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Transport in Plants I

Explore the intricate process of transport in plants, covering topics such as molecular and ionic movement, gas exchange, and osmosis. Understand the various mechanisms involved, from diffusion to bulk flow, and how different organelles contribute to efficient transport. Learn about Fick's Law, phospholipid membranes, and ATPase enzymes that drive transport processes. Enhance your knowledge of plant physiology and biochemistry through a comprehensive examination of plant transport systems.

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Transport in Plants I

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  1. Transport in Plants I If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate. -   Steven Wright

  2. ? Rote Concept/Process oriented Question Integrated question, i.e spanning chapters Good Excellent Not so Good Business • Quiz: mean = last term, ~6/9 (not good enough), • didn’t study enough, • studied, did well, with tinkering will master, • studied, but didn’t do too well, • probably memorized terms, without grounding the words in reality. • Midterm I: one week from Friday, • Essay questions due Tuesday afternoon, 3 pm. • email to young@biol.wwu.edu, • Subject Line must say 206 Question, • Include your name, if your email address is esoteric, • 2 extra credit point (maximum) if you provide at least one GOOD question, and email it, on time, and with correct subject line.

  3. Today • Introduction to Transport, • Mechanisms of Transport, • passive, • active, • Questions, Extra Credit?

  4. Transport …molecular and ionic movement from one location to another, • H2O, • Sugars, • Minerals, • Gases, • Other Macromolecules: proteins, RNA, hormones, etc.

  5. Plant Transport(What’s Transported) • H2O, • uptake by roots, transport via xylem, loss to the atmosphere and metabolic processes, • Minerals (in solution), • Uptake by roots, loss to senescence, herbivory, etc. Xylem

  6. Plant Transport(What’s Transported) • Gases, • CO2, O2, H2O. • N2, ethylene, etc. Stomates

  7. Plant Transport(What’s Transported) • Sugars, • other organics, • hormones, • amino acids, • etc. Phloem by-directional

  8. Plant Transport(What’s Transported) • Roots, • uptake O2, • discharge CO2. Gas Exchange/Respiration

  9. Everything Symplastic and Apoplastic Then Plant Transport Across Membrane(s) First

  10. Pressure, Concentration gradients, (entropy-driven diffusion). What Drives Transport? Gravity, Electrical fields, (for charged substances),

  11. Mechanisms of Transportin organisms • Diffusion, by molecular motion, • good only at short distances, • Diffusion, by molecular motion, • good only at short distances, • Pump, Channel and Carrier mediated transport, • small molecules across membranes, • Osmosis (water across membranes), • Bulk Flow, • efficient large-scale, mass movement.

  12. concentration gradient Js = Ds flux density “flow rate” change in distance Dcs diffusion constant Dx Fick’s First Law“Uber Diffusion” (1855) Adolf Fick

  13. Adolf Fick: Contributions • Ophtalmotonometer – Intraocular pressure • Aneroid manometer – Vascular grad (BP) • Pneumograph – Peripheral thorax variation link • Plethysmography – I/O of blood, air in lungs, etc. • Dynamometer – Muscle output • Laws of diffusion 1855 • Contact lens

  14. L2 tc = 1/2 = Ds Fick’s Law and Organisms • Ds for sucrose is ~10-9 m2 s-1, • 50 mm: tc = 1/2 = 2.5 seconds, • 1 m: tc = 1/2 = 32 years. (tc = 1/2) for a molecule to move (p = 0.5) a set distance (L)... … is equal to the distance (L) squared divided by the diffusion coefficient (Ds).

  15. 50mm Choleochaete orbicularis Trees ? Bryophytes Fick’s Law and Organisms Chlamydomonas reinhardii

  16. Mechanisms of Transportin organisms • Diffusion, by molecular motion, • good only at short distances, • Pump, Channel and Carrier mediated transport, • small molecules across membranes, • Osmosis (water across membranes), • Bulk Flow, • efficient large-scale, mass movement.

  17. Membranes • Plasma Membrane (1x), • Plastids (2x), • Mitochondria (2x), • Vacuole (1x), • Golgi, ER (1x), • Peroxisomes, etc. ( 1x).

  18. Arabidopsis Genome Coordinated Transport

  19. H+ (protons) ATP synthase Transporters - carriers, - channels. ATP hydrolase (ATPase) Adapted from Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants, pp. 115

  20. vacuolar organelles ATP Pumpsall organisms

  21. P-Type ATPases Phylogentic Family Tree

  22. animals 10 transporters plants, animals, fungus, yeast animals, plants, fungus, yeast bacteria, animals, plants, etc. P-Type ATPasesplasma membrane …ATP driven cation pumps (typical), NA+ K+ H+ K+ H+ Ca 2+ Cd2+ Hg2+ Cu2+

  23. Plasma Membrane Proton Pump (ATPase) X 2 H+ ATP 2 H+ X D 300 mV Plasma Membrane H+-ATPases H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ H+ symport ADP + Pi H+ antiport H+ Transport channels ions

  24. Mechanisms of Transport • Diffusion, by molecular motion, • good only at short distances, • Channel and Carrier mediated transport • small molecules across membranes, • Osmosis (water across membranes), • Bulk Flow, • efficient large-scale, mass movement.

  25. Osmosis …the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane, • water (free) moves from a region of higher H2O concentration, to a region of lower H2O concentration, until in equilibrium, …the concentration of water is lowered by the addition of solutes.

  26. Mechanisms of Transport • Diffusion, by molecular motion, • good only at short distances, • Channel and Carrier mediated transport • small molecules across membranes, • Osmosis (water across membranes), • Bulk Flow, • efficient large-scale, mass movement.

  27. Jean Louis Marie Poiseuille (Poiseuille’s Law, ~1838) pressure gradient pr4 DYp Volume flow rate = in a cylinder 8h Dx distance viscosity (h) Bulk Flow …the concentrated movement of groups of molecules, • in response to gravity, i.e. rain, rivers, etc., • in biological systems, most often in response to pressure. viscous: tendency to resist flow

  28. pr4 DYp 8h Dx distance viscosity (h) Increase Flow? Increase radius. Lower Viscosity. Increase Pressure. Shorten Distance. pressure gradient Volume flow rate =

  29. Friday • Water and Water Potential, • Cell Water Relations, • Water Transport in Plants. Catch up in the readings, review materials from 204 and 205 if necessary.

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