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Yale Relativistic Heavy Ion Group - Supplemental Proposal. Yale RHI Group Has played important role in STAR – physics / leadership, detectors, physics analysis and software Foresees to play a role in world-leading physics in ALICE Proposes significant redirection of effort to ALICE –
Yale Relativistic Heavy Ion Group - Supplemental Proposal • Yale RHI Group • Has played important role in STAR – • physics / leadership, detectors, physics analysis and software • Foresees to play a role in world-leading physics in ALICE • Proposes significant redirection of effort to ALICE – • 1/3 of research effort in 2007 2/3 in 2009 3/4 in 2010 ….. • ALICE research/physics interests complements previous physics in STAR • Role in ALICE EMCal construction – • supermodule assembly, test, calibration at Yale; operation / physics at CERN • Significant support and interest of Yale University in this program John Harris ALICE-USA Panel Review, May 23 – 24, 2007
Faculty John Harris (Professor) Helen Caines (Assistant Professor) Thomas Ullrich (Adjunct Professor, BNL) Research Scientists & Postdoctoral Fellows Jaro Bielcik Jana Bielcikova Mark Heinz Matt Lamont, Assoc. Research Scientist Sevil Salur Nikolai Smirnov, Research Scientist Richard Witt, Assoc. Research Scientist Graduate Students Oana Catu (5th yr) – “High pT Di-hadron Correlations at RHIC” Anders Knospe (4th yr) – “Heavy Flavor Production from Non-photonic Electrons in Cu + Cu and Au + Au at RHIC” Christine Nattrass (4th yr) – “Azimuthal Correlations in Cu + Cu at RHIC” Stephen Baumgart (3rd yr) – “Ds at RHIC (and LHC?)” Tomas Aronson (incoming) – LHC Heavy Ions…. Personnel in Relativistic Heavy Ion Group at Yale replacement postdoc replacement postdoc John Harris ALICE-USA Panel Review, May 23 – 24, 2007
Physics Leadership - Conceptual Design (1989 -1993) & Founding Spokesperson (JH, 1991 - 2002) - Physics Analysis Coordinators T. Ullrich (2000 – 2003), since 1996 Yale postdoc, Yale staff scientist, Adj. Prof. at Yale J. Dunlop (2003 – present), Yale postdoc, 2000 – 2003 - Physics Working Group Conveners G. Kunde (2002 – 2003), high pT physics H. Caines (1999 – 2004), strangeness M. Lamont (2004 – present) strangeness T. Ullrich (2003 – present) heavy flavors - Deputy Spokesperson (H. Caines, 2007 – present) Detectors and software – tracking and particle identification - Modified, installed, operated (with Sandweiss Group) ALICE RICH prototype in STAR - Installed (with C. Woody) and utilize for R&D the STAR/PHENIX Detector Lab at BNL - R&D on Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Detectors in Group’s GEM Lab at Yale - R&D on Time Projection Chambers (TPC) and TPC micro-pattern readout PHENIX Hadron Blind Detector (HBD), micro-TPC readout, GEM Detectors - Contributions to STAR Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT) software, operation, calibration - Investigated possible Hybrid-Pixel Detectorlayer addition to STAR Heavy Flavor Tracker - R&D on Future Muon Detector & Forward GEM Tracking Detectors for STAR Physics Interests – probe early stage of RHIC Collisions - High transverse momentum (pT) physics (spectra and correlations) - Strange particle production - Heavy flavor physics Role of Yale RHI Group in STAR John Harris ALICE-USA Panel Review, May 23 – 24, 2007
High pT suppression of light hadrons Jon Gans Ph.D. thesis (2004)/ papers - “Transverse momentum and collision energy dependence of high pT hadron suppression in Au+Au collisions at ultra-relativistic energies”, STAR, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003) 172302. - “Evidence from d+Au measurements for final-state suppression of high pT hadrons in Au + Au collisions at RHIC”, STAR, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003) 072304. Jet quenching studies Mike Miller Ph.D. thesis (2003)/ papers - “Disappearance of back-to-back high pT hadron correlations in central Au + Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV”, STAR, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 082302. - “Azimuthal Anisotropy and Correlations in the Hard Scattering Regime at RHIC”,STAR, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 032301. Betty Abelev (Bezverknhy) Ph.D. thesis (Jan. 2007) - “Multi-strange baryon correlations in p + p, d + Au and Au + Au collisions”, paper in draft form. High pT suppression of heavy flavors (charm, beauty) Jaro Bielcikanalysis / paper - “Transverse momentum and centrality dependence of high pTnon-photonic electron suppression in Au + Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV”, B.I. Abelev et al. (STAR Collaboration), PRL 98 (2007) 192301 Strange particle production Helen Caines & Boris Hippolyteanalyses / papers - “Multi-strange baryon production in Au-Au collisions at √sNN= 130 GeV”, STAR, PRL 92 (2004) 182301. - “Enhanced strange baryon production in Au+Au collisions compared to p+p at √sNN = 200 GeV”, STAR, submitted to PRL, 2007. A Few Physics Highlights of the Yale RHI Group in STAR John Harris ALICE-USA Panel Review, May 23 – 24, 2007
