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CONTENT AND LANGUAGE Integrated Learning : s ome concerns

CONTENT AND LANGUAGE Integrated Learning : s ome concerns. Patricia Arnaiz Castro Departamento de Didácticas Especiales. ULPGC. RATIONALE. FL. Content. B enefits. Development in cognitive abilities. REFLECTIONS. CLIL: problem -free? - Content- related issues

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CONTENT AND LANGUAGE Integrated Learning : s ome concerns

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  1. CONTENT AND LANGUAGE IntegratedLearning: someconcerns Patricia Arnaiz Castro Departamento de Didácticas Especiales. ULPGC

  2. RATIONALE • FL • Content

  3. Benefits Development in cognitiveabilities

  4. REFLECTIONS • CLIL: problem-free? • - Content-relatedissues • - Language-relatedissues • - Students’ interest and motivation • - Teachers’ motivation and mastery of thelanguage

  5. CLIL, PROBLEM-FREE? • «CLIL is so complex a taskthatit can malfunction» (Mehisto, 2008: 108)

  6. CLIL, content-related issues • «Commonsenseseemstosaythatstudentsstudying in a L2 cannotpossiblylearnthesameamount of content as studentsstudying in theirfirstlanguage» (Mehisto, 2008: 20)

  7. Content-related issues

  8. Language-related issues • Content-trainedteachersoftengivegreaterfocustocontentlearningtotheneglect of language • Teachers are so oftenconcernedaboutthedepth and coverage of thecontentthatlanguagelearninggoalsbecomehidden

  9. Language-related issues


  11. Students‘ interest and motivation • Doescontentfocusgive more • purposeto FL learning?

  12. Students‘ interest and motivation • knowledge • interest

  13. Students‘ interest and motivation • No particular logicalreasonwhy a studentshouldprefertostudymathsthrough a FL, orstudythe FL withthecontentbeingmaths (Carrel & Wise, 1998)

  14. Students‘ interest and motivation • Academic content may not stimulate more oral interaction on the part of students (Dalton-Puffer, 2007), but actually less if the subject matter is novel.

  15. Students‘ interest and motivation • If the content is conceptually complex, the FL medium will make it even more complex to assimilate, and the content in turn could complicate the foreign language learning process (Seikkula-Leino, 2007)

  16. Teachers‘ motivation levels • FL capacicty required to teach interactively to the levels required • Effective follow-up of the implementation of the programme

  17. Conclusions

  18. Conclusions • Carefulanalysis of results in previousresearch • Reflection • Use evidencefortheimplementation of theprogrammes

  19. Conclusions • Evidenceforsignificantconcernformeaning and notform (Pérez Vidal, 2007) • Key role of focusonform (Swain 1995, 2000, 2005) • Meaning and formorientedinstruction (Deleyser 2002, 2007; Pérez Vidal, 2007) • More empiricalresearchtofindthebestpossiblelearningoutcomes

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