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STATO COSTRUZIONE CAMERE ADRIFT DI CMS F.Gasparini Catania 19/9/2002. 4. 3. 5. 2. 6. 1. 7. 12. 8. 11. 9. 10. The Installation Task. The Barrel Muon system comprises 250 chambers in 7 flavors:. 60 MB1 3SL 2 RPC ~2.0 x 2.54 m 2 960kg

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  1. STATO COSTRUZIONE CAMERE ADRIFT DI CMS F.Gasparini Catania 19/9/2002

  2. 4 3 5 2 6 1 7 12 8 11 9 10 The Installation Task The Barrel Muon system comprises 250 chambers in 7 flavors: 60 MB1 3SL 2 RPC ~2.0 x 2.54 m2 960kg 60 MB2 3SL 2 RPC ~2.5 x 2.54 m2 1200kg 60 MB3 3SL 1 RPC ~3.0 x 2.54 m2 1300kg 40 MB4 2SL 1 RPC ~4.2 x 2.54 m2 1800kg 10 MB1 2SL 1 RPC 10 MB2 2SL 1 RPC 10 MB3 2SL 1 RPC F SL SL Honeycomb F SL 10 Sectors will be installed in SX5 => 210 Chambers(310 RPCs). Sectors 1 and 7 are used for the lowering fixture and will be installed in UX5 => 40 Chambers(60 RPCs).

  3. 42mm 13 mm Cathode Al Strips Tmax: < 400 ns Drift Velocity : ~ 55mm/ns Single Wire 100mm F Resolution : < 300 mm 150mm q Wire Electrode Strip Mylar GAS: Ar/CO2 (85/15) HV: Wires 3600 V Strips 1800 V I-beams -1200 V

  4. Independent Subunit (Gas tightness, HV, Front End) F SL Z SL Honeycomb F SL 250 Chambers 172200 Anode Channels MB4 only F SLs CMS Drift Tube Chambers 4 Layers = 1 Superlayer (SL) CMS DT Chamber

  5. Chamber Support

  6. Main components needed during mechanical assembly of a SL • Plates with strip electrodes • Cathode I beams • Wires and wire fixation pieces • Corner blocks and frames

  7. Electronics. HV Side HV BOARDS

  8. Electronics. FE Side HVC BOARDS FE BOARDS

  9. CIEMAT Assembly Hall

  10. Aachen Assembly Hall

  11. Legnaro Assembly Hall

  12. TORINO Sept.14 / 2002

  13. Status of chamber assembly Legnaro 8 ch + 15 Sl at 10/9 18 ch end 2002 Aachen 8 ch + 9 Sl at 10/9 18 ch end 2002 CIEMAT 12 ch at CERN +3 at Ciemat + 9 SL at 6/9 24 ch end 200 Aachen:40 days stop for climat.inst.//all 20 days stop for Aug. holidays Hope to reach 60 chambers at end 2002 (70 were foreseen) I-Beams Protvino/Bologna available for 97chambers ( at sept. 12) Plates Dubna/Torino cut in Torino for 165 chambers assembled in Dubna (rate 8 surfaces/day) 76 chambers Torino commissioning of first table Jan 2003 two tables march 2003 first SL March 2003 Production of HVB and HVC in Beijing well advanced , full lot sept 2003

  14. 2000 2001 2002 N.of SL/4er 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 15 Nominal rate 14.3 SL/4er/site 10 Aachen 5 CIEMAT Padova 1 at June 20. 1 SL did not pass the 100 mb test in May Prod.stop for tool impr. LNL >1 month stop Short of plates Aachen,new tools, Short of plates Total CIEMAT 41 expect. by Apr. 2002 32 /site Total Padova 26 (Aa,CIEMAT,PD) Total Aachen 29 Total 96 total expected 96 Total sept 10 126 expected 170 (-25%) Sept.10 >1 month stop in Aachen (Climat.inst.) plus 20 days holidays every where.

