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Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein. Projektet medfinansieras av Norra Periferi Programmet, Interreg . IVB Varaktighet: Januari 2008 - Juni 2010 Deltagande länder: Scottland, Nord Irland, Färöarna, Finland, Norge & Sverige
Imagination is more important than knowledge Albert Einstein
Projektet medfinansieras av Norra Periferi Programmet, Interreg. IVB Varaktighet: Januari 2008 - Juni 2010 Deltagande länder: Scottland, Nord Irland, Färöarna, Finland, Norge & Sverige Partners i Kramfors: PowerHouse och Mediaenter/Studiecentrum Partners: 10. Associated partners: 8 Budget: 1 803 540 Euro
Our partners Entrepreneurship training centre Finland Finland Sweden Finland Norway Northern Ireland Sweden Finland Sweden Sweden Norway Scotland Norway Faroe Islands
Support the development of entrepreneurial culture, knowledge and know-how in the creative sector in the rural and remote areas • Increase opportunities for creative young people to share creative work and develop business ideas • Support the international networking between creative youth 2008-2010
Internationell samproduktion • Distansproduktion av t.ex. film, musik och multimedia • Nätbaserad distansundervisning • Med entreprenörskap i fokus • ICT –baserade verktyg • Transnationell samproduktion och distribution • Virtuell inkubator • Onlinetjänst för den kreativa sektorn
Studio NoCry • En experimentell fysisk ungdomsinkubator i Kramfors! • Mål: en framtidsarena i Västernorrland för innovation, samverkan och positiv dialog mellan unga, näringsliv, entreprenörer, utbildning och politiker
internationell ledarskapsutbildning, ”Ignition”, Kajaani, Finland • ungdomsgrupp från Kramfors, Härnösand och Sundsvall framförde ett performance vid Grönlands självständighetsförklaring • Youth Partners in Development. Ungdomar från Kambodja, Zambia och Sverige i Studio NoCry • ungdomskonferens i samband med Festivalen Bakgården, Harstad; Norge • Day of Ideas, Trends about entrepreneurship, Studio Acusticum, Piteå • Northern PeripheryProgrammeAnnual Conference, LAVA09, Island • 4 stycken Open Space, bl.a. i samband med Global Entrepreneurship Week. Av de ungdomar som varit engagerade i studion har 4 stycken gått vidare till högre utbildning, 12 stycken har fått anställning och 5 företag har startats med studions hjälp.
Exchanging good practice between Europe's regions RegioStars – The Awards for Regional Innovative Projects NoCry was chosen as one of the five finalists in the Theme I. Economic competitiveness, Category 2. Anticipating economic change. som delas ut av EU-kommissionen till innovativa projekt
“The project appears still to be very good value for money, and is a success story. An interesting fact is that the project is dominated by young people, which is quite unique, especially since this project has a very strong and focused results oriented mind set. The solid management of the project structure is a key to the success and the Northern Periphery Programme will propose this project to be promoted as a candidate for a region Star Award”.
Lead Partner - educating attitudes, enterprising futures, encouraging entrepreneurship
Background NoCry2 draws on the experiences and results gained in the Northern Creative Youth project, during which project it became increasingly clear that most creative young entrepreneurs possess very niche competence, making it hard for them to meet an ever expanding market and a rising demand for overall solutions and broader product and service portfolios.
Fasttrackcomparision VirtualIncubatorHub Business support service Individuals Groups/clusters General Unique/niche Incubation Innovation Participants Participatory Lead to next ICT Fusion with existing ITC Existingknowledge New knowledge – lerning - by - doing
Aim • To encourage and promote youth entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial approach and multidisciplinary collaboration, and to create a better understanding of specific needs and circumstances of the creative industry in general and the creative entrepreneurs in specific. • GoalTo broaden the involved entrepreneur’s product and service portfolios, thus strengthening their competitiveness and ability to meet the market demands and potential new clients. • Expected main outcome • A business support service for young entrepreneurs in the creative industries.
Target groups • Potential and existing young, niche creative entrepreneurs • Young people involved in the project implementation • Young people, a wider audience of final users of the service • Community and decision makers • Adult students and students in higher education • People with foreign and/or different cultural background • Cultural and youth political associations/organisations
The Real Factorthe bringing together of creative young niche entrepreneurs, forming creative clusters, promoting multidisciplinary cross-collaboration and offeringopportunities to acquire enterprising skills and expertise through practical and real life experiences and activities. • The Integral tools briefcase a basic methodology for the support of creative entrepreneurs and a selection of tools usedin cluster activities,developed/ created throughout the course of the project and based on results from the various activities. • The Cloud Creative Community a fusion of already existing social media platforms, communities, technological solutions and functions, interactive and integrated in new ways to make accessible the use of new media in both the transnational and international environment.
Project Lead Partner PowerHouse, Municipality of Kramfors Partners Sweden:Powerhouse, Municipality of Kramfors Norway:Trøms County Northern Ireland:NerveCentre Finland: Kemi-Tornio University In addition, there are 11 associated partners from Sweden, Iceland, Scotland (Orkney Islands and Shetland Islands), Finland, Norway and Northern Ireland. Project duration 01.01.2011 – 31.12.2013 BudgetThe total project budget is €992 907.93
Partner New ways. New possibilities. Cinergy is a project aiming at development and growth through collaboration between traditional and creative industries. 1. Mapping of businesses and collection of god practise 2. Pilots for testing methodology and tools 3. Mainstreaming the findings from pilots for implementation in CreativeAgencies
Members of Chain Cleave - company located at Studio Nocry “The project has provided us with a good working environment, support and contacts, things that has helped us during the start-up of the company and in various ways contributed to our personal development. The office space that we have had access to through Studio NoCry has been invaluable to us in our daily work. The support from mentors has helped us enormously and we have also gained a lot of experience; meeting people from different positions in society and countries has been very interesting and insightful. Without NoCry we would never have achieved what we have achieved so far!” • Ida Gradin – Member of the first team KramForce at Studio NoCry • “If someone told me that I would be employed as youth motivator in the Studio NoCry, I would have thought they were crazy. But after some time and many experiences richer, I grew into my role and it felt good! I have been part of events that have been incredibly rewarding and provided memories and tools for life. • I have got the opportunity to express my creativity and received support for my ideas. I have developed my leadership, learned to take place and I have also built an incredible network of amazing people and creative entrepreneurs from other countries from whom I know I can get support and help.”
I think: This is an important project that provides more advantages to the young people to join in groups and also to learn to work together as well as to be brave in the society. Moreover I think it is very vital to be in groups to do something in the positive ways or just to take part in the society. Then they will have a feeling that they are one part of the society. //Bona, Cambodia “ Människor bryr sig om mig. Jag känner mig betydelsefull. Jag får använda mina talanger. Det är roligt och stimulerande att vara en del i en grupp. Tillsammans med andra ungdomar blir man starkare. Studion är ett bra ställe för att utveckla ideer och förverkliga dem. Jag älskar studion, det är både avslappnande och tar din kreativitet till nivåer du bara drömt om. Det hjälper mig att växa som människa. Det är varmt, både fysiskt och hos människorna som finns här. Färgerna på väggarna gör mig glad. Jag får lära mig om livet. När jag är i studion känner jag mig inspirerad”. // Emanuel, Kramfors