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My quest for a virtual office to help me teach Bot/Zoo 152. I wanted to find a way to reach students who needed more explanation Ideally, the way would fit their style and schedules, and the same for me Traditional office hours are ineffective
My quest for a virtual office to help me teach Bot/Zoo 152 • I wanted to find a way to reach students who needed more explanation • Ideally, the way would fit their style and schedules, and the same for me • Traditional office hours are ineffective • I didn’t want to impose on those who didn’t need help (no new mandatory elements) • I told Kathy Christoph that I thought I needed a virtual office…
On Sep 5, Kathy Christoph wrote: Hi Edgar, I'd like to follow up on our conversation about getting together to talk about Web 2.0… On Sep 7, Edgar Spalding wrote: Hi Kathy, How about Friday the 12th at 3 in your office? Mine is such a mess - it doesn't inspire creative thinking - just begs for a shovel and a dumpster… On Sep 8, Kathy Christoph wrote: Hi Edgar, This Friday at 3pm in my office works well. I'm at …. On Sep 18, Blaire Bundy wrote: Hi, My name is Blaire Bundy and I'm a learning technology consultant for DoIT, Academic Technology. I'm emailing you as a follow up… On Sep 26, Edgar Spalding wrote: Hi Blaire, A thousand pardons for taking so long to respond …A key person is Kerry Martin, cc'd here… On Sep 26, Kerry Martin wrote: Hi, Blaire and Edgar-I'd be happy to meet some time next week… . Four more scheduling emails… . On Sep 26, Blaire Bundy wrote: Great. Thanks for the quick replies. See you Wednesday.
On Oct 1, Edgar, Blaire, Kerry, and John Thompson met at DoIT John and Blaire knew about a tool that sounded good… On Oct 1, John Thompson wrote: Here's the address I mentioned today. You'll find the e-mail address to request an account at the bottom of the page. http://www.uwex.edu/ICS/extendlms/ On Oct 2, Edgar Spalding wrote: Dear Mr. Berg, I am a professor involved in a large introductory biology course… On Oct 2, Rich Berg wrote: Edgar, Are you using Desire2Learn/Learn@UW for any part of your course delivery? On Oct 2, Edgar Spalding wrote: Rich, Yes indeed… On Oct 2, Rich Berg wrote You are most welcome to have a space set up for your virtual office hours. Please go to the following URL: http://www.uwex.edu/ics/extendlms/users/ Download and fill out the ExtendLMS Faculty form and return it as an email attachment to extendlms@ics.uwex.edu. You need only provide on OU number on the form… On Oct 7, Edgar Spalding wrote Hi Rich, Thanks for setting this up for me. The only part of the form I had a question about was the OU number…
On Oct 7, Rich Berg wrote: Edgar, The OU number is a number that is assigned specifically to your course in Learn@UW. If you cannot find it, your Learn@UW administrator… On Oct 7, Edgar Spalding Rich,How do I find out who is my learn@uw administrator? I cannot find mention of any such person on the site, or any sign of an OU number… On Oct 7, Rich Berg wrote: Edgar,Yes, someone who at DoIT who works with Learn@UW/Desire2Learn should beable to help you with this. Since you worked with Blair and John… On Oct 7, Edgar Spaldng wrote: Hi Blaire and John,I never heard of a learn@uw administrator or an OU number this person issupposed to have for our course… On Oct 7, Blaire Bundy wrote: Hi, Rich is referring to the course OU number in Learn@UW. the OU for this course is ou=724155... You can find this number by logging into your course and scrolling all the way to the end of the long URL that starts with https://uwmad.courses.wisconsin.edu/... On Oct 7, Edgar Spalding wrote: …(you have to really want this tool to get permission to use it!)
On Oct 7, Rich Berg wrote: Edgar, John sent me this, which might be helpful for you to find your OU number: http://kb.wisc.edu/helpdesk/page.php?id=4067 Rich On Oct 7, Edgar Spalding wrote: Thanks Rich, I believe this is correct: ou=724155 Edgar . two more emails between me, Blaire, and Kerry . On Oct 7, Rich Berg wrote: Edgar, You are all set up now. Here is the URL for your course: http://extendlms.ics.uwex.edu/uwmadbotzoo152s1/ . . If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. Rich Grand Tally: Kathy, Blaire, John from DoIt Edgar and Kerry from Bot/Zoo 152 Rich from Extension and 28 emails! Many thanks to all, it was well worth it!