  15. DT milestones 2003 INFN & CMS v33 9 camere MB3 giugno 2003 18 camere MB3 dicembre 2003 Prima MB4 a Torino marzo 2003 Inizio assemblaggio minicrates giugno 2003 Installazione nella ruota centrale ottobre 2003 MB 076 10% of ch. Done MB 1005 trial insertion done MB 075 assembly line Torino Jan 03 MB 079 35 % of ch. At CERN Jul 03 MB 080 60% of ch.assembled march 04 MB 1006 3rd wheel readiness March 04 MB 083 End of inst. SX +2,+1,0 dec 04 MB 1007 Readiness of 5th wheel apr 05 MB 081 85% of Ch. At CERN apr 05 MB 1008 End MB inst –2,-1 aug.05 MB 005 end inst in UX may 06 MB 1081 cabling feb 06 MB 082 end of ch.assembly Nov 05 MB 1084 cabling Jul 06

  16. Sez. di Torino Status of MB4 Production Preparation • 2nd iron cast table will be delivered in Sette Comuni on 17th June. Delivered and aligned • Work area enlargement approved by director, installation starts at the beginning of July. Time estimated for completion of infrastructure work (crane extension, air conditioning system upgrade, final cleaning) 2 months. Begin work end July, expected to be finished by end September • Plotters: driver cabinets cabled and ready. Only missing part are the beam supports. Mimmo, back from China for MB4 support commissioning, will finish the drawings in July. Parts will be manufactured in September. BUT Mimmo: designed details for MB4 supports insertion done in July but was not planned; presently working on gas system (first 2 weeks of Sept.) NOT working on MB4. Qutlook: will have start contract w/ integration on Nov. 1st and work on beam supports until end of Sept. Will start working on I-beams tool drawings in Oct. • All other parts have been delivered. Plotter beams ready to be sent to CINEL for milling. Done in July. • Glueing machine under test to check functionality for 15mt long pipes and possibility of glue dispenser splitting. One driver lost during set-up, replacement ordered. • Tooling: I-beam tooling to be designed starting from September.See above amedeo.staiano@to.infn.it

  17. Sez. di Torino Status of MB4 Production Preparation • MB4 HV and FE frame cabling: 2 electronicians will start to work with us after 8th july, they will go to Legnaro on 16 July to learn how to start SL frame cabling work. Frames already in Torino ready to be machined. Done Frame cabling will start beginning of September. Preparing area, tools. Silvia collecting docs etc., waiting for material (3 profiles) from CINEL, Madrid (1, end of September); Electronicians will go to Padova, collect cables, connectors etc., more training. Start work in Torino. Schedule: within the present schedule we are expected to provide a first SL by the end of the year. Two months delay in production preparation due to integration work on HV cable length and MB4 support commissioning test in Bejing (Mimmo) -> no MB4 SL before the end of the year. CONFIRMED amedeo.staiano@to.infn.it

  18. Chamber Installation Scenario • in v33 42 ch/wheel in SX in v 32 38 ch./wheel in SX • Installation crew of 4 technicians from home Institutions plus crane operators • Installation rate of one chamber/day at start-up • plateau at 8 chambers/week • One wheel (10 Sectors) = 42 Chambers in 5 weeks • YB 0 & YB-1,Sectors 8-9 September-December 2003 (42 + 8 ch.) • YB+2 January-February 2004 (42 ch.) • YB-2 Sectors 8-9 March 2004 ( 8 ch.) • YB+1 September 2004 YB-1 November 2004 (begin) (42 +?) • YB -1 YB -2 April-June 2005 (68 - ?) • 10 Sectors (40 Chambers) are installed in UX5 starting September 2005 (~10 weeks to complete). • for Alignment/Magnet Test

  19. Installation Tools Some tooling is still needed for full scale installation: • Transport frames for DT+RPC (CIEMAT). • Ancillary tools for cradle rotation (Padova). • Construction of a larger cradle for MB4. In addition we will rely on existing SX5 equipment: • Cherry pickers, movable platforms … • Refurbished L3 scissor lift. Tooling costs are within cost book estimates.

  20. Installation Cabling

  21. MB2 12 MB1,2,3 Needed before inst. 6 MB4 MB4

  22. 12 MB1,2,3 Needed before inst. 6 MB4 MB2 MB4

  23. Last shipment of chambers from CIEMAT to CERN April 2002 Currently 12 ch. From CIEMAT stored at ISR LNL and Aachen will ship 8 ch. each in Oct./Nov. 2002. Delay due to the gluing of RPC Pads at home.

