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Welcome to Fourth Grade!. Mrs. May Room N-9. Please find your child’s seat. Read your child’s letter and respond on the back. Complete the parent “pop quiz.”. Table of Contents. Teacher Introduction /Background Homework/Grading Fourth Grade Focus Classroom Management/ Behavior
Welcome to Fourth Grade! Mrs. May Room N-9 • Please find your child’s seat. • Read your child’s letter and respond on the back. • Complete the parent “pop quiz.”
Table of Contents Teacher Introduction /Background Homework/Grading Fourth Grade Focus Classroom Management/ Behavior Classroom Programs Housekeeping
My Background Education Work Experience
Fourth Grade Focus Typical Day Homework/Grading Curriculum
A Typical Day Word Study/Read Aloud Language Arts- Reading and Writing Workshop Special Science (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday) Social Studies (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) Lunch MUG Shots Math
Homework/Grading Please check agenda books and website daily for HW assignments. Daily Assignments: • Writing (occasionally) • Math • AHR (120 mins. per week) • Problem of Week (POW) • Occasionally Science or SS may be assigned Grading – • Based on points. • Class work, homework, quizzes and tests are graded and weighted. *A week’s notice is given for tests.
Report Cards Report cards will be emailed home. The online portal will no longer be used to view report cards, it will only be used to view live grades. It’s going to be the exact same document as the printed report card. The online portal will close for parents and students on the last day of each marking period and will remain closed until report cards are emailed home. Please check grades weekly to stay up to date on student averages.
Homework Missed homework will receive a check. A student who receives three or more checks in one marking period will receive an indicator on their report card. If they make up the work the next day, the check will be erased. If homework is unable to be completed, send a note explaining what happened. Homework should then be completed the following afternoon. If a student is absent, he or she will have the amount of days they were out of school to complete an assignment.
Language Arts Reader’s Workshop: Reader’s workshop consists of mini lessons, independent reading with ”just right” reading books, and teacher/student conferences. “ Just right” reading books focus on each individual child’s skills and needs. Mini lessons will be taught everyday that focus on different reading strategies. Reader’s Workshop Format: • Mini lesson: 10 mins. • Independent Reading/Conferencing with me: 20-30 mins. • Sharing Time/Partner Talk: 5-10 mins.
The Importance of “Just Right” Books • “Just right” books are determined by A-Z levels. • In order to move up reading levels, it is imperative that students read at their independent level as much as possible at home. • Letter with more information in parent packet. • List of leveled books are on my website. Pa followed Joanie with his dirty XXXX. Spoon rose to follow Pa, but one of the XXXX suns in the window caught the light of the real XXXX and sent off pure white XXXX directly at Spoon. He sat down again, XXXX by the XXXX orb, feeling as if he was on the brink of a meaningful thought, on the verge of XXXX his XXXX. His eyes darted from one XXXX to the next. Something of Gram’s. Thinking, thinking. What it is like to “read” with 90% accuracy
Read Aloud with accountable talk: • About twenty minutes a day. • Discuss and/ or write thoughts and ideas about the text individually or with a partner. • Gives the teacher the opportunity to model strategies that characterize proficient reading.
Reading Units of Study • Launching Reader’s Workshop • Character Studies • Nonfiction • Research- The Revolutionary War • Reading on Demand • Book Clubs/Genre Study- 4-6 readers who all read the same book. Students assign themselves several chapters and then meet twice a week to discuss what they’ve read.
Writer’s Workshop The philosophy behind Writer’s Workshop is to allow students to spend time writing for real purposes about things that interest them. The ultimate goal of writing workshop is to develop life-long writers. Writers will write daily entries in their writer’s notebook. Those ideas will be used for published pieces. Writer’s Workshop Format: • Mini lesson: 10 mins. • Independent Writing/Conferencing with me: 30 mins. • Sharing Time: 5-10 mins.
Writing Units of Study Narratives Personal and Persuasive Essay Research- The American Revolution Writing on Demand Responding to reading/Literary Essay
Spelling Word Study Students will be put into spelling groups based on individual needs and pattern skills. Remembering spelling patterns that apply to words, rather than memorizing the word. Groups will be based on a 7 day cycle.
Math Go Math! • Specifically built for CCSS (lessons are not plugged into existing program to meet the standards). All lessons directly relate to the Common Core. • Online options for homework and extra practice. • Math Notebook POW- Will receive the problem on Mondays. Students need to turn it on that Friday. Parents are encouraged to help at the beginning of the year.
Science Mrs. Limone Units of Study: Earth Materials, Magnetism and Electricity, Measurement, Legos, Animal Adaptations, Lunar Phases, and Ecology. Meets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for 40 mins.
Social Studies People and Places • Units of Study: United States Regions, New Jersey • Study guides will be given before the test. • Meets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Classroom Rules Consequences “Soccer System” 1.Yellow card- Warning 2. Red card- note home and no recess 3. Principal and call home • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. • Raise a quiet hand when you would like to speak. • Respect others. • Follow all directions the first time. Rewards • Teamwork: Table Tickets • following directions • remaining on task • maintaining good behavior • Homeworkopoly
Birthday Procedures • Allergy Classroom • Students are no longer able to bring in birthday treats. • Birthday posters • Goody bags will not be permitted to be distributed in class.
Scholastic Books Arrow Book Clubs • Will receive order once a month. • Order online (see website and letter in parent packet for instructions).
Class Trips • (Spring) • Tentative, details to follow • Class parents are chaperones
Change in Dismissal If there is ever a change in your child’s dismissal procedures and they are being picked up by someone who is not on their emergency list, a note must be sent to school. This may be for play dates, early dismissal etc…
How To Contact Me Sending an email or a note with your child is the best way to communicate with me. You can also leave a message with the secretaries with your name and phone number. Ask them to put it in my mailbox. It is my goal to give your child the best education I know how! Please let me know if you have any concerns.
Allen W. Roberts Phone Number (908) 464-4707 My Email Address jmay@npsdnj.org
Please visit my personal webpage on the AWR website!! It includes: • My contact information. • Daily homework and upcoming assignments. • Educational websites that review what we are learning in the classroom. • Calendar of events and monthly happenings in our classroom!
Thank you for coming! I look forward to a successful year full of learning and wonderful memories!