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Jupiter . Fritzgerald Johnson, Ethan Goldtooth , Jeren Tracy. Jupiter .

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  1. Jupiter Fritzgerald Johnson, Ethan Goldtooth, Jeren Tracy.

  2. Jupiter • This was first discovery of a center of motions was not apparently centered on the Earth it was a major point in favor of Copernicus's heliocentric theory of motions of the planets along with other new evidences from the telescope the phases of Venus and the mountain of the moon. • Galileo outspoken support of the Copernicus theory got him in trouble with the inquisition. • Today anyone can repeat Galileo observation without pear of retribution using binoculars or an inexpensive telescope..

  3. Jupiter • Jupiter is the fourth brightest object in the solar system after the sun, the moon, and Venus. It has been know since prehistoric times as a bright star. In 1610, Galileo first pointed a telescope at the sky, he discovered Jupiter has four large moons and recorded their motion back and forth around Jupiter. • Jupiter is the solar system’s largest planet. Its mainly hydrogen and helium atmosphere resembles that our Sun is the same. Scientist even refer to the planet as a failed star, although it would need to be many time larger to have become a Sun.

  4. Jupiter’s Moons • Jupiter has 67 moons now. There four massive moons Jupiter has, The Galilean moons, which was discovered by Galileo.

  5. Jupiter’s Rings • Jupiter has thin set of rings, hardly visible, even with telescopes, from Earth. • Jupiter’s three rings came as a surprise when NASA Voyage 1 space craft discovered them around the planet equator in 1979. Each are much fainter than Saturn rings. • The planet’s rings are known as rings of Jupiter, or Jovian ring system. The third system discovered, besides Saturn and Uranus.

  6. Jupiter’s Spot • The Great Red Spot has been seen by earthly observations for 300 years its discovery is usually attributed to Cassini or barbet Hooke in the 17th century. The IGRS is an overall about 12,000 by 25,000 km. big enough to hold two Earths, others are smaller, but similar spots have been known for decades inferred observation and the direction of its rotation indicate that the ORS is a high pressure region whose cloud tops are significantly high and colder. • Similar structures have been seen on Saturn and Neptune it’s not known how suck a structure can persist for so long.

  7. Jupiter Facts • Jupiter helped the revolution the way we saw the universe’s and ourselves. This was the first time celestial bodies were not seen circling the Earth. • Major support of the Copernican knew that Earth was not the center of the Universe. • It only takes 9 hours and 55 minutes to spin on its Axis. That means a day on Jupiter is less than 10 hours long. • The average distance from the Sun (English) is 483,682,810 miles. In metric it’s 778,412,020 km.

  8. Jupiter’s Origin Jupiter was the king of the gods in Roman mythology. A fitting name of the largest of the planets. In similar manner the ancient Greeks names the planet after Zeus, the king of the Greek pantheon.

  9. Jupiter’s Atmosphere • Jupiter has the largest planetary atmosphere in the Solar System. The atmosphere lacks of clear lower boundary and gradually transitions. • Jupiter’s upper atmosphere experiences differential rotation that the lower atmosphere. It has different speeds due to its unusual shape. This happens because Jupiter is mostly gas. • Jupiter is 10% if Helium and 90% of Hydrogen, just like the Solar Nebula. Saturn’s composition is just similar to Jupiter’s, but Neptune and Uranus have less helium and hydrogen.

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