Jet Quenching Studies - Identified Hadron Correlations Oana Catu analysis/future Ph.D. thesis / paper(s) - “ Di-hadron correlations in d + Au and Au + Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV” Christine Nattrass analysis/future Ph.D. thesis / paper(s) - “ Azimuthal correlations of identified particles in Cu + Cu collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV” Production of Strange Charm Particles Anders Knospe analysis/future Ph.D. thesis / paper(s) - “Non-photonic electron spectra in Cu + Cu and Au + Au Collisions in STAR” Stephen Baumgart analysis/future Ph.D. thesis / paper(s) - “Ds Productionin sNN = 200 GeV p + p and Au + Au Collisions” Next Generation of Physics in STAR in the Yale RHI Group John Harris ALICE-USA Panel Review, May 23 – 24, 2007
Ph.D. Theses in STAR: Manuel Calderon, Ph.D. Jan. 2002 “Identified Pion Spectra from STAR” UC Davis (Assistant Professor) Matt Horsley, Ph.D. Sept. 2002 “Identified Spectra from the RICH in STAR” MIT Lincoln Labs (Research Scientist) Mike Miller, Ph.D. Dec. 2003, “Jets and Jet Suppression at RHIC” MIT (Pappalardo Fellow) John Gans, Ph.D. May 2004, “Inclusive Charged Hadron Transverse Momentum Spectra at 200 GeV Center of Mass Energy at RHIC” MIT Lincoln Labs (Research Scientist) Sevil Salur, Ph.D. Mar. 2006, “Investigation of Hadronic Resonances in STAR” Yale (Postdoctoral Fellow) Betty Abelev-Bezverknhy, Ph.D. May. 2007, “Multi-Strange Baryon Azimuthal Correlations in Au + Au Central Collisions at sNN = 200 GeV” U. Illinois - Chicago (Postdoctoral Fellow) Former Yale R.H.I. Group Grad Students & Recent Postdocs • Jaro Biecik, Postdoc 2004-07 Prague Tech. U. (Assistant Professor) • Jana Biecikova, Postdoc 2004-07 Prague Tech. U. (Assistant Professor) • Matt Lamont, Assoc. Res. Scientist 2004-07 BNL (Staff Physicist) • Richard Witt, Assoc. Res. Scientist 2004-07 US Naval Academy (Term Faculty) • Recent (2003 - 2007) Postdocs: • Jamie Dunlop, Postdoc 2000-03 BNL (Staff Physicist) • Christina Markert, Postdoc 2002-05 U. Texas- Austin (Assistant Professor) • Boris Hippolyte, Postdoc 2003-05 U. Strasbourg (Assistant Professor) John Harris ALICE-USA Panel Review, May 23 – 24, 2007
STAR Physics Results Conceptual Design of a New Detector for High Luminosity RHIC II RHIC II Science Workshops (convenerships & participation) QCD Laboratory Planning Group (committee member) R&D for Future RHI Detectors GEM detectors – develop mass production in US, test in Yale-RHI test lab & FermiLab, m-detector in STAR - Nikolai Smirnov, Dick Majka (Sandweiss group) TPC detector applications – STAR replacement, PHENIX HBD, RHIC II, ILC RICH (GEM readout) detectors for high momentum PID – ALICE, QCD Lab ALICE at the LHC (CERN) Assemble, test and calibrate ALICE E.M. Calorimeter Supermodules at Yale Very high momentum PID R&D and CERN test beam – ALICE PID upgrade ALICE-USA Coordination Future - QCD Laboratory Role of Yale RHI Group in the Field • “Expression of Interest for a Comprehensive New Detector at RHIC II”P. Steinberg, T. Ullrich, M. Calderon, J.Rak, S. Margetis, M. Lisa, D. Magestro, R. Lacey, G. Paic, T. Nayak, R. Bellwied, C. Pruneau, A.Rose, S. Voloshin, H. Caines, A. Chikanian, E. Finch, J.W. Harris, M. Lamont, C. Markert, J. Sandweiss, N. Smirnov, presented to BNL Program Committee, nucl-ex/0503002, 76 pages, 51 figures, 10 tables John Harris ALICE-USA Panel Review, May 23 – 24, 2007
