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Dr. Wolfgang Müskens CvO University of Oldenburg

Network for Qualifications North-West A pilot project in the initiative AnKom ( Recognition of vocational competences in Higher Education Study Programmes). Dr. Wolfgang Müskens CvO University of Oldenburg. Three types of „Recognition of prior learning“ . Access, Admission, Exemption.

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Dr. Wolfgang Müskens CvO University of Oldenburg

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  1. Network for Qualifications North-WestA pilot project in the initiative AnKom(Recognition of vocational competences in Higher Education Study Programmes) Dr. Wolfgang Müskens CvO University of Oldenburg

  2. Three types of „Recognition of prior learning“ Access, Admission, Exemption

  3. An initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research AnKom (Anrechnung beruflicher Kompetenzen auf Hochschulstudiengänge) Recognition of vocational competences in Higher Education Study Programmes • 11 regional pilot projects • Regional pilot project „Network for Qualifications North-West“ with participation of the University of Oldenburg • Project Duration: 9/2005 until 12/2007 • Objectives:1. To evaluate the transferability of learning outcomes from continuing vocational education2. Development of instruments for recognition of prior vocational education3. Consideration of informal competences with regard to certification and validation at University

  4. Network for Qualifications North-West Qualifikationsverbund Nord-West IHK Ostfriesland und Papenburg Uni OL Uni Bremen IHK OL AN-kammer Bremen HK Bremen Chambers of Industry and Commerce

  5. Recognition of Prior Learning Objectives: • Offer more flexible transitions between vocational and university higher education • Reduce redundancies at the interface between voactional and higher education • Stimulate life long learning • Create new pathes of education • Validate previously acquired knowledge, skills, and competencies juster than now • Shorten the length of study

  6. Structure of vocational education (at Chambers of commerce) in Germany Business specialist(2 years part-time)„Betriebswirt“ Technical business specialist(2 years part-time) 30 1 – 3 years on the job experience Certified senior clerk /senior commercial clerk(2 years part-time)„Fachwirt/Fachkaufmann“ Master craftsman(2 years part-time)„Meister“ 25 1 – 5 years on the job experience 20 Initial vocational training max. 3.5 years„Ausbildung“ Age (approx.)

  7. Vocational education vs. Higher Education The view of the Chambers of Commerce 8 PhD 7 Business specialist„Betriebswirt“ Master 6 Senior clerk /Master craftsman„Fachwirt, Meister, etc.“„Bachelor professional“ Bachelor Initial vocational training„Ausbildung“ EQF-Level

  8. Vocational education vs. Higher Education The view of the universities 8 PhD 7 Master 6 Bachelor Business specialist„Betriebswirt“ Recognition of prior learning Senior clerk /Master craftsman„Fachwirt, Meister, etc.“ Initial vocational training„Ausbildung“ EQF-Level

  9. „Blanket“ Recognition Basic principles • Any holder of a certain qualification (e.g. Master craftsman, Certified senior clerk) gets exemption from equivalent university modules without individual assessment • University (in coorperation with Chambers) check only one-time the equivalence of the vocational qualification and the programme of study at university • University guarantees recognition for any holder of the vocational qualification

  10. Intended options of blanket recognition I Pilot project in Oldenburg Bachelor „Business Administration“ CvO University Oldenburg Business specialistBetriebswirt IHK Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHK) in Bremen, Oldenburg, Emden Senior insurance clerk Versicherungsfachwirt/in Senior industrial clerkIndustriefachwirt/in

  11. Intended options of blanket recognition II Pilot project in Bremen M.Sc. „Systems Engineering“ Ba.Sc. „Systems Engineering“ University Bremen Technical Business specialistTechnischer Betriebswirt IHK Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHK) in Bremen, Oldenburg, Emden Master craftsman Meister IHK

  12. An example: Mr. Mohlberg I‘ve already learned that in continuing vocational training. Will there be any exemption? How many ECTS points will be credited? • Business Specialist and Senior industrial Clerk, 32 years old • Diploma from secondary school (Abitur) • Initial voc. Training in commerce • 12 years experience on the job • Managerial responsibility in a medium company • Interested in studying „Bachelor of Business Administration“ (BA) at University of Oldenburg • Expects creditation of prior learning

  13. Vocational qualification (e.g. Business Specialist) Chambers of Commerce ECTS-Points ECTS-Points Blanket Recognition of continuing vocational training on the job experience Studies Vocational qualification (e.g. Senior Clerk) Initial vocational training BA (Uni OL) Chambers of Commerce Dual System:on the job + vocational school Systems Engineering(Uni Bremen) Validation / Creditation

  14. Level (EQF) • Skills • Knowledge • Competence Blanket recognition of non-higher-education qualifications Module of Study course (e.g. „Production“ or „Leadership“ • Equivalence check • Experts determine, • to what extent the contents of the module are covered by learning outcomes of the vocational qualification • which level of skills, knowledge, and competence (according to EQF) in reference to skills, knowledge will be achieved in the module and in the vocational qualification Contents Corresponding subject of vocational qualification Expertise on equivalence

  15. Comparing continuing vocational and higher education Difficulties and differences Continuing Higer Education Continuing vocational training • Learning outcomes focused on „scientific skills“: • Reflecting • Analyzing • Critical Thinking • Generate new questions • Understanding the generation of theories, models and instruments (research) • Learning outcomes focused on „vocational skills and knowledge“ • Acquired skills have to be applicable immediately • Models and methods shouldn‘t be scrutinized or questioned • Formal vocational training and experiences on the job complement one another • Assessment and grading based on*: • Learning projects • Presentation of project results • Reflection on team work • Assessment and grading based on: • Written examinations • Nationwide standardized tasks • Standardized criteria for appraisal *) in BA Business Administration

  16. Comparing continuing vocational and higher education Difficulties and differences Continuing Higer Education Continuing vocational training • Types of learning* • Self study periods • Online Discussion-Boards (WebCT) • Team Projects (online) • Real life discussions with experts • Types of learning • Frontal teaching • Self study • Exercising tasks of prior years • Modularisation*: • 10 compulsory modules (each 8 ECTS) • 10 compulsary optional modules • No examinations outside of modules • Modularisation: • Learning and examination totally separated • Training and examination –sometimes different institutions • Multidisciplinary integrated examinations *) in BA Business Administration

  17. An example: Mr. Mohlberg This „blanket recognition“ is restricted to formal vocational education. I‘ve learned much more informally on the job. How will that be validated? • Business Specialist and Senior industrial Clerk, 32 years old • Diploma from secondary school (Abitur) • Initial voc. Training in commerce • 12 years experience on the job • Managerial responsibility in a medium company • Interested in studying „Bachelor of Business Administration“ (BA) at University of Oldenburg • Expects creditation of prior learning

  18. Two options for recognition Blanket vs. individual Validation Formal vocational qualifications Informal learning blanket recognition Individual recognition Equivalence check Assessment of competences (Portfolio + Complex task) started in 3/2006

  19. Oh, i‘ll get up to 80 ECTS-Points! That‘s almost half of the study course. Great! Two options for recognition Blanket vs. individual Validation Formal vocational qualifications Informal learning blanket recognition Individual recognition Equivalence check Assessment of competences (Portfolio + Complex task) started in 3/2006

  20. Contact Arbeitsbereich Weiterbildung und Bildungsmanagement Carl-von-Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg 26111 Oldenburg http://www.web.uni-oldenburg.de/anrechnung Dr. Wolfgang Müskens wolfgang.mueskens@uni-oldenburg.de

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