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Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius. BoyZone. Tom pls put in your wrk , we need it. Tom talk about who aurelious was, is he a emperor or a ruler. Pls hav 1-2 full slice in here. Ascent to Power.

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Marcus Aurelius

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  1. Marcus Aurelius BoyZone

  2. Tom pls put in your wrk, we need it • Tom talk about who aurelious was, is he a emperor or a ruler. Plshav 1-2 full slice in here

  3. Ascent to Power • Hadrian liked Aurelius, enrolling him into the equestrian rank at six, making him a priest and providing him with the best possible education • Hadrian wanted Aurelius to succeed him, but he was too young. • To combat this, he ensured that his successor, Pius adopted Aurelius and his adopted brother as his heir • Aurelius and Pius grew closer, which gave Aurelius greater positions, such as Consul in AD 140.

  4. The Senate liked Aurelius as much as Pius. • After Pius died, the senate actually sought after Aurelius to become the sole emperor • Aurelius insisted that he would joint-rule with his adopted brother, Verus. • He ruled from 161-180

  5. MARCOmannic Wars • From 166-180 AD • A plague after the invasion from Parthia in 166 severely weakened the empire, killing 5million people.

  6. In late 166 to early 167, a force of 6000 Langobardi and Lacringi marched on Pannonia. • Local forces managed to repulse this invasion • Marcus IalliusBassus negotiated a treaty with 11 tribes • The agreement did not last long. • The Vandals invaded Dacia, and successfully killed the governor • The war put Rome into great debt • Rome then fortified it’s northern frontier, stationing half their legions along the Danube and the Rhine.

  7. Good Things About Marcy • Architecture • He created a successful building programme • Social life • He continued things in social life that were started by Nerva • Political reforms • He did a lot of positive political reforms • Philosophies • He was known as the philosophic emperor • What made him super good? • Many a thing made him good

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