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Participles. Vocab. Derivatives. Culture. Misc. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. dormiens. sleeping. vocatus. Having been called. equos currentes video.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Participles Vocab Derivatives Culture Misc. 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  2. dormiens

  3. sleeping

  4. vocatus

  5. Having been called

  6. equos currentes video.

  7. I see running horses

  8. coquus, a domino laudatus, cenam paravit.

  9. The cook, having been praised by the master, prepared dinner.

  10. venenum, in poculo celatum, Cogidubnum interficiet.

  11. The poison, hidden in the cup, will kill Cogidubnus.

  12. Poculum est plenum vini.

  13. full

  14. Celo, celare, celavi, celatum

  15. To hide

  16. Rem magum suscipere volo.

  17. To take up, undertake

  18. Mandata tua effeci.

  19. I carried out

  20. Novam togam nuper emi.

  21. recently

  22. From fons, meaning a large basin of water in a church

  23. font

  24. From confido, means a person you trust in

  25. confidant

  26. From infelix, means unlucky

  27. infelicitous

  28. From deicio, means feeling down

  29. dejected

  30. From plenus, means “fully attended”

  31. plenary

  32. This is the Roman name of the town Bath, England

  33. Aquae Sulis

  34. This was the Roman equivalent of Sulis

  35. Minerva

  36. These types of people went to Aquae Sulis often

  37. sick

  38. The emperor sent people like __________ to Britain to spread Roman culture.

  39. Memor

  40. He was the senator that came to Bath to try to cause Cogidubnus’ death

  41. Who was Salvius

  42. What kind of participle is “sedentes”

  43. Present Participle

  44. Participles are ___________ formed from _______________

  45. Adjectives formed from verbs

  46. Translate: “Marcus poculum a Salvio offertum cepit.”

  47. Marcus took the cup having been offered by Salvius

  48. Give the Latin for “having been called”

  49. Vocatus, a, um

  50. This word means “hard” or “harsh”

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