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Getting your Career Academy Started. ESU 4 Career Academy Mission of ESU 4’s Career Academy is to provide opportunities for high school students to explore career fields, gain career readiness and earn college credit. Course Descriptions: Energy.
Getting your Career Academy Started ESU 4 Career Academy Mission of ESU 4’s Career Academy is to provide opportunities for high school students to explore career fields, gain career readiness and earn college credit.
Course Descriptions: Energy Industrial, Manufacturing and Engineering Systems: Energy - Course code: 100406Career Cluster: Transportation, Distribution and Logistics Course Description: Energy Exploration Energy is essential to all aspects of society. This course will provide a unique approach to understanding energy and learning about the many, varied career opportunities in this field. Students enrolled in this course will engage in the study of energy basics and fundamentals, the production and delivery of energy, and energy responsibilities and decisions. Students will have the opportunity to explore these energy-related topics through hands-on experiences and field trips to state-of-the-art energy facilities and interaction with experts from the industry.
Harvard Graduate School: Pathways to Prosperity Study - February 2011 • President Obama, speech in 2009, “… every American will need to get more than a high school diploma.” • “The United States now has the highest college dropout rate in the industrialized world.” Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development • “Schools must offer multiple pathways for students to reach their careers” Omaha World Herald; Roger Breed, Nebraska Education Commissioner, “ so they do have doors open to them.”
Course Descriptions (cont.): Health Health Science: Introduction to Health Sciences – Course code: 077300 Career Cluster: Health Sciences Course Description: Introduction to Health Sciences Introduction to Health Sciences is a course to increase the knowledge and skills of Health Care Careers within the five pathways. Topics covered may include (but not limited to) health care: health care delivery, patient care (including assessment of vital signs, body mechanics, and diet), identification and use of medical equipment and supplies, medical terminology, hygiene and disease prevention, first aid and CPR procedures, laboratory procedures, ethical and legal responsibilities.
Course Instructors Elective Course Health – FCS, Science, Social Studies Energy – IT, Science *Trade Certificate*
Program of Study Energy – Semester long, 3-course optional progression 1. Energy Exploration • Energy course with a focus on Careers in Energy industry • Taught by high school instructors 2. Advanced Algebra/Applied Physics 3. Introduction to Energy Operations • John Pierce, SCC, developed with NPPD • Taught Online, DL, face-to-face with industry personnel
Program of Study Health – Semester/Year-long course; 3 Course Progression • Introduction to Health Science • Medical Terminology – On-line • Certified Nursing Assistant
ESU 4 Career Academy Coordinator Career Academy Coordinator • Liaison between schools, business and industry • Assistance with course development and delivery • Sustainability of program with resources • Training of instructors
Energy Innovation grant Curriculum Training Supplies & materials
Energy Explorations Course Training • Energy Exploration Training • THURSDAY, JUNE 2ND & FRIDAY JUNE 3RD • John Pierce, SCC Instructor, will provide training - Milford SCC Campus • Instructors will receive a stipend • Travel expenses will also be paid • Technology Tools
Health Grant Opportunities – SEDHD Mini-grant Curriculum & Text Materials Training Supplies & Materials
Health Science Course Training • Health Science Re-Visit training: Monday, February 14th 2011 for current Health Science instructors • Networking and sharing best practices • Technology tools and training • New Health Science instructors: Tuesday, May 31st –Wednesday , June 1st, 2011 at the ESU 4 Main Office • Stacia Weaver, OPS Career Center, will provide training • Returning instructors: ½ day on Tuesday,May 31st • Instructors will receive a stipend • Travel expenses paid • Technology training and tools.