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CNIDAIRES. SCYPHOZOA. (méduses). Aurelia aurita. HYDROZOA. Siphonophore. Hydroide. Hydridae. Hydra spp. Hydra carnea. CTENAIRES. Venus spp. Thalassocalyce spp. Beroe spp. Mnemiopsis spp. Vallicula spp. Pleurobrachia spp. Larves de trochophores Molluscs or annelids. MOLLUSQUES.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CNIDAIRES SCYPHOZOA (méduses) Aurelia aurita HYDROZOA Siphonophore Hydroide Hydridae Hydra spp Hydra carnea CTENAIRES Venus spp Thalassocalyce spp Beroe spp Mnemiopsis spp Vallicula spp Pleurobrachia spp

  2. Larves de trochophores Molluscs or annelids MOLLUSQUES Larves véligères GASTEROPODES BIVALVES OPISTOBRANCHES Clione limacina ANNELIDES Polychaetes (soies) Polychaetes (soies) Oligochaetes LARVES METATROCHOPHORES segmenté LARVES NECTOCHAETES

  3. CEPHALOCARIDES BRANCHIURES Argulus spp. CIRRIPEDES Balanidae Larves nauplii (copépodes) Larves cypris OSTRACODES

  4. ECHINODERMES Holothuries Asteroides Echinoides Ophiuroides Crinoides PHORONIDES Larves actinotroches Phoronis spp. Phoronis architecta BRYOZOAIRES Larves cyphonautes

  5. ROTIFERES Genres Formes générales Genres Euchlanis Lecane Monostyla Kellicottia Brachionus Keratella Trichocera Collotheca Conochilloides Conochillus Notholca Filinia Hexarthra Anureaopsis Polyarthra Birgea

  6. COPEPODES Antennes > tête Antennes < tête Urosome plus petit que le prosome HARPACTICOIDES CALANOIDES Prosome Urosome aussi long que le prosome CYCLOPOIDES Urosome

  7. CLADOCERES Ceriodaphnia Bosmina Chydorus Alona Scapholeberis Daphnia Daphnia Daphnia Daphnia Sinocephalus Moina

  8. MALACOSTRACES Peracarides ISOPODES - 7 pairs of legs - Thoracic segments make up most of body Aegathoa spp. Aegathoa medialis (no picture) AMPHIPODES Caprellidae Gammaridae Gammarus spp. MYSIDACES Neomysis integer CUMACES

  9. CHAETOGNATHES TARTIGRADES UROCHORDES Ascidiacea spp. Thaliacea spp. CEPHALOCHORDES Branchiostoma spp. Branchiostoma caribeum

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