Continue Selective Physics Program in STAR at RHIC! Will not pursue penta-quark studies No major upgrade responsibilities (Inner hybrid pixel layer not selected by STAR) Complete work on Strangeness enhancement (< 1 year) “High pT“ inter- & intra-jet correlations (Df and Dh) with identified particles (< 2 yrs) “Ridge” studies Intermediate pT studies (recombination, fragmentation,..) System size dependence (Cu + Cu and Au + Au) (production, jet quenching) Continue Heavy flavor studies System size dependence (Cu + Cu and Au + Au) (production, jet quenching) Investigate new ways to separate charm & beauty in STAR – 2007 SVT Run, secondary vertex techniques (asymmetries in B D + X decay), PID, others TPC and R&D studies TPC grid leak problem, TPC distortions due to luminosity fluctuations m-detector tracking Forward GEM tracking Future – Possible role in low energy run (critical point search) and U run (triggering, size dep.) Plans for STAR John Harris ALICE-USA Panel Review, May 23 – 24, 2007
Have initiated a significant re-direction of research effort to ALICE Physics interests – early stages and response of medium (expertise ala STAR) High pT Physics (with ALICE EM Calorimeter & Tracking Detectors) Flavor (s, c, b) Physics and Tagged Jets Day-1 Physics Detector Construction Assemble, test, calibrate ALICE EM Calorimeter super-modules at Yale R&D (future ideas for ALICE detectors) Very high momentum PID R&D & CERN test beam (future upgrade?) “Cheap”, thin hadron trigger calorimeter Physics Simulations & Data Analysis High pT Physics (with ALICE EM Calorimeter & Tracking Detectors) Flavor (s, c, b) Physics and triggering/tagging with ITS/TPC + EMCal Response of medium Plans for ALICE John Harris ALICE-USA Panel Review, May 23 – 24, 2007
2007 Research Goals and Plan Primarily detector support / simulations software for the CD-2, Technical Design Reviews Detector Support (2.35 FTEs) Procedures for super-module (SM) assembly, test and calibration completed Lab space contributed / renovated by Yale for SM assembly - ready for use mid-year Assembly, test and calibration procedures standardized with French & Italian EMCal colleagues Beam tests of EMCal modules at CERN in Fall 2007 - final prototype testing / characterization Detector and Physics Simulations (2.25 FTEs) Start primary and secondary vertex reconstruction using ITS - TPC detectors in ALICE Extrapolate tracks to hits in EMCal for cluster characterization and cluster-finding efficiencies Simulate PID in EMCal & background rejection, determine efficiency corrections Contribute to optimization of jet-finding code for analysis and triggering on jets Use displaced (secondary) vertex ID in ITS, extract charm & beauty decays Determine optimum channels for (semi-)leptonic and hadronic decays of charm & beauty. 2007 - Research Plan of Yale RHI Group in ALICE John Harris ALICE-USA Panel Review, May 23 – 24, 2007
2008 Research Goals and Plan Primarily super-module (SM) assembly & test, simulations and p + p analysis software Detector Support (3.1 FTEs) Final setup, data acquisition (DAQ) and software completed for SM 1st supermodule assembled, tested, calibrated at Yale, shipped to CERN for installation Install small number EMCal modules in ALICE for the 2008 test Detector and Physics Simulations (1.8 FTEs) Efficiencies and code for identifying non-photonic electrons (photon and background rejection in the heavy ion environment), and semi-leptonic charm and beauty decays Continue to develop software for primary & secondary vertex reconstruction using ITS – TPC Contribute to analysis software for p + p reference measurements of non-photonic electron spectra yields and jet (jT) shapes from leading particles spectra and fragmentation functions of identified particles including D- and B-mesons 2008 - Research Plan of Yale RHI Group in ALICE John Harris ALICE-USA Panel Review, May 23 – 24, 2007
2009 Research Goals and Plan Primarily super-module assembly and test, p + p analysis, Pb + Pb analysis software/techniques Detector Support (3.8 FTEs) 2nd and 3rd super-modules assembled, tested and calibrated at Yale, shipped to CERN Installation, test, calibration & operation of EMCal in first heavy ion run Detector and Physics Simulations (3.45 FTEs) Determine techniques and efficiencies for tagging and triggering on heavy flavor vertices Contribute to analysis software for Pb + Pb measurements non-photonic electron spectra and nuclear modification factors flavor/hadron double ratios, electron-hadron correlations yields and jet (jT) shapes from leading particles spectra and fragmentation functions of identified particles including D- and B-mesons Analyze p + p reference data for jet yields, shapes and correlations from identified leading particles fragmentation functions for identified leading particles including D- and B-mesons, and non-photonic electrons 2009 - Research Plan of Yale RHI Group in ALICE John Harris ALICE-USA Panel Review, May 23 – 24, 2007