  24. Chamber Preparation • DT and RPC chambers are sent to the ISR from the assembly centers fully tested • Acceptance tests: HV, Leak-rate,noise, cosmics • DT alignment calibration • DT cabling+services • DT assembly with RPCs • Storage in transport fixture

  25. Chambers stored and tested at ISR Hall

  26. ISR: Standard work: accept/store chambers gas tightness/HV/noise test repair alignment long term HV test (1~3 months) insert/test minicrates cooling test couple to RPC (cooling test) Non standard : glue RPC Pads to CIEMAT ch. (from now to July 03) insert and finish HV cables (4 HV connectors/DT in ~ 80 ch at 4ch/week then done in the labs) complete gas and cooling piping (~ 60 ch. at 3 ch/day then done in the labs)

  27. Presenze gruppi DT INFN ad ISR durante 2003 Bologna 2 persone X 6 mesi = 12 m/u Padova 2 persone X 6 mesi = 12 m/u Torino 2 persone X 2 mesi = 4 m/u L’idea e’ di avere 4~ persone per I due mesi di installazione E di due persone per 8 mesi per attivita’ di completamento Ricezione/stoccaggio e test . Altre 3 persone saranno inviate Da Aachen e CIEMAT. Inoltre Pd e Bo chiedono di mantenere un fisico per 12 mesi Complessivamente e che questa persona sia conteggiata al di fuori dei 2.5 m/fte usuali. E’ chiaro che RPC devono essere coinvolti nell’operazione E mantenere anch’essi qualcuno in permanenza,quando e in Quanti dipendera’ dagli sviluppi della loro costruzione

  28. Extension rails for DT+RPC DT+RPCpackage 1 - Transport to CERN 2 - Test at ISR 3 - Alignment calibration 4 - Installation of RPC(s) 5 - Transport to P5 6 - Test at P5 7 - Insertion in YB 8 - Test in YB (gas,cooling,HV) Several ancillary tools are needed that are under design or construction Insertion test : 1 MB2 ch in july-septemb 02 Sector insertion : before the end of 2002

  29. 3) electronics: electronics is sitting on the chambers in each chamber of one CMS sector : in the gas volume : F-End chips/boards & HV boards 32 F-End chips (2 Boards) feed: 4~6 ROB (Read Out Board) 128 wires 4~6TRB PHI(Trigger Board) 128 wires 4 TDC (any of them can act as Master) 32 BTI,4 TRACO,1 TSServer => precise coordinates2 TRB THETA housing BTIs only =>2 best MU in the Board (64 cm) ONE TS Board houses the TSMaster (two parts,any can act as master) => 2 best MU in the chamber in the Minicrates : Sector collector board in the 4th station (now on the balcony) RoB TB TSB DCS Front T B T T C T End D T R S o S SECTOR C I A S n M Collector C.Room C t O r to the counting room

  30. DriftTubes Local-Trigger

  31. SCHEMATIC OF A MINICRATE MB1 (60) 168 cm MB2 (60) 205 cm MB3 (60) 205 MB4 (30) 228 MB4 (10) 228 (10) 140 (5) 168 (5) 205 TRB PHI TRB THETA CB/SB ROB (5) 140 (5) 168

  32. Further Installation Tests • Sector Test: Install MB1, MB2, MB3 complete with cables and services. • Installation of a minicrate ( trigger,readout and control electronics) on a chamber already installed. MB2 minicrate prototype with readout electronics under test in CIEMAT


  34. HPTDC/Cern/Mic was resubmitted in September to include small corrections mainly to the Voltage regulator . Using the HPTDC from the previous engineering run CIEMAT produced several Rout Boards ·Madrid reports there are enough ROB-128 (with HPTDC v 1.1) to equip two full minicrates. ·Final ROB-128 design will be verified in short time and 10 more boards will be available. Assembly of boards with final HPTDC will not start until late this year. ·The company designing ROS-8 prototype PCB has reported routing problems and is delayed. The final board for MC operation is expected by September. Preliminary operation has been described. ·Two MB1 minicrate mechanics are ready at the moment, two MB2 are in process.

  35. TRIGGER BOARD TRB PHI 22.5 cm 9.5 cm

  36. TRB1 TRB2 TRB3 25 lines to theControl Board 11 lines to the Control Board One BTIM nouses 4 BTI One TRACO looks at 4 BTI inner and 12 BTI outer Each BTI outer is connected to 3 TRACO

  37. Coonections from TRBs to CS Board al Sector Collector C S Board TRB TRB TRB TRACO-TSS bus TRACO TSM BTIM System test in June /July 02: Two TRBs and one CSB

  38. BTI modules. (~14000 prod. 700 /month ?) contract signed in May ,first samples foreseen beg. Aug delayed to end September (METALLUX) TRB (~1600 prod. 200/month? ) tender closed 28 June,approved by INFN 19 July should be signed in September (NOVATEL) new PCB design finished, 20 PCB 2nd half October 5 TRBs end November for first MINICRATE two minicr. available for test beam of May 2003 Production plan for TRB: 4 months for material procurement 1 month 50 samples 1 month approval Preserie 200 after 3 months In June/July 2003 200~250 TRB could be available to begin the “mass prod.” of Minicrates (200 TRB = ~ 40 Minicrates ,one wheel in SX ,but assembly rate of minicrates still unknown and some delay in the production of TRB or BTI mod. is well possible) . The Minicrates need also Control&Server Board.

