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Data reduction and analysis of SPS data. Daniele mirarchi Cern FOR ua9 collaboration. OUTLINE. Synchronization Alignment procedures Qualitative analysis of dispersive area scans Conclusions. OUTLINE. Synchronization Alignment procedures
Data reduction and analysis of SPS data Daniele mirarchi Cern FOR ua9 collaboration
OUTLINE Synchronization Alignmentprocedures Qualitative analysisof dispersive area scans Conclusions Daniele Mirarchi, UA9 Workshop
OUTLINE Synchronization Alignmentprocedures Qualitative analysisof dispersive area scans Conclusions Daniele Mirarchi, UA9 Workshop
SYNCHRONIZATION • Problems: • All the UA9’s devices are logged in differentways: • Differentacquisitiontime. • Loggingofmachineparametercompletelyuncorrelatedfromallotheracquisitions. • Solution: • Take all the differentfiles and makelike a “tetris”: • Choose the timerange in whichall the fileshave data. • Synchronizationof the all data by Unix Timestamp. Daniele Mirarchi, UA9 Workshop
SYNCHRONIZATION File 1 12:40:00 12:40:01 12:40:03 File 2 12:40:01 12:40:02 12:40:03 • What the synchronizationprogramdoes: • Startsfrom the higherinitialTimestamp. • Writeseveryparameter in a ROOT file everysecond. • When data are notpresent, they are replacedwith the • previousacquisition. • Stops at the lowerfinalTimestamp. ROOT file 12:40:01 12:40:0112:40:01 12:40:02 12:40:0112:40:02 12:40:03 12:40:03 12:40:03 • Afterthatwehave a synchronized ROOT file containing: • Acquisitiontime. • Acquisitionsofall the detectors (Scintillators, GEM, BLM,…) • Positionsofall mobile devices (Crystal, Collimator, Absorber,…) • All the SPS parameters (BeamIntesity, Tune, Orbit,…) Wehave the complete knowledgeofwhathappened in SPS and in UA9 apparatus: we can makeall the correlationplotsthatweneed! Daniele Mirarchi, UA9 Workshop
OUTLINE Synchronization Alignmentprocedures Qualitative analysisof dispersive area scans Conclusions Whatwehave: Position measuredfrom garage position Needed a alignmentwithrespectto the beam Whatwewant: Relative position from the beam Daniele Mirarchi, UA9 Workshop
ALIGNMENT Twodifferentproceduresdepending on the presence or notof the LHC-Collimator. WithoutLHC-Collimator: Primarybeam RP-H1 TAL Crystal Scint. Samepicture on Medipix Samedistancefromclosedorbit RP-H2 Go beyond the absorbershadow Locallossesincrease See the shadow on Medipix Daniele Mirarchi, UA9 Workshop
ALIGNMENT Twodifferentprocedures due to the presence or notof the LHC-Collimator. Samelosses Samedistancefromclosedorbit WithLHC-Collimator: BLM Primarybeam BLM LHC-Coll TAL Crystal Scint. Scint. Go beyond the LHC-Collimator shadow Locallossesincrease • LHC-Coll • Basicconfigurationafter the alignment: • Insertcrystal 0.5mm inside respect the alignment position. • Retractabsorberofchanneledbeamof 1.5mm respect the alignment position. Daniele Mirarchi, UA9 Workshop
ALIGNMENT ExampleofcrystalalignmentwithLHC-Collimator: Daniele Mirarchi, UA9 Workshop
OUTLINE Synchronization Alignmentprocedures Qualitative analysisof dispersive area scans Conclusions Whatis the effectof the collimationprocess, on the shapeofbeam? Beamtailsscan Daniele Mirarchi, UA9 Workshop
Scatteredprotons • Hadronicshowerfrom the tungsten Primarybeam Tungsten DISPERSIVE AREA SCANS Dechanneld/scatteredprotons • Hadronicshowerfrom the crystal Primarybeam Crystal Channeledbeam • Protonsfrom the TAL surface TAL2 TAL TAL2 TAL • Protonsfrom the TAL surface ~65m ~61m Daniele Mirarchi, UA9 Workshop
DISPERSIVE AREA SCANS Primarybeam Scint. K TAL2 TAL derivate derivate Expecteddistance = 2.13mm Measured=1.92±0.25mm Sep 2ndMD
DISPERSIVE AREA SCANS Cr / W Beam TAL x Daniele Mirarchi, UA9 Workshop
OUTLINE Synchronization Alignmentprocedures Qualitative analysisof dispersive area scans Conclusions Daniele Mirarchi, UA9 Workshop
CONCLUSIONS • Withthissynchronizationprogram, wehave the complete pictureofwhathappen • during the run, secondbysecond. • The alignment procedure iscrucial and challenging: wedevelopedtwomethods • (with or withoutLHC-Collimator) toalign the deviceswith a goodprecision in every • condition. • First qualitative analysisof the dispersive area scans, showsthatwithcrystal • collimationweseemshave a more clean and definite beam, withrespectto • amorphous collimation. • For the future: • Do an online synchronizationduring data taking. • Collect more dispersive area scans, alsowith a largerrange. • Do a FLUKA simulationfor dispersive area scans. Daniele Mirarchi, UA9 Workshop
ALIGNMENT Twodifferentprocedures due to the presence or notof the LHC-Collimator. Samepicture on Medipix Samedistancefromclosedorbit WithoutLHC-Collimator: Closebothsides (one at time) of the Roman Pot. Close the absorberofchanneledbeam. Open both Roman Potsides. Absorberstays in the same position. Approach the beamwithone mobile device. Retract the device. Repeatpoints 4 & 5 foreach mobile device. See the shadow on Medipix Cross the absorbershadow Locallossesincrease • Basicconfigurationafter the alignment: • Insertcrystal 1mm inside respect the alignment position. • Retractabsorberofchanneledbeamof 2mm respect the alignment position. Daniele Mirarchi, UA9 Workshop
ALIGNMENT Samelosses Samedistancefromclosedorbit WithLHC-Collimator: Closebothjaws (one at time) untiltheytouch the beam. LHC-Collimatorstaysclosed. Approach the beamwithone mobile device. Retract the device. Repeatpoints 3 & 4 foreach mobile device. Open completelybothjawsofLHC-Collimator. Cross the LHC-Collimatorshadow Locallossesincrease For a betterestimationof the alignment position during the offline analysisweneedfewlittlesteps (~100μm) aftertouching the beam. Daniele Mirarchi, UA9 Workshop