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Polish Grid: National Grid Initiative in Poland

Polish Grid: National Grid Initiative in Poland. Jacek Kitowski Institute of Computer Science AGH-UST ACK CYFRONET AGH. Content. Polish Grid (PL-Grid) Foundations Infrastructure Generic Architecture Grid Structure PL-Grid Project Aims Workpackages Sample problems

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Polish Grid: National Grid Initiative in Poland

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  1. Polish Grid:National Grid Initiative in Poland Jacek Kitowski Institute of Computer Science AGH-USTACK CYFRONET AGH

  2. Content • Polish Grid (PL-Grid) • Foundations • Infrastructure • Generic Architecture • Grid Structure • PL-Grid Project • Aims • Workpackages • Sample problems • Collaboration with EGI_DS

  3. PL-Grid Initiative Foundations National European e-Infrastructure International Routine Usage 2000 Testbeds 2010 Utility Service Response to the needs of Polish scientists and ongoing Grid activities in Poland, other European countries and all over the world SGI Grid, Progress (Clusterix, National Data Store ...) Chemomomentum, Virolab, CoreGrid, Gredia, int.eu.grid, Baltic Grid, GridLab, Porta Optica, RINGRid, Phosphorus, QoSCoSGrid, Intelligrid, K-WfGrid, Unicore... Evolution of European Grid infrastructure development within the space of years

  4. Creation of Polish Grid (PL-Grid) Consortium Agreement signed in January 2007 Preparation of PL-Grid Project (2008-2010, 2011-2013) Consortium made up of five largest Polish supercomputing and networking centres (founders) PL-Grid Initial Activities GEANT2 • Academic Computer Center Cyfronet AGH (ACK CYFRONET AGH) – Coordinator • Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (PCSS) • Wrocław Centre for Networking and Supercomputing (WCSS) • Academic Computer Center in Gdańsk (TASK) • Interdisciplinary Center for Math. and Computat. Modelling, Warsaw University (ICM)

  5. e-Science approach to research Computer experiments Huge, distributed and diversely structured data Tools for data accessing, integration and processing Versality of disciplines: physics, astronomy, astrophysics, chemistry, biology, bioinformatics, meteorology, climatology, medicine, Earth sciences, advanced text processing, processing and management of knowledge, e-learning. PL-Grid vision: To enable realization of e-Science model in various scientific fields through: Creation of a stable Grid infrastructure fully compatible and interoperable with European and World Grids thanks to cooperation (EGEE, DEISA, OMII, C-OMEGA, ESFRI), Ensuring the operation of this infrastructure in the production mode, Enabling the operation of domain Grids, Using and propagating Grid standards, Adjusting PL-Grid to user needs, Integration, testing and installation of software produced by leading Grid Projects (Polish and international), Organization of support for PL-Grid users (training, helpdesk, consultations), PL-Grid management. PL-Grid motivation and aims

  6. PL-Grid Infrastructure • Assumptions • Polish Grid will have a common base infrastructure – similarly to solutions adopted in other countries • Specialized, domain Grid systems – including services and tools focused on specific types of applications – will be built upon this infrastructure.

  7. Advanced Service Platforms Application Application Application Application DomainGrid DomainGrid DomainGrid DomainGrid Grid infrastructure (Grid services) PL-Grid Clusters High Performance Computers Data repositories National Computer Network PIONIER PL-Grid infrastructure These domain Grid systems can be further developed and maintained in the framework of separate projects. Such an approach should enable efficient use of available financial resources.

  8. PL-Grid Structure Users Grid Application Programming Interface Grid portals, development tools Virtual organizations and security systems Other Grids systems Grid services UNICORE (DEISA) LCG/gLite (EGEE) Basic Grid services Distributed computational resources Distributed data repositories National computer network Grid resources PL-Grid infrastructure will be a base for specialized, domain Grid systems - including services and tools focused on the specific types of applications

  9. PL-Grid Structure PL-Grid software will comprise: • user tools (portals, systems for applications management and monitoring, result visualization and other purposes, compatible with the lower-layer software used in PL-Grid); • software libraries; • virtual organization systems: certificates, accounting, security; • data management systems: metadata catalogues, replica management, file transfer; • resource management systems: job management, applications, grid services and infrastructure monitoring, license management, local resource management.

  10. Planned realization of aims: PL-Grid Project PROJECT MANAGEMENT P1 P2 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE Coordination StructureOperation Rules Dissemination P3 OPERATIONS CENTER P6 P4 SECURITY CENTER GRID SOFTWARE AND USERS TOOLS DEVELOPMENT … . EGEE DEISA P5 SUPPORT FOR VARIOUS DOMAIN GRIDS Training The PL-Grid Project is split into several workpackages

  11. PL-Grid Workpackages • Project management (including structure and dissemination) – coordinated by ACK CYFRONET AGH (Kraków), • Planning and development of infrastructure – TASK (Gdańsk), • Operations Center – ACK CYFRONET AGH • Grid Software and Users Tools development – PCSS (Poznań), • Support for domain Grids – ICM (Warsaw), • Security Center – WCSS (Wrocław)

  12. WP3: PL-Grid Operations Center’s tasks

  13. WP4: Grid Software and Users Tools • WP4: development • Software repository • Framework for application development • High-level virtual organizations using knowledge • Resource virtualization for VO • Semantic information on experiments • Integration of software components • VO and resource management • Legacy codes adaptation • Knowledge supported data access

  14. Examples for potential use • HEP – WLCG • Computational chemistry – Gaussian, Turbomole .....(Charmm, Amber, DL_POLY..) • Biology/Pharmacy – proteins ... • Meteorology • Complex systems (multiagent games...)

  15. Networking and computational infrastructure of Polish Tier2 for WLHG

  16. t.szepieniec@cyfronet.pl GAUSSIAN in Grid • Gaussian VO created supported by 2 Partners (EGEE activity) • Accepted by Vendor • Registration:https://voms.cyf-kr.edu.pl:8443/vo/gaussian/vomrs • VO Manager: Mariusz Sterzel (CYFRONET), EGEE II Comput. Chemistry coordinator m.sterzel@cyfronet.pl ACK: Tomasz Szepieniec

  17. Never Born Protein Folding t.szepieniec@cyfronet.pl Prof. Irena Roterman interest (CM UJ)also EUChinagrid ACK: Tomasz Szepieniec

  18. Present Partners’ Resources

  19. Collaboration with EGI-DS Use cases identification 1.INFRASTRUCTURE-ORIENTED 1.1. Release of New Grid Middleware 1.2.Adding new NGI/EGI site 1.3.Functionality Alert at some NGI site 1.4.Resources negotiation for VO 2.APPLICATION-ORIENTED 2.1.QoS bandwidth demand 2.2.LHC on-line filtering 2.3.Commercial application with license server 2.4.Parallel application 3.END USER-ORIENTED 3.1.Privately funded hardware 3.2.Single user with no VO assignment needs to enter the Grid Active participation in EGI Workshop in Budapest (2.10.07)

  20. Conclusions • Initial stage achieved • Agreement signed • Scientific Council established • Management Board • Proposal prepared

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