  39. Control and server boards They sit in the MINICRATES of which they control all the functionalities These are two boards :the server is piggy backed on the Control. The Control board was slightly modified after the system test to house some buffers and to accept new connectors. The design of the new PCB is going on and will be finished by end september. The Server part is complete and ready to be produced. The funding for both is allocated in the 2002 /2003 And first orders will be placed soon. However the Control must Wait for the final TTC/RX . We hope to have by october the Pin out in order to complete the PCB. A proto with the old scheme is in any case needed for the MINIC. Test at the end of 2002

  40. DT Power & Grounding Layout for One Sector BALCONY GND SECTOR collector Analog P.S. Digital P.S. Analog P.S. Analog P.S. Digital P.S. Analog P.S. Digital P.S. Digital P.S. 15m LV cables 20m LV cables Split board Split board AC coupled LVDS links LVDS SL cover MINI CRATE MINI CRATE LVDS SL cover HC & Al frame HC & Al frame LVDS SL cover SL cover LVDS LVDS SL cover MB1 MB4 Floating Power Supply and AC coupled LVDS links allow common mode freedom

  41. Grounding DT & RPC SL F SL Q (MB3 only) MB3/4 SL F Cu braid to link box RB3/4 RB3/4 Connection IRON RB1/2_OUT SL F SL Q IRON IRON MB1/2 SL F RB1/2_IN

  42. 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 03 TDC * * * Readout B. ** * * * BTI * * * TRACO ** * BTIM *** * * * * * TSS * * * * Trigger B. ** * * * * * TSM * * * Contr/Serv. B. * ** * * MINICRATE * * ** * * * * * Order * samplesavailable* samples* production * *

  43. DT milestones 2002 (INFN) 8 MB3 a Padova per Maggio 5 in Giu. ma SL per 10 altre 8 per Ottobre si’ (* ) Linea a Torino in Settembre: Gennaio Assemblaggio primo Minicrate in Ott. Dicembre (*)Conflitto su tavolo inc. tra camere e Pad Rpc DT milestones 2003 (INFN) 9 ch a LNL giugno 2003 18 ch. a LNL dicembre 2003 Primo SL MB4 a Torino marzo 2003 Inizio assemblaggio minicrates giugno 2003 Installazione nella ruota centrale ottobre 2003

  44. 4000 ~ 4500 KCHF sono: • 200 Per parti delle camere (I-beams and plates and…) (I,G,S 2/1/1) • 1830 Per HV supplies + cavi (costo tot.stimato 2830) (I,G) • 400 per HV chiesti nel 2003 (I) • 630 per LV supplies + cavi (costo tot. stimato 900) (G) • 100 Rout boards (S) • 100 Trigger (I) • 660 Sector collector board (I,G,S 2/1/1) • 60 ch. Control (I,G,S) • + altro (gara TRB non conclusa, cavi e assemblaggio • minicrates…incertezze su cablaggio ruote etc) • Richiesti alle F.A. nel rapporto del funding tra I/G/S = 11.1 / 4.44 / 3.05

  45. Richieste CORE 2003 Totale circa 1500 KCHF 1816 Costruzione camere 47 (small parts,patch panels) Produzione parti 121 (Dubna,Protvino) Trigger 473 (TRB 205 Contrl/Sboard/Master 117 >>> 360 BTIM 160) HV supplies,connettori 624 Strutture per installaz. 36 Manpower per sopra 45 Gas piping on chambers 110 Assemblaggio minicrates ? 1820 Tot 1790

  46. Possibili ritardi su: BTIM coperti da impegno gara contratto in ritardo TRB idem gara in ritardo FEB to ROB 204 ass. 2002 dettagli finali in corso Contr/Serv/etc 325 ass. 2002 sj (sblocco settembre) C’e’ un bisogno disperato di moduli HV nuovi (2002?) soprattutto per test agli ISR (test accettazione e lunga durata) Assegnazioni INFN tabella Campana 98 99 00 01 02 03 tot 686 1714 2432 2471 1820 1790 10 913 (IVA incl) (IVA incl) Total funding 11 100 + 2.200 disp. 2 390

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