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Weapons Control & Targeting Systems

Weapons Control & Targeting Systems. AIAA Aircraft Design Team 2 Eric Fuchs & Nancy Fung October 31, 2006 A/C Design Class. Weapons Control Link between aircraft and weapons Controls weapon release. Targeting Systems Sensor & radars used to locate target. Introduction.

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Weapons Control & Targeting Systems

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  1. Weapons Control & Targeting Systems AIAA Aircraft Design Team 2 Eric Fuchs & Nancy Fung October 31, 2006 A/C Design Class

  2. Weapons Control Link between aircraft and weapons Controls weapon release Targeting Systems Sensor & radars used to locate target Introduction

  3. Stores Management Systems (SMS) • Primary interface between aircraft and its weapons (stores) • Provides necessary power and control to safely release weapons • Tornado: • Weapon Programming Unit (WPU) • Weapon Control Panel (WCP-1) • Pilots Control Panel (WCP-2) • Pylon Decoder Unit (AAMU) • Intervallgerber (IVG) • Gun Electronic Unit (GEU) http://www.smiths-aerospace.com/Products--/Images/Tornado%20Stores%20Management%20System.jpg

  4. Fire Control Radar Lockheed Martin • Searches, detects, locates, classifies, and prioritize multiple moving targets • Target data (i.e., azimuth, elevation, range and velocity) automatically transferred to other platforms • Used by Apache AH-64D Attack Helicopter http://www.missilesandfirecontrol.com/our_products/combatvision/LONGBOW/images/pic-product-Longbow1.jpg

  5. LANTIRN ER Lockheed Martin(Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night Extended Range) • Day/night/under the weather capability • Altitudes from sea level to 40,000 ft • Navigation & Targeting Pod mounted beneath aircraft • Applications: • F-14, F-15E, F-16C/D http://www.missilesandfirecontrol.com/our_products/combatvision/LANTIRN/images/pic-product-lantirn.jpg

  6. Navigation Pod (AN/AAQ-13) Targeting Pod (AN/AAQ-14) LANTIRN ER Lockheed Martin(Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night Extended Range)

  7. LANTIRN ER Lockheed Martin(Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night Extended Range) https://mfcbastion.external.lmco.com/mfc/videolibrary/LANTRIN-TargetPod.mpg

  8. Sniper XRLockheed Martin • Electro-Optical Advanced targeting Pod (ATP) • Applications: • A-10, B-1, B-52, F-15E, F-16, F/A-18 http://www.missilesandfirecontrol.com/our_products/combatvision/SNIPER/images/pic-product-sniper2.jpg

  9. Sniper XRLockheed Martin https://mfcbastion.external.lmco.com/mfc/videolibrary/Sniper_XR.mpg

  10. Litening Rafael Armaments • Applications: • A-10, AMX, AV-8B, B-52, EF2000, F-4, F-5, F-16, F-15, F/A-18, Jaguar, JAS 39 Gripen, MiG-21, Mirage 2000, Su-27, Tornado • Currently Co-developed with Northrop Grumman http://defense-update.com/images/litening-breakdown-lr.jpg

  11. Litening Rafael Armaments http://www.usmc.mil/marinelink/image1.nsf/ae82f18a8e1b160b852568ba007e7e5e/332c685eef4fad9f852570fd0078078f/$FILE/060118-M-2789C-013-LITENING.jpg

  12. In The Future… • ABL-IRSS • Airborne Laser Infrared Subsystem • AIRST • Advanced IR search and track

  13. References • http://www.smiths-aerospace.com/Products--/Digital/Mission-and-Stores-Management-Systems/Stores---Weapon-Management-Systems/index.asp • http://www.missilesandfirecontrol.com/our_products/combatvision/LONGBOW/product-LONGBOW.html • http://www.missilesandfirecontrol.com/our_products/combatvision/LANTIRN/product-LANTIRN.html • http://www.missilesandfirecontrol.com/our_products/combatvision/SNIPER/product-SNIPER_XR.html • http://defense-update.com/directory/litening.html • “Weapons Control & Targeting Systems.” Aviation Week and Space Technology. 16 Jan. 2006: 247-9.

  14. Questions?

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