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Why Brand in Washington?

Why Brand in Washington?. Legislative Branch Congress Congressional Aides/Staff. Executive Branch White House Cabinet Departments. Judicial Branch Supreme Court & Other Courts. Independent & Regulatory Agencies FCC, FTC. National Political Parties RNC, DNC, Paid Consultants. Media

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Why Brand in Washington?

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  1. Why Brand in Washington?

  2. Legislative Branch CongressCongressional Aides/Staff Executive Branch White House Cabinet Departments Judicial Branch Supreme Court& Other Courts Independent & Regulatory Agencies FCC, FTC National Political Parties RNC, DNC, Paid Consultants Media Network & Local News Network & Local Cable Major U.S. Newspapers International Press Trade Press, Periodicals Lobbyists Corp. Gov’t Affairs OfficesTrade & Professional Assns. Advocacy Groups Public Interest Groups Public Relations Firms Affluent & Influential Consumers Think Tanks &Academia CorporateCommunity IT, Biotech, Defense Services, Financial Local-Global International Center Embassies Foreign-Owned Companies International Consortiums International Financial Organizations World Bank, IMF A Network of Influence

  3. A Center of International Commerce The Washington region’s prosperity, as measured by GRP per capita, is greater than that of many global capitals. Gross Regional Product Per Capita (billions per million) $30.47 Greater Washington $19.38 Frankfurt London $18.14 $17.91 Toronto Paris $14.60 Madrid $13.95 Washington’s central location on the U.S. East Coast provides global firms with market access to millions. Tokyo $9.83 Source: Greater Washington Initiative report, “Greater Washington: International Commerce and Culture”.

  4. Gateway to the World The region’s three airports offer direct flights to more than 30 international destinations and served 5.6 million international passengers in 2005 – a 10% increase since 2000. Breaking News: United Airlines began non-stop daily flights between Washington and Beijing on March 28, 2007. Source: Greater Washington Initiative, “2006 Regional Report”.

  5. A Market of High Affluence Top 10 DMAs Index of DMA Adults With Household Incomes of $150,000 or more Washington 259 San Francisco 238 New York 201 Chicago 155 Boston 153 Los Angeles 141 Houston 135 Philadelphia 130 Atlanta 125 Dallas-Ft. Worth 114 Washington residents are 159% more likely to have household incomes of $150,000 or more than the national average. Source: 2006 Scarborough, Release 1.

  6. A Market of Foreign Business Travelers Top 10 DMAs Index of DMA Adults Who Traveled Abroad on Business the Past 3 Years Washington 171 San Francisco 159 Los Angeles 155 New York 139 Houston 126 Boston 117 Dallas-Ft. Worth 111 Philadelphia 103 Chicago 99 Atlanta 93 Washington residents are 71% more likely to have traveled abroad on business in the past 3 years than the national average. Source: 2006 Scarborough, Release 1.

  7. Why The Washington Post?

  8. Washington Post Media Products to reach your target audiences, where they want to be reached. washingtonpost.com Sunday Washington Post Magazine Daily & Sunday Editions

  9. “Influentials” Favor Newspapers Over Other Media “Influentials” lend a multiplier effect to the power of advertisements, greatly expanding the reach of a message far beyond the consumers who are directly exposed to an ad. Percent of “Influentials” Who Are Heavy Users 41% 33% 20% 14% NEWSPAPERS Magazines Radio TV Note: “Heavy Users defined as the top quintile of users. Source: MRI Survey of the American Consumer (Wave 51).

  10. Exceptional Daily Reach Average-issue Reach of Leading Daily NewspapersDMA Adults 38% Washington Post 30% Houston Chronicle Atlanta Journal Constitution 23% Dallas Morning News 23% Chicago Tribune 23% Boston Globe 21% San Francisco Chronicle 20% Los Angeles Times The Washington Post delivers a higher percentage reach than other leading daily papers in the top 10 markets. 17% 17% New York Daily News Philadelphia Inquirer 15% 12% New York Times Note: The leading daily and Sunday newspaper in the New York DMA is the New York Daily News, not the New York Times. Source: 2006 Scarborough, Release 1.

  11. The Washington Post: a Powerful Medium Top 10 U.S. Newspapers Ranked by Daily Circulation The Washington Post 699,130 35 Source: Scarborough 2007 Release 1

  12. Superior Sunday Reach Average-issue Reach of Leading Sunday NewspapersDMA Adults 52% Washington Post 42% Houston Chronicle Atlanta Journal Constitution 37% 36% Chicago Tribune Boston Globe 32% Dallas Morning News 32% 30% Philadelphia Inquirer The Washington Post is the only major market Sunday newspaper to reach more than half of its home market adults with a single issue. 25% Los Angeles Times 23% San Francisco Chronicle 18% New York Daily News New York Times 18% Note: The leading daily and Sunday newspaper in the New York DMA is the New York Daily News, not the New York Times. Source: 2006 Scarborough, Release 1.

  13. The Washington Post: a Powerful Medium Top 10 U.S. Newspapers Ranked by Sunday Circulation The Washington Post 929,921 48 Source: Scarborough 2007 Release 1

  14. Washingtonpost.com Delivers your audience in Washington, the U.S. and around the world. • 8 million unique visitors a month, 85% of whomlive outside the Washington region. • 1.5 million non-U.S. readers. • Washingtonpost.com reaches more than 580,000 C-Level executives each month. • 27% of washingtonpost.com users have household incomes of $150,000 or higher. • 61% of washingtonpost.com users have traveled abroad in the past 3 years. • 34% of washingtonpost.com users are Influentials, compared to 15% of the online population and only10% of the general population. Source: Nielsen/NetRatings Netview, March, 2006 & January 2005; Scarborough 2006, Release 1

  15. Grazie per la vostra attenzione, Per ulteriori informazioni: PUBLICITAS INTERNATIONAL Tel: +39 02 55 19 43 85 Delphine Majoie @ delphine.majoie@publicitas.com

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