Detector Support (3.3 FTEs) Remaining super-modules assembled, tested and calibrated at Yale, shipped to CERN Installation, test, calibration and operation of the EMCal with heavy ions Assist implementation and testing of high level trigger for jets and heavy flavor tags in EMCal Detector and Physics Simulations (4.7 FTEs) In first high luminosity Pb + Pb run will analyze data for non-photonic electron spectra and nuclear modification factors flavor/hadron double ratios, electron-hadron correlations spectra and fragmentation functions of identified particles including D- and B-mesons flavor-jet correlations in EMCal for fragmentation functions and parton energy loss jet yields and shapes at high ET in the EMCal for jet quenching for medium modification Continue to analyze p + p reference data for jet yields, shapes and correlations from identified leading particles fragmentation functions for identified leading particles including D- and B-mesons, and non-photonic electrons First physics papers from ALICE on nuclear modification factors, non-photonic electrons, leading particle fragmentation functions and correlations from Pb + Pb 2010 - Research Plan of Yale RHI Group in ALICE John Harris ALICE-USA Panel Review, May 23 – 24, 2007
Yale University is contributing significantly in various ways! Renovating laboratory space for EMCal super-module assembly, test, and calibration at Yale refurbish laboratory space; installation of high voltage, heating and air conditioning, electrical power and water services, level horizontal space and access to a nearby loading dock, crane cost $250K construction + $100K equipment Support for manpower and supplemental travel for John Harris and Helen Caines supplemental travel support for group ending approximately $30K annually supplemental manpower support decreases from 2 ½ research scientist positions and ½ postdoctoral fellow to ½ research scientist position and ½ postdoctoral fellow in 2008 Recent support renovation / construction of GEM test lab for group at a cost ~$200K (in 2003-4) appointed D. Kharzeev Adjunct Professor (2007) Past support J. Harris brought to Yale created new assistant professor position (hired H. Caines) appointed T. Ullrich Adjunct Professor provided ~$400K for modification & installation of ALICE prototype RICH detector in STAR Interest and Support of Yale University John Harris ALICE-USA Panel Review, May 23 – 24, 2007
Relevance of proposed research program at Yale to ALICE-USA Yale group research interests/expertise optimal to contribute to success of ALICE-USA program Symbiosis and long-term physics interests & collaboration with LBNL & Wayne State physicists Cost, Scope, Size of Re-direction of Effort Manpower and resource re-direction from STAR to ALICE Yale effort on ALICE: 36% in 2007 66% in 2009 One-time institutional fee and annual Maintenance and Operation (M&O) fees for Yale Ph.D. authors to participate in ALICE $36K one-time institutional fee for Yale in ALICE $45K in 2007 for M&O (4 Yale PhDs) in ALICE $78K in 2008 onward (7 Yale PhDs) increased travel expenses relative to RHIC at BNL $25K in 2007 $82K in 2009 The Impact on STAR of Re-direction of Effort Group has no responsibilities for STAR upgrades Will complete current strangeness and high pT physics research on STAR in next two years Will continue pre-upgrade heavy flavor research in STAR (complete SVT analyses, non-photonic electrons, investigate new techniques) No new projects except possible contribution to RHIC/STAR low energy RHIC & Uranium runs Yale RHI Group’s Proposed Research in ALICE John Harris ALICE-USA Panel Review, May 23 – 24, 2007
Yale RHI Group in ALICE • Proposed physics in ALICE – early stages and response of medium • High pT Physics (with ALICE EM Calorimeter & Tracking Detectors) • Flavor (s, c, b) Physics • Day-1 Physics • Yale RHI Group • Has played important role in STAR – • physics / leadership, detectors, physics analysis and software • Foresees to play a role in world-leading physics in ALICE • Proposes significant redirection of effort to ALICE – • 1/3 of research effort in 2007 2/3 in 2009 3/4 in 2010 ….. • ALICE research/physics interests complements previous physics in STAR • Role in ALICE EMCal construction – • supermodule assembly, test, calibration at Yale; operation / physics at CERN • Significant support and interest of Yale University in this program John Harris ALICE-USA Panel Review, May 23 – 24, 2007