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An Introduction to MPI (message passing interface). Organization. In general, grid apps can be organized as: Peer-to-peer Manager-worker (one manager-many workers) We will focus on master-worker. Concepts. MPI size = # of processes in grid app MPI rank
Organization • In general, grid apps can be organized as: • Peer-to-peer • Manager-worker (one manager-many workers) • We will focus on master-worker.
Concepts • MPI size = # of processes in grid app • MPI rank • Individual process number in executing grid app • 0..size-1 • In manager-worker framework, • let manager rank = 0 • and workers ranks be 1..size-1 • Each individual process can determine its rank.
More concepts • Blocking vs. nonblocking • Blocking = calling process waits (blocks) until this operation completes • Nonblock = calling process does not wait (block). The calling process initiates the operation but does not wait for completion.
Compiling MPI grid apps (on scott) • Don’t use g++ directly! • Use: ~ggrevera/lammpi/bin/mpic++ Ex. mpic++ -g -o mpiExample2.exe mpiExample2.cpp mpic++ -O3 -o mpiExample2.exe mpiExample2.cpp
Starting, running, and stopping grid apps • Before we can run our grid apps, we must first start lam mpi. Enter the command: • lamboot -v • An optional lamhosts file may be specified to indicate the host computers (along with CPU configurations) that participate in the grid. • To run our grid app (called mpiExample1.exe), use: • mpirun -np 4 ./mpiExample1.exe • This creates and runs a 4 process grid app. • When you are finished, stop lam mpi via: • lamhalt
Getting started #include <mpi.h> //do this once for mpi definitions int MPI_Init ( int *pargc, char ***pargv ); INPUT PARAMETERS pargc - Pointer to the number of arguments pargv - Pointer to the argument vector
Finish up int MPI_Finalize ( void );
Other useful MPI functions int MPI_Comm_rank ( MPI_Comm comm, int *rank ); INPUT PARAMETERS comm - communicator (handle) OUTPUT PARAMETER rank - rank of the calling process in group of comm (integer)
Other useful MPI functions int MPI_Comm_size ( MPI_Comm comm, int *psize ); INPUT PARAMETER comm - communicator (handle - must be intracommunicator) OUTPUT PARAMETER psize - number of processes in the group of comm (integer)
Other useful non MPI functions #include <unistd.h> int gethostname ( char *name, size_t len );
Other useful non MPI functions #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> pid_t getpid ( void );
Example 1 • This program is a skeleton of a parallel MPI application using the one manager/many workers framework. • http://www.sju.edu/~ggrevera/software/csc4035/mpiExample1.cpp
Example 1 /** \file mpiExample1.cpp \brief MPI programming example #1. \author george j. grevera, ph.d. This program is a skeleton of a parallel MPI application using the one manager/many workers framework. <pre> compile: mpic++ -g -o mpiExample1.exe mpiExample1.cpp # debug version mpic++ -O3 -o mpiExample1.exe mpiExample1.cpp # optimized version run : lamboot -v # to start lam mpi mpirun -np 4 ./mpiExample1.exe # run in parallel w/ 4 processes lamhalt @ to stop lam mpi </pre> */ #include <assert.h> #include <mpi.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h>
Example 1 static char mpiName[ 1024 ]; ///< host computer name static int mpiRank; ///< number of this process (0..n-1) static int mpiSize; ///< total number of processes (n) static int myPID; ///< process id //----------------------------------------------------------------------
Example 1 //---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief main program entry point for example 1. execution begins here. \param argc count of command line arguments. \param argv array of command line arguments. \returns 0 is always returned. */ int main ( int argc, char* argv[] ) { //not const because MPI_Init may change if (MPI_Init( &argc, &argv ) != MPI_SUCCESS) { //actually, we'll never get here but it is a good idea to check. // if MPI_Init fails, mpi will exit with an error message. puts( "mpi init failed." ); return 0; } //get the name of this computer gethostname( mpiName, sizeof( mpiName ) ); //determine rank MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpiRank ); //determine the total number of processes MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpiSize ); //get the process id myPID = getpid();
Example 1 printf( "mpi initialized. my rank=%d, size=%d, pid=%d. \n", mpiRank, mpiSize, myPID ); if (mpiSize<2) { puts("this example requires at least 1 manager and 1 worker process."); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; } if (mpiRank==0) manager(); else worker(); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------
Example 1 //---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief manager code for example 1 */ static void manager ( void ) { printf( "manager: my rank=%d, size=%d, pid=%d. \n", mpiRank, mpiSize, myPID ); /** \todo insert manager code here. */ } //----------------------------------------------------------------------
Example 1 //---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief worker code for example 1 */ static void worker ( void ) { printf( "worker: my rank=%d, size=%d, pid=%d. \n", mpiRank, mpiSize, myPID ); /** \todo insert worker code here. */ } //----------------------------------------------------------------------
More useful MPI functions int MPI_Send ( void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype dtype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm ); INPUT PARAMETERS buf - initial address of send buffer (choice) count - number of elements in send buffer (nonnegative integer) dtyp - datatype of each send buffer element (handle) dest - rank of destination (integer) tag - message tag (integer) comm - communicator (handle)
More useful MPI functions int MPI_Recv ( void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype dtype, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *stat ); INPUT PARAMETERS count - maximum number of elements in receive buffer (integer) dtype - datatype of each receive buffer element (handle) src - rank of source (integer) tag - message tag (integer) comm - communicator (handle) OUTPUT PARAMETERS buf - initial address of receive buffer (choice) stat - status object (Status), which can be the MPI constant MPI_STATUS_IGNORE if the return status is not desired
Defining messages struct Message { enum { OP_WORK, ///< manager to worker - here's your work assignment OP_EXIT, ///< manager to worker - time to exit OP_RESULT ///< worker to manager - here's the result }; int operation; ///< one of the above /** \todo define operation specific parameters here. */ }; C enums assign successive integers to the given constants/symbols. C structs are like Java or C++ objects with only the data members and without the methods/functions.
Example 2 • This program is a skeleton of a parallel MPI application using the one manager/many workers framework. The process with an MPI rank of 0 is considered to be the manager; processes with MPI ranks of 1..mpiSize-1 are workers. Messages are defined and are sent from the manager to the workers. • http://www.sju.edu/~ggrevera/software/csc4035/mpiExample2.cpp
Example 2 //---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief manager code for example 2. */ static void manager ( void ) { printf( "manager: my rank=%d, size=%d, pid=%d. \n", mpiRank, mpiSize, myPID ); /** \todo insert manager code here. */ //as an example, send an empty work message to each worker struct Message m; m.operation = m.OP_WORK; assert( mpiSize>3 ); MPI_Send( &m, sizeof( m ), MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, 1, m.operation, MPI_COMM_WORLD ); MPI_Send( &m, sizeof( m ), MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, 2, m.operation, MPI_COMM_WORLD ); MPI_Send( &m, sizeof( m ), MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, 3, m.operation, MPI_COMM_WORLD ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------
Example 2 //---------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief worker code for example 2. */ static void worker ( void ) { printf( "worker: my rank=%d, size=%d, pid=%d. \n", mpiRank, mpiSize, myPID ); /** \todo insert worker code here. */ //as an example, receive a message MPI_Status status; struct Message m; MPI_Recv( &m, sizeof( m ), MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status ); printf( "worker %d (%d): received message. \n", mpiRank, myPID ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------
More useful MPI functions MPI_Barrier - Blocks until all process have reached this routine. int MPI_Barrier ( MPI_Comm comm ); INPUT PARAMETERS comm - communicator (handle)