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Vitamin B6. Forms:pyridoxal , pyridoxine ,pyridoxamine Active form : PLP (pyridoxal 5’-phosphate) As a coenzyme amino acid and protein metabolism 1978 &1985 Driskell Elder and adolescent girl Vit.B6 deficiency risk group 1985 Thanassi Low Vit B6 intake cancer
Vitamin B6 • Forms:pyridoxal , pyridoxine ,pyridoxamine • Active form : PLP (pyridoxal 5’-phosphate) • As a coenzyme amino acid and protein metabolism • 1978&1985 Driskell Elder and adolescent girl Vit.B6 deficiency risk group • 1985 Thanassi Low Vit B6 intake cancer 1985 Willett Low Vit B6 intake CHD
Vitamin B6 measures • 1.plasma PLP : (1)diet Vit.B6 與plasma PLP有良好的相關性 (2)1993 Mascher half-life:<48 hr 反映short-term intake (3)1984 Schuster 19 adults plasma PLP and diet intake r =0.61 • (4)1985 Willett 280 men and women by FFQ for 1yr diet intake and fasting plasma PLP r =0.37 (男) r =0.39 (女)
Vitamin B6 measures • 2. 收集24-hour尿液 Vit. B6 最終代謝產物:4PA(4-pyridoxic acid) r = 0.72 • 3.erythrocyte transaminase (1)glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (2)asparate aminotransferase 1992 Lie 265 women r=0.65 • 4.tryptophan load test 收集24-hour尿液 tryptophan metabolites
Vitamin B6 • methods 1984 Sauberlich HPLC separate and quantitate different vitamin B6 • Storage • 1984 Howard plasma PLPfrozen at -20°C700 days (decline rate : 2.2% per year) • 1983 Camp plasma PLP frozen at -80°C 10 days
Vitamin B6 measures • 1985 Willett Plasma PLP 與age, gender, obesity 之間的相關性甚低 10位men (20-30yrs) and 10位men (60-70yrs) plasma PLP level no difference • 1985 Leklem & 1987 Manore 劇烈運動plasma PLP and urinary Vit.B6 僅短暫的增加 • 1985 Miller 女性服用occ and 停經婦女服用estrogen均為Vit.B6缺乏之高危險群 • 1985 Bhagavan Drugs and ethanol lower plasma PLP level • 1990 Leklem Increase Protein intake and smoking lower plasma PLP level
Calcium • 1984 McCarron dietary calcium protects against hypertension • 1985 Garland dietary calcium protects against colorectal cancer • dietary calcium and osteoporosis , fracture(?) • Blood calcium level homeostatic control
Calcium • Relation between Calcium intake and urinary calcium level(?) • 1985 Castenmiller Low-Ca diet urinary calcium excretion (約為高鈣飲食的75%) Na supplementation urinary calcium excretion • 1988 Aalberts 22名 omnivorous , healthy male 1.12 g Ca/day(92%) urinary calcium excretion (20%) • 1994 Joseph r = 0.05 (127 men) r = 0.16 (193 women)