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The status of herbicide/dioxin residues in Vietnam . Office of The National Steering Committee on overcoming of toxic chemicals used by US during the war in Vietnam (Office 33). Contaminated sources of herbicide/dioxin. ~ 77 million liters of herbercide. Ranch Hand 8/1961-10/1971
The status of herbicide/dioxin residues in Vietnam Office of The National Steering Committee on overcoming of toxic chemicals used by US during the war in Vietnam (Office 33)
Contaminated sources of herbicide/dioxin • ~77 millionliters of herbercide Ranch Hand 8/1961-10/1971 - Density of spray is about 37 kg/ha, which is 17 time higher than the spray density in agriculture WASH, STORE AND SPILLED AREAS FOR SPRAYING AIRPLAN Dioxin: byproduct in Agents Orange; Purple; Pink , Green
Quantity of dioxin contained in herbicides: - Folkin: 500 kg - Stellman: 366 kg ( 240 times total amount of dioxin/furan in USA year 2000). -Vietnam-Russia Tropical Center: 1000 kg • Dioxin contamination in Vietnam caused by AO source: • The ratio of TCDD is very high: • In soil and sediment • VN: 2,3,7,8- TCDD > 90%; • Contamination by industrial sources: 2,3,7,8TCDD ~10%
- 19,905 flights sprayed herbicide • 25.585 hamlets were sprayed with toxic chemicals • 80% areas were duplicated spray • 11% areas were sprayed more than 10 times • Total forest area sprayed : 3,104,000 ha (approx.17.8% natural forest area) • Amount of wood lost about 82,830,000 m3 • Many rare and prestigue plans and animals were diminished and lost
Because of time, rain, flood, slops, run off,…>Concentration of Dioxin in spraying areas were mostly decreased below the harmful level to environment. • Cuu Long delta areas: not detected 2,3,7,8-TCDD concentration • Midle areas: Quảng Trị, Thừa Thiên Huế (A Lưới) dioxin concentration were found but were not high levels (average is 23,5ppt) • South East area: average of dioxin concentration is 15,05 ppt • Some big lakes: (như Dầu Tiếng, Trị An), dioxin concenration in sediment are in acceptable level (safety level) > Other contaminated areas is still lacking?? > Mobility, precipitation of hebicides/dioxin? ? > Unload hebicides/AO when airplan be pursuing or be charsing
DIOXIN RESIDUES AT THE STORED, WASHED, SPILLED AND UPLOADED AREAS • At present, 3 hotspot areas has been determining: Bien hoa , Biên Hòa, Đà Nẵng và Phù Cát aiports • in 2007, US MOD have providing information on new 7 aiports Đà Nẵng, Biên Hòa, Phù Cát, Nha Trang, Tân Sơn Nhất, Phan Rang và Tuy Hòa ) are previous storages that might be also contaminated. VN MOD, Hattfield are now doing sampling, analysing to determine dioxin concentration in these airports. For Danang airport, it have been identified some more contamination places at the South of aiport; in Bienhoa airport also indentified some new places of dioxin contamination (but analytical result is still not finished yet) .
Herbicides in Bien Hoa AirbaseOperation Ranch Hand (Dec. 1966 – Feb. 1970) - total transport and handlingAgent Orange: 98,000 barrels (20,384,000 l)Agent White: 45,000 barrels (9,360,000 l)Agent Blue: 16,300 barrels (3,390,000 l)Operation Pacer Ivy (Apr. 1970 – Mar. 1972)Re-drumming of 11,000 barrels Agent Orange (2,288,000 l) and site cleanup occurredSpills of Herbicides in Bien Hoa AirbaseDecember 1969 – March 1970: four large spills from 28,000-liter tanks occurred on the airbase. Spills and leakages also occurred due to handling (loading, washing and re-drumming).
Herbicides in Phu Cat Airbase • Operation Ranch Hand (Jun. 1968 – May. 1970) - total transport and handling • Agent Orange: 17,000 barrels (3,536,000 l) • Agent White: 9,000 barrels (1,872,000 l) • Agent Blue: 2,900 barrels (603,200 l) • Spills of Herbicides in Phu Cat Airbase • Spills and leakages occurred due to handling (loading and washing).
Herbicides in Da Nang Airbase • Operation Ranch Hand (May 1964 – Jan. 1971) - total transport and handling: • Agent Orange: 52,700 barrels (10,961,600 l) • Agent White: 29,000 barrels (6,032,000 l) • Agent Green: 5,000 barrels (1,040,000 l) • Operation Pacer Ivy (Dec. 1971 – Mar. 1972) • Collected and re-drummed 8,220 barrels Agent Orange (1,709,760 l) • Spills of Herbicides in Da Nang Airbase • Spills and leakages occurred due to handling (loading, washing and re-drumming
Sen Lake Ranch Hand Sites Pacer Ivy Sites
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