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TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT (HRM). By- Prof Priyanka kedia. Unit 5. CONTENTS TO BE DISCUSSED. Introduction/Objectives Meaning of training Objectives of training Importance of training Trends in Training. Career opportunity in Training.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT (HRM) By- Prof Priyanka kedia. Unit 5
CONTENTS TO BE DISCUSSED Introduction/Objectives Meaning of training Objectives of training Importance of training Trends in Training. Career opportunity in Training. Need and importance of management Development Training Evaluation Why Training fails? SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code 03034
Overview of Training in Organization • Training & Development is a continuous process in an organization to achieve its organizational goals by improving the skills and knowledge of the employees. • Training indicates any process by which the aptitudes, skills and abilities of employees to perform specific jobs are increased. • Training helps employees to improve their performance in current jobs. • Training means acquiring technical knowledge and skills. WHEN – • New Hires . • Change of Job (Job Rotation, Promotion). • Change to Job (New Technologies). • Performance Deficiencies detected. • Eg- A new sales man to sell your firms Product. a new supervisor to fill out weekly Payroll sheets.
What is Development ? • Development is a process of preparing employees for future position and improve their personal skills to handle the critical situations in an organization. • More future oriented and more concerned with education than is training. Management Development activities attempt to instill sound reasoning processes to enhance one’s ability to understand and interpret knowledge. • It focuses on the personal growth ,analytical skills, Conceptual skills & human potential. WHY- To assist employee to sharpen their personal skills to handle the crucialsituations in organization. Eg –Create future Managers, assessing the companies strategic needs.Sucession planning –creating a second line.
OBJECTIVES OF TRAINING • Acquiring intellectual Knowledge. • Acquiring Manual skills. • Acquiring Problem-solving skills. • Importance of Training Objectives. SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code 03034
Importance of training • Training is an integral part of the whole management process. • It is the corner-stone of sound management. • It is a practical and vital necessity. • Creating an efficient and effective organization. • Improving employee performance. • Updating employee skills. • Training is widely accepted problem-solving device. • It moulds the employees attitudes and helps them to achieve a better co-operation with the company and a greater loyalty to it. • It helps in reducing dissatisfaction, complaints, grievances and absenteeism, reduces the rate of turnover. SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code 03034
Trends in Training Changing Delivery methods. Performance Consulting on the Rise. Faster Delivery & Just in Time Training. Realization that Training Volume does not equal Success. Increased Measurement of Impact through Results. Taking Succession Management to the front lines. Development Plans are becoming Increasingly Individualized. More Virtual Team Leadership. Putting it all together.
Importance of Trainer in Training • Human Resources is the department within organizations that is responsible for the management of the workforce. Previously, many thought that this profession was primarily a clerical occupation, but professionals in human resources have proven that they can be strategic partners at the table. Large human resource departments often have training and development managers that specialize in the development of the workforce. Training and development managers assist corporations, government agencies, and institutions develop training programs. They also work to carry out the programs and evaluate the effectiveness of the programs. These professionals are also known as trainers in the human resource profession. Trainers are often involved in preparing new employees for their job positions. During job mergers or acquisitions, the trainer helps employees make the transition to the new standards and rules. Also, trainers are involved in training in new technology, new management methods, and safety and health precautions.Trainers must have an excellent understanding of the organization and the needs of the organization. Using this knowledge, the trainer must design programs that will help develop employees. People have different learning styles, and it is the duty of the trainer to design programs that will meet a variety of needs. Audiovisual aids, role playing, and computer equipment are all tools that can be used in the training process. After the training is over, the trainer must evaluate the training program.
Cont-2 • Furthermore, trainers in the modern day world have a huge responsibility. They must effectively develop and train the company's most important assets. People make the difference between a failing company and a successful company. Technology has made it possible to automate many processes; however, people still play a critical part in the success of any business. There are many things that can not be delegated to machines and automation. Our world is global, and competition is fierce. • The countries with the best trained workforce will lead the way. Nations have an obligation to make sure that they invest in the education and training of the people. Additionally, companies have to deal with retaining top talent. The most talented workers want to be in environments where they have the ability to learn and advance. Employees are no longer content to just stay in one position for years and years. Although compensation is a big part of the picture, workers also want to grow and develop. Companies that invest in their people stand a better chance of keeping their top talent within their ranks. Also, the company stands to benefit from the advanced skills of the employees.
Career in Training ( HRM Function) • The HR function is changing tremendously in business, and training can no longer be relegated to the back burner. As a result of the fierce competition, the HRD function is increasingly important. Experts predict that the need for people in this capacity will increase throughout the next decade. Companies are giving priority to this function within their companies. Some surveys indicate that employment within HRD can increase as much as 22% within the next decade. Companies are preparing to compete with competitors and will look more to HRD to assist with this feat. • Those interested in a career in HRD should prepare now. Earning a college degree is the first step in the process. Also, while in college, it is a good idea to participate in internships at different corporations and government agencies. This will give you a competitive edge when competing for jobs in this discipline basic qualification required for a job opportunity in the HR department of an organisation is a Masters degree in Human Resource Management. The courses exclusively meant for Human Resource Management are : • Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM)Master of Human Resource and Organizational Development (MHROD)Post GraduateDiploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM)Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Development (PGDHRD)
Career Options & Profession. Job Outlook Human Resource Departments are beefing up their HRD function. The number of professionals in this field should increase steadily throughout the next decade. These professionals will be instrumental in preparing the workforce for the changing world and economy. Also, the HRD function will also be critical in training all types of workers. Job Projections Training and development positions are expected to grow fastest in the Human Resource Management discipline. Projections indicate that job vacancies and positions will increase as much as 25%. Growth for this function will increase more than with any other area of HR. Related Occupations Human Resource Management requires very strong interpersonal skills. Other professions that have some of the same demands include the jobs listed below. Counsellors Lawyers Education Administrators Social Workers Public Relations Specialists Psychologists Bodies of HR M Domain National Human Resource Development. Society for Human Resource Management. Indian Society for Training and Development
Need and Importance of Management Development • “Management development is any attempt to improve managerial performance by imparting knowledge ,changing attitudes or increasing skills. The management development process consists of (1) assessing the company strategic needs ( to fill future executive openings (2)appraising managers current performance and then (3 ) developing the managers and future managers. • Executive development is defined as improving an individual’s managerial effectiveness through a planned process of learning. • The change in an individual should occur in following areas: • Knowledge change • Attitude change • Behavior change • Performance change • End results SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code 03034
The success of executive development depends on the following factors: • Trainee’s personal characteristics like intelligence and motivation. • His actual learning efforts. These two variables are affected by the following factors: • Formal organization • Leadership climate • Cultural factors SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code 03034
Why do you think training fails? SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code 03034 Training fails due to the following reasons: The benefits of training are not clear to the top management. The top management does not give reward to the supervisors for conducting training. The top management does not systematically perform the tasks of planning and budgeting. Traditional Methods being used to conduct the training ( Theoretical or Inspirational Speeches. Off-the-job training sometimes teaches techniques or methods which are not practically implemented in the organization. Trainers provide limited counseling and consulting services.
Training programs can be made effective and successful by taking care of the following factors: • Specific training objectives should be framed. • It should be determined whether the trainee has the necessary intelligence, maturity and motivation to complete the training program. • The trainee should be made to understand the need for training and the personal benefits achieved by changes in behavior that take place after training. • The training programme should be planned in such a way that it is related to the trainee’s previous experiences and background. • Organizational conditions should be favorable for a good learning environment. SMU Learning Centre, Alwar LC Code 03034