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Forum čezmejne integracije Forum sull’integrazione transfrontaliera Paolo Perucci Gorica/Gorizia 30. november 2010

Forum čezmejne integracije Forum sull’integrazione transfrontaliera Paolo Perucci Gorica/Gorizia 30. november 2010. The idea. To analyze the whole eligible area by placing the presence of economic sectors on a map

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Forum čezmejne integracije Forum sull’integrazione transfrontaliera Paolo Perucci Gorica/Gorizia 30. november 2010

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  1. Forum čezmejne integracije Forum sull’integrazione transfrontaliera Paolo Perucci Gorica/Gorizia 30. november 2010

  2. The idea • To analyze the whole eligible area by placing the presence of economic sectors on a map • To identify relationships between different geographical areas from both sides of the border

  3. The data • On Italian side, from Business Register, thanks to the Italian Chamber of Commerce who provided summary data for each commune and for each specific ATECO / NACE code

  4. The data • On Slovenian side, with the cooperation of ROD who bought geometries and provided necessary data on SKD classification to produce a joint analysis of the eligible area

  5. The classification • KMS suggests a classification scheme more suitable to describe economic sectors • Each partner might suggest a particular classification for specific purposes

  6. Alcuni esempi Ceramicindustry

  7. Alcuni esempi Shipbuilding

  8. Alcuni esempi Telecommunication

  9. Alcuni esempi Sporting goods

  10. Alcuni esempi Culture

  11. First results • Economic sectors differ a lot in their presence on territory • Around highly specialized areas, adjacent communes are still involved in the same economic sector

  12. Next steps • Analyze all economic sectors and identify highly specialized areas • Locate BSO operating on these areas and identify the relevant stakeholders

  13. Forum čezmejne integracije Forum sull’integrazione transfrontaliera Thank you for listening Contacts: Paolo Perucci E.I.N.E. Enti Industrializzazione Nord Est paolo.perucci@ezit.ts.it Projekt iCON sofinanciran v okviru Programa čezmejnega sodelovanja Slovenija-Italija 2007-2013 iz sredstev Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj in nacionalnih sredstev. Progetto iCON finanziato nell'ambito del Programma per laCooperazione Transfrontaliera Italia-Slovenia 2007-2013, dal Fondo europeo disviluppo regionale e dai fondi nazionali. Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze

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