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Live Your Dream. Benefit from Helping Others. Understand How Helping Others Can Give You $500 / month $5,000 / month $50,000 / month. What’s in It for You?. Up to $100,000 in 15 months. FastTRACK to $34,000 in 15 months!. Director 3 Months
Benefit from Helping Others • Understand How Helping Others Can Give You • $500 / month • $5,000 / month • $50,000 / month
What’s in It for You? Up to $100,000 in 15 months
FastTRACK to $34,000 in 15 months! Director 3 Months Earn two registrations for the Shaklee global Conference You can also qualify for an all-expense-paid trip for two to Shaklee Sr. Director 6 Months $1,000 1-time bonus Help one person become a Director and you can qualify for a hybrid car payment Coordinator 9 Months $3,000 1-time bonus Help one more become Director (two total) Arrive on FastTRACK and qualify for a luxury trip for two to an exotic location! Sr. Coordinator 12 Months $5,000 1-time bonus Start earning Infinity payments on potentially all purchases in your organization. hybrid car payment Executive 15 Months $25,000 1-time bonus Help one more become Director (three total) Special Invitation to Future Masters. Arrive on FastTRACK and qualify for an international destination.
$34,000 in Bonuses + a $60,000 annual income in less than a year!
Simple Business Plan How do you earn money in Shaklee? By people using the products
WHAT DO YOU DO? Gather people who:want to be healthy & people who want a better lifestyle. • Get started as a Gold Member • Find 3 other people who want it all and start as Gold Members • Along the way find 10 Customers who want to get healthy 3 GOLD MEMBERSAND 10 CONSUMER MEMBERS DO IT AGAIN! The average Shaklee member uses products for 14 years!
Your income grows as volume grows You also earn the difference between the member price and the distributor price. 14% Your purchases (PV) and Members and customers purchasing products in your group create your PGV
Reach Rank of Director Total Purchase Volume = 2000 PV Around $2,700 per month of nutritional products. 20-25 regular customers in your personal group. Starting income around $600 a month.
Group Sponsoring is the Key to becoming a Director YOU 100PV 10 Customer Members x 70 = 700 100PVautoship 100PVautoship 100PVautoship 600 400 300 800 + 1300 = 2100 And you are a DIRECTOR!
Director is the Foundation for Growth “Director is really the ONLY rank you need to learn!” 2000 Personal Group Volume per month is the minimum…however… Director 3000 Personal Group Volume is what you need to earn a car and a trip to the home office 20+ people on 100 PV AutoShip
FastTRACK to Senior Director Teach someone to do what you just learned how to do and you become a Senior Director. Do it in 6 months and you
Car Program Starts at Sr. Director Master CAR VOLUME (CV) Sr. Key $500-$600 Sr. Exec Sr. Coordinator $450-$500 $400-$450 Sr. Director $325-$375 $225-$250 KEYS AT PRESIDENTIAL MASTER CV = Your PGV + up to 2000 for Each NEW First Generation Business Leader!
TRIP INCENTIVES Trips 18,000 OV over 6 consecutive months in 1st 12 months as a Director = San Francisco 350 points = Atlantis Bahamas 1000 points = Bora Bora Go to https://www.shaklee.net/members/dream2011Tracker to see how to earn points
Be Recognized for Your Efforts “I’d rather be paid on 1% of the efforts of 100 people than on 100% of my own efforts.” World’s 1st Billionaire, J.Paul Getty
2009 Examples • Dr. Judy Ciasto $ 17,298 • Monica Marrone $ 24,709 • Tim & Sandy Dietrich $ 35,688 • Jane Pederson & Bill Plunkett $ 63,620 • Celeste Edwards $ 80,223 • Doris Johnson $108,650 • Lorraine Ulrich Roebke $127,762 • Barb Hill Behar $145,359 • Mike & Joanette Coogan $159,353 • Gary & Faye Burke $420,728
Bonuses paid on PGV to Burkes Gary & Faye Burke’s Personal Group Bonuses have stayed constant from year to year…ranging from $30,000 to $40,000
Leadership Bonuses the Key to Success Leadership Bonuses have increased; adding another $360,000 Bonus Overrides
ANNUAL AVERAGE INCOME BY RANK U.S.AReal People Making Real Money SHAKLEE STAIRWAY OF SUCCESS Presidential Master Coordinator SeniorMasterCoordinator Figures based on 2009 earnings* Master Coordinator Senior Key Coordinator Key Coordinator Senior Executive Coordinator Executive Coordinator Senior Coordinator Coordinator Warning! These Incomes could be doubled or tripled with INFINITY BONUSES . Senior Director Director $218,026 $10,629 $21,768 $39,019 $56,760 $102,121 $598,037 $67,794 $113,177 $14,045 New Rank *Average annual income for each rank is calculated monthly based on information reported on Form 1099-MISC for all U.S. Business Leaders who achieved the rank that month. The sum of these monthly averages is the figure reported above. Results will vary with effort. Shaklee Corporation does not guarantee that any particular income level will be achieved.
Share Products and Opportunity Focus on the Activity 15-20 presentations per month 3 Builders | 10 Solid Customers 3 & 10 = Do it again! The Key to Success Become a Director Teach Someone to do what you just learned how to do
Enjoy Financial Security 5 Year Projected Income in Dream Plan developing just 2 directors per year ANDtraining them to do the same. $367,200.00