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LINDI Miner. Goal Investigate causes of high cholesterol to inform new research directions Use Scenario User loads a collection of Medline abstracts for mining User explores documents containing the string cholesterol. LINDI Text Miner. Create a new project using. T ext File(s).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LINDI Miner • Goal • Investigate causes of high cholesterol to inform new research directions • Use Scenario • User loads a collection of Medline abstracts for mining • User explores documents containing the string cholesterol

  2. LINDI Text Miner Create a new project using Text File(s) XML File(s) Database(s) HTML File(s) Open an existing project More Files… tobacco.lpf \…\cancerdata.lpf \\share\…\water.lpf Don’t show this dialog box again No documents available

  3. Project Files Look in: medline Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 File name: Files of type: Text Files(*.txt) Files in Project: Include Subfolders No documents available

  4. Project Options Term None None Stop Words Named Entities Synonyms Independent term and document normalization Include During Parsing Exclude During Parsing Metadata Indexing 1 Norm Entropy 1 Norm Log term Inverse Frequency: Inclusion Range: of documents Scaling: Normalization: No documents available

  5. Save Project As Look in: medline Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 File name: medline.lpf Save as type: LINDI Project(*.lpf) No documents available

  6. Project Setup Status: Processing file 99459448.txt No documents available

  7. View topics All docs (12793): .* - medline.lpf

  8. Topics – Step 1 of 2 Use document sets Apply term sets All docs (12793) No term sets available Cancel | < Back | Next > | Create All docs (12793): .* - medline.lpf

  9. Topics – Step 2 of 2 Yes Terms Documents Yes No No No Yes Map Creation Algorithm: Number of Topics: 40 Self-organizing map Display Options Display Map: Color Coding: Topic Labels: Display Table: Cancel | < Back | Next > | Create All docs (12793): .* - medline.lpf

  10. Topic Map(All terms (7944); Cholesterol docs) Search for: Options Find diabetic Select All | Clear All | Save Terms | Save Docs arterial fluvastatin Topic Size Action association arterial 123.73 fluvastatin 29.18 data determined decrease presence suggest treated diabetic 29.01 association 18.81 triglycerides 17.61 triglycerides mediated uptake 15.73 tgf data 11.50 vldl chinese tgf 11.18 chinese 11.08 mediated 9.80 methylglutaryl antihypersentive glycosylphos-phatidylinositol vldl 7.94 detection separation methylglutaryl 7.54 estimates nephropathy 6.89 implicated uptake ambulatory describes 6.81 hemoglobine detection 6.02 nephropathy establish ambulatory 5.35 subcutaneous cisplatin 5.17 edcf cisplatin epa start shock 5.03 Topics (All docs) compartments antihypertensive 4.91 describes haemostatic data released separation 4.69 shock All docs (12793): .* glycosylphosphati… 4.31 synthetic lcfa cycle radical scavenge estimates 4.31 epa 4.19 lcfa 3.97 hemoglobine 3.94 Status: map creation completed - medline.lpf

  11. Topic Map(All terms (7944); Cholesterol docs) Search for: Options Find diabetic Select All | Clear All | Save Terms | Save Docs arterial fluvastatin Topic Size Action association arterial 123.73 fluvastatin 29.18 arterial early hemodialysis artherogenisis arthrogenic diabetic 29.01 association 18.81 triglycerides 17.61 triglycerides mediated uptake 15.73 tgf data 11.50 vldl chinese tgf 11.18 chinese 11.08 mediated 9.80 methylglutaryl antihypersentive glycosylphos-phatidylinositol vldl 7.94 detection separation methylglutaryl 7.54 estimates nephropathy 6.89 implicated uptake ambulatory describes 6.81 hemoglobine detection 6.02 nephropathy establish ambulatory 5.35 subcutaneous cisplatin 5.17 edcf cisplatin epa start shock 5.03 Topics (All docs) compartments antihypertensive 4.91 describes haemostatic data released separation 4.69 shock All docs (12793): .* glycosylphosphati… 4.31 synthetic lcfa cycle radical scavenge estimates 4.31 epa 4.19 lcfa 3.97 hemoglobine 3.94 Status: map creation completed - medline.lpf

  12. View topic Topics (All docs) All docs (12793): .* - medline.lpf Topic Map(All terms (7944); Cholesterol docs) Search for: Options Find diabetic Select All | Clear All | Save Terms | Save Docs arterial fluvastatin Topic Size Action association arterial 123.73 fluvastatin 29.18 diabetic 29.01 association 18.81 triglycerides 17.61 triglycerides mediated uptake 15.73 tgf data 11.50 vldl chinese tgf 11.18 chinese 11.08 mediated 9.80 methylglutaryl antihypersentive glycosylphos-phatidylinositol vldl 7.94 detection separation methylglutaryl 7.54 estimates nephropathy 6.89 implicated uptake ambulatory describes 6.81 hemoglobine detection 6.02 nephropathy establish ambulatory 5.35 subcutaneous cisplatin 5.17 edcf cisplatin epa start shock 5.03 compartments antihypertensive 4.91 describes haemostatic data released separation 4.69 shock glycosylphosphati… 4.31 synthetic lcfa cycle radical scavenge estimates 4.31 epa 4.19 lcfa 3.97 hemoglobine 3.94 Status: map creation completed

  13. All docs (12793): .* Topic Explorer Topic:arterial (65 terms, 557 docs) View Terms | View Docs Search for: Find Select All | Clear All | Save Terms Term Action arterial early hemodialysis atherogenesis atherogenic development background artery therapy formation - medline.lpf

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