in therightbottomcornerofdisplayto jump tothenextpageofmenue. 1 2
Start ofproduction 6. Thispageshowsyouthemostimportantdata in a productionoverview. The displayshows on theleftsidetheactualpressure (1) in theloadinghoseandtheamountof explosive (2) alreadyproducedforproductionline 1 . The bottomlineofdisplayshowsthesummarizedamount (3) ofbothlines. 1 2 3
Start ofproduction 7. Whenyoureachedthepageproductionoverview in theproductionstartprocedure check thatbuttonsection off (1) on the remote controlispulled out. Thenactivatethe remote controlbypressingsimultaneouslythekeys +(2) and option4(3). Thenstarttheproductmixingprocesswithbuttonfirststart(4)either on thecontrol box oratthe remote control. Atthe „beginning“ a specialprogramprocedureisusedtofillonlytheloadinghose. Thisprocedure also deliversalreadywithproductionstart 100% homogeneous explosive attheloadinghose end. When explosive comes out atthe end ofloadinghose, stoptheprocessbytouchingagainthebuttonfirststart(4), eitheratcontrol box oratthe remote control, otherwisetheprocessisstoppedautomatically after reachingthepresetvalue. 4 3 2 1 4
Production 8. After fillingthehose, boreholeloadingcanbestarted. Bring theloadinghoseintothedeepestpositionoftheboreholeandstartloadingtheboreholewithoneofthepreselectkeys (1) atthe remote control. Loadingstopsautomaticallywhenthepre-selectedvalueisreached. Youcanstoploadingimmediatelywith a furtherpreselectkey(1)touchor cancel loadingwiththesection off button(2).. 1 2
End ofproduction 9. Think of a wasteless end ofproductionandof a usefulapplicationofthecontentofloadinghosetofillthe last boreholes. Therforeswitch in due time fromproductionprocesstoflushprocesstousethecompletehosecontentforboreholeloading. Toactivatetheflushprocedure push thekeyflush(1)and hold itfor 5 seconds. The productionline in operationisreadyforflushingwhentheexternalsignallight (3)is out. The flushing pump maybestartedorstoppedwitheachofthepreselectkeys(4). 1 4 3
End ofproduction 10. Flushingmodeisonlypossiblewithoneproductionline. The otherline, alreadyflushed, must thereforebebroughttoproductionmode. Toswitchfromflushmodetoproductionmodetouchkeypump(1)for 5 seconds. Rem.: After flushingbothlinesassurethatbothlinesare in productionmode. Only in productionmodeprotocolprintsarepossible. 1
End ofproduction 11. Produce a printedprotocolby a touchtothebuttonprint(1)on thecontrol box. After youhaveprintedtheprotocolmake a resetoftheproducedamountof explosive bytouchingtheresetbutton (2). 1 2
End ofproduction 12. Shut off thecontrol box withredpartof double push button (1)and bring mainswitch (2) in position off. Remote controlsshouldbe also in off position(3). 1 2 3
End ofProduction 13. The loadinghosesshouldnowbereeledupwhichisdoneautomaticallyifyoumovethehosetowardsreel.
OverviewProduction 01. Visual inspectionofunitandvehicle 02. Reel off theloadinghoses 03. Connect toelectric power supply 04. Main switchto ON position 05. Check positionofswitches 06. Push buttoncontrol box release 07. Select profileand check it 08. Select lineandfillloadinghose 09. Loadingofboreholes 10. Switch in due time toflushmode 11. Reeluploadinghoses 12. Print a protocol 13. Shut off control box 14. Shut off mainswitchand remote controls 15. Remove power supplyconnection