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ENRAGED. Regina Lozano. Image 1. WHY?. This man looks enraged because he is screaming . He’s also frowining and his eyes are fixed to one spot. The colors of the painting look angry because they are all dark . . IMAGE 2. WHY?.
ENRAGED Regina Lozano
WHY? • Thisman looks enragedbecause he isscreaming. • He’salsofrowining and hiseyes are fixedtoone spot. • Thecolors of thepainting look angrybecausethey are alldark.
WHY? • Thepeople in thispicture are enragedbecausethey are allscreaming. • Thereisalsofire and smoke in thispicture. • They look likethey are protesting.
WHY? • She looks likesheisscreaming. • Herfistisclenched. • Sheisfrowning.
WHY? • Theloudinstrumentsmakethesongsound full of rage. • Thescream in thebeginning of thesongsoundsveryangry. • Thewholetone of thesongisveryagressive.
WHY? • Themusicstartsgetting more and more intense. • Veryrepetitivewhichmakesitsoundevenangrier. • Afteritgetsreallylouditdoesn’tgo back downagain.
QUOTE “Alwaysspeakpolitelytoanenrageddragon.”
WHY? I thinkthisquote shows thefeeling “enraged” becauseit shows howcarefulyouhaveto be aroundpeoplewho are enragedbecauseit’ssuch a powerfulemotionthatthey can explodeany minute.
SOURCES Agencies, . Allegedblasphemy: Mobwrecks Lahore neighbourhood. 2013. Photograph. DAWNWeb. 26 Jan 2014. <http://www.dawn.com/news/791414/alleged-blasphemy-in-lahore-turns-ugly>. Brust, Steven. "EnragedQuotes." BrainyQuote. BrainyQuote. Web. 26 Jan 2014. <http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/enraged.html>. Hankel, Isaiah. AngryKid. 2014. Photograph. IsaiahHankelWeb. 20 Jan 2014. <http://www.isaiahhankel.com/the-counterbalance-strategy-part-2-how-to-amputate-anger-from-your-life/angry-kid>. Interact, WK. Sebastien. 2009. Painting. Jonathan LeVineGallery, New York. Web. 26 Jan 2014. <http://jonathanlevinegallery.com/?method=Exhibit.ExhibitArt&ExhibitID=67CB2E94-19DB-5802-E082928AC0D38F46&ArtistID=634616E1-19DB-5802-E08622BB075F413A&artidx=2&artistidx=1>.
SOURCES PublicDomainPictures, . AngerAngryBadIsolatedDangerousEmotionEvil. 2012. Photograph. PixabayWeb. 26 Jan 2014. <http://pixabay.com/en/anger-angry-bad-isolated-dangerous-18615/>. RinonNinqueon. “Heavy Metal”. Morë Ar Ninquë. 2014. CD Slipknot. “Psychosocial”. CoreyTodd. All Hope IsGone. Roadrunner, Nuclear Blast. 2008. CD.