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3D Programming Cocos 2D-x and Unity 3D Nguyễn Đức Toàn -51103691 Bùi Minh Đạo-51100710

3D Programming Cocos 2D-x and Unity 3D Nguyễn Đức Toàn -51103691 Bùi Minh Đạo-51100710. 1. What is cocos2d -x?. - Cocos2d-x is an open source game engine . -Under MIT license. 2. Where did Cocos2d-x come from?. 3.Support Platform:. 4. Supported Languages. 5.Main Features :.

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3D Programming Cocos 2D-x and Unity 3D Nguyễn Đức Toàn -51103691 Bùi Minh Đạo-51100710

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  1. 3D ProgrammingCocos 2D-x and Unity 3DNguyễnĐứcToàn -51103691Bùi Minh Đạo-51100710

  2. 1. What is cocos2d-x? • -Cocos2d-x is an open source game engine . • -Under MIT license.

  3. 2. Where did Cocos2d-x come from?

  4. 3.Support Platform:

  5. 4. Supported Languages

  6. 5.Main Features: • -Scene management • -2D Graphics • -Widgets • -Physics • -Audio • -Network

  7. 6. Support Editor: • -Official World Editor • CocoStudio • -World Editors • CocosBuilder • Level Helper & Sprite Helper • -Animation Editors • Spine for flipbook and skeleton animations • Dragon Bones, a Flash plugin to export and run Flash animations

  8. 6. Support Editor: • -Bitmap Font Tools • Glyph Designer • -Perticle Editing Tools • Particle Designer • -Texture Atlas Tools • Texture Packer, and How to use it with Cocos2d-x • Zwoptex • -Tile map Editing Tools • Tiled Map Editor

  9. II. Installation: • *set up the Android Cocos2d-x development environment on Windows 7 • -Download cocos2d-x 2.x • -Configure android development environment. • +install JDK. • +install Android SDK. • +install Cygwin. • +install Android NDK. • Finally, we can launch eclipse and import a sample android project within cocos2d-x folder. .

  10. III. 3d programming in cocos2d-x: • -3D objects are objects that occurs on a three-axis Cartesian coordinate system. • -Cocos2D-x is a 2d gaming library.

  11. III. 3d programming in cocos2d-x: • -As it uses OpenGL internally to draw its stuff, we might leverage it to create some 3D objects on the mix.

  12. *Example game using cocos2d-x

  13. *Example game using cocos2d-x

  14. *Example game using cocos2d-x

  15. 3Dmobileprogramming with What is Unity ? Supported Platform Licensing Introduction to main features Create a small game with Unity

  16. What is Unity ? - Unity is a cross-platform game engine with a built-in IDE developed by Unity Technologies. - Used to develop video games for web plugins, desktop platforms, consoles and mobile devices.

  17. Multiplatform

  18. Licensing – Free and Pro • Unity Pro: cost aprox. $1,500 USD or $75/month subscription for a minimum of 12 months • Unity Free: free, but limited in features and watermarked for web, only available to private and small business

  19. Introduction to main features Workflow Quality Animation Performance

  20. Render

  21. Render

  22. Lighting

  23. Special Effects

  24. Special Effects

  25. Physics

  26. AI : Built-in Pathfinding

  27. Workflow Asset workflow Scene Building Unity Editor Rapid Iteration Networking Scripting

  28. Performance

  29. Animation • video deleted

  30. Create a small game with Unity

  31. Thank You !

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