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Meekness Defined: Power Under Control | Biblical Examples and Importance

Explore the concept of meekness in Christianity, understanding its true essence as strength under control and its significance in inheriting the earth. Learn through biblical examples like Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Discover how meekness involves humility, gentleness, and submitting to God's will.

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Meekness Defined: Power Under Control | Biblical Examples and Importance

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  1. Braggs Church ofChrist

  2. “Blessed Are The Meek, For TheyShall Inherit The Earth”Mt. 5:5

  3. I. Meekness Defined • 1. Meekness does not mean weakness • 2. “Gentle, mild, meek;“…it is closely linked with the word… [humility], and follows directly upon it,…” Vine’s Exp. Dictionary

  4. I. Meekness Defined • 3. Nelson’s Bible Dictionary defines “meekness as… “an attitude of humility toward God and gentleness toward people, springing from a recognition that God is in control. Although weakness and meekness may

  5. I. Meekness Defined • look similar, they are not the same. Weakness is due to negative circumstances, such as lack of strength or lack of courage. But meekness is due to a person’s conscious choice. It is strength and courage under control, coupled with kindness.”

  6. I. Meekness Defined • 4. Strengthunder control!  • 5. Meekness is submitting oneself to divine control • 6. It is “a disposition of spirit that accepts the will of God without question or disputing.”

  7. I. Meekness Defined • 7. Means “tamed”-like breaking an animal to ride or work • 8. The meek are “forbearing, patient and longsuffering”. They have self-restraint under provocation and are not hasty to retaliate

  8. 9. Meekness Defined – Bob Berard • “Power under control” • “Strength made tender” • “The meek are humble in response to God’s will, in response to man’s treatment, and in response to life’s adversities.”

  9. 10. Meekness Defined – James Boyd “The basic element of meekness is inner mastery, self-control, a supremacy over one’s own will, maintenance of one’s faculties at all times, a strongly self-disciplined person…..”James Boyd

  10. 10. Meekness Defined – James Boyd • “…having the ability to idle your motor when all around you provokes you to strip your gears. Meekness is having great power, but having it under control.”- James Boyd

  11. 11. Meekness Defined – Kevin Cauley • “Possessing composure even under grueling circumstances. As a Christian attitude it is more inward than outward”

  12. 12. Meekness Defined – Tom Moore • “Greek word praus • a. Used to describe a soothing medicine • b. Used by sailors to describe a gentle breeze • c. Used by farmers to describe a broken colt • d. All three are example of great power under control”

  13. II. Examples of Meekness • 1. Abraham • He allowed Lot to choose the land he wanted • Gen. 13:8 • Gen. 13:8

  14. Gen. 13:8 • “And Abram said unto Lot, Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren.”

  15. II. Examples of Meekness • 2. Moses • Moses killed an Egyptian taskmaster but was later mentioned as being meek • Num. 12:3 • Gen. 13:8

  16. Nu. 12:3 • “(Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)”

  17. II. Examples of Meekness • 3. Jesus • Is. 53:7 • Mt. 11:29 • 1 Pet. 2:23 • Gen. 13:8

  18. Is. 53:7 Prophesied Christ would be meek • “He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.”

  19. Mt. 11:29 He calls us to him because he is meek • “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” • Yoke = To become a Christian and keep his commandments

  20. Mt. 11:29 • Lowly in heart = “humble in spirit”

  21. 1 Pet. 2:23 • “Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:” • Revile = to speak abusively.

  22. III. They Will Inherit The Earth • 1. This is a quote from Ps. 37:11

  23. III. They Will Inherit The Earth • 2. Different ideas about this phrase: • A. Some think it refers to all of God’s promises • B. Still others think it refers to all of the blessings and good things in this life

  24. III. They Will Inherit The Earth • Different ideas about this phrase: • C. Some believe it refers to heaven • 2 Pet. 3:13

  25. 2 Pet. 3:13 • “Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness”

  26. 3. They Will Inherit The Earth – Bob Berard • “Those possessing this virtue are best able to enjoy earth’s blessings without becoming enamored with them. And since God is their Father, His earth is theirs in the best sense and measure.”

  27. They Will Inherit The Earth • 4. Those who are truly meek are best able to enjoy earth’s blessings without falling in love with the things of the world • 5. “Only the meek will enjoy the abundant blessings of God in this life”

  28. References • “Blessed are the meek”, by Tom Moore • “Beatitudes – The Meek, by Kevin Cauley • “Gentle People” by J. Stacy • “The Great Sermon On The Mount”, Bob Berard, Studies in Matthew, Annual Denton Lectures, 1995 • Dictionary.com • “Meekness”, Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary. 1995

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