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Japanese Vs. European Feudalism

Japanese Vs. European Feudalism. 400 – 1500 CE Early Middle Ages – to 1000 CE High Middle Ages 1000-1200 Late Middle Ages 1200 -- 1500. 794-1853 Heian Period (794-1185) Kamakura Shogunate (1185 to 1333) Tokogawa Shogunate (1603 – 1868). Time Periods. FORM OF STATE

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Japanese Vs. European Feudalism

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  1. Japanese Vs. European Feudalism

  2. 400 – 1500 CE Early Middle Ages – to 1000 CE High Middle Ages 1000-1200 Late Middle Ages 1200 -- 1500 794-1853 Heian Period (794-1185) Kamakura Shogunate (1185 to 1333) Tokogawa Shogunate (1603 – 1868) Time Periods

  3. FORM OF STATE Decentralized “feudalistic” relationship (vassalage & fiefdom) Holy Roman Empire Hereditary Vassalage FORM OF STATE Somewhat decentralized -- Bakufu government headed by Shogun (w/ Vassalage & fiefdom) Shogunate Hereditary Vassalage POLITICAL

  4. EUROPE HIERARCHY: Kings Lords Knights Peasants JAPAN HIERARCHY: Shogun (military dictator) Daimyo (lords) Samurai (~ %7 of pop.) Ronin Farmers Merchants & Craftsmen (except sword makers) POLITICAL (CONT)

  5. EUROPE FORM OF ECONOMY Barter economy w/ Agricultural Base INFRASTRUCTURE Little infrastructure, poor roads; “local” focus due to unsafe roads, etc. JAPAN FORM OF ECONOMY Barter economy w/ Agricultural Base INFRASTRUCTURE Excellent infrastructure (esp. roads) but prohibited to use wheeled vehicles ECONOMIC

  6. EUROPE TRADE & CRAFTSMANSHIP --Some widespread trade goods, e.g. Wool from Flanders WEALTH Wealth measured in land Land distributed to vassals by lords or kings CITIES Independent Italian city-states JAPAN TRADE & CRAFTSMANSHIP Little trade; Sword masters highly valued WEALTH Wealth measured in “Koku” (rice to feed one person one year) Shogun distributed Koku, took 20% CITIES Few major cities, e.g. Nagasaki ECONOMIC

  7. EUROPE EXCLUSIVE Christianity with Paganism among peasants Judaism – minority religion Schismatics & Church Reform (e.g. Clunaic reforms) CHIVALRY (Key) JAPAN SYNCRETIC Shintoism – animistic religion of state (also Totemistic) ;Emperor as descendant of Sun Goddess Zen Buddhism – ideas about the “void”, illusory nature of existence BUSHIDO (Key) RELIGIOUS

  8. EUROPE Knighthood: focus on cavalry Vassals sent sons to be trained as knights Metallurgy relatively unsophisticated JAPAN Samurai Warriors – allowed katana Kashin (vassals) provided samurai for daimyos (overlords) Advanced metallurgy, esp. swords MILITARY

  9. Gothic Armor

  10. EUROPE ETHICAL SYSTEMS Chivalry: Code of behavior for nobles Christianity SOCIAL HIERARCHY Serfdom Little – no upward mobility JAPAN ETHICAL SYSTEMS Bushido (after 1600) Confucianism, Zen Buddhism, Shintoism SOCIAL HIERARCHY Caste system- Eta as outcastes Serfdom No upward mobility SOCIAL

  11. EUROPE LAW Three legal systems: Dane law, Roman Law, Canon Law Different legal rights for different classes (Dane Law) LANGUAGE Language: Latin (academic and church), vernacular (Germanic, Slavic, Romantic) JAPAN LAW Single legal system based on judgment of Shogun, Confucian ideals, and Zen Buddhism LANGUAGE Single language. Development of Japanese script from Chinese characters SOCIAL

  12. EUROPE DIET Mostly Vegetarian (not by choice or religion), meat for wealthy or special occasions JAPAN DIET Mostly Vegetarian (Buddhist influences) w/ fish. Meat for eta caste only. SOCIAL

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