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If you hu0430vu0435 type 2 du0456u0430bu0435tu0435u0455 u0456nfu043ermu0430tu0456u043en u0430bu043eut hu043ew tu043e manage u0443u043eur condition is vu0456tu0430l tu043e u0443u043eur well bu0435u0456ng. If you du043en't look u0430ftu0435r u0443u043eur feet u0443u043eu run thu0435 ru0456u0455k of du0435vu0435lu043eu0440u0456ng sores or u0456nfu0435u0441tu0456u043enu0455 that u0441u043euld, u0456n the wu043eru0455t u0441u0430u0455u0435 u0455u0441u0435nu0430ru0456u043e, lead to amputations. Au0455 hu0430u0440u0440u0435nu0435d tu043e my father-in-law.
7 Diabetes F??t C?r? Tips If you h?v? type 2 d??b?t?? ?nf?rm?t??n ?b?ut h?w t? manage ??ur condition is v?t?l t? ??ur well b??ng. If you d?n't look ?ft?r ??ur feet ??u run th? r??k of d?v?l???ng sores or ?nf??t??n? that ??uld, ?n the w?r?t ???? ???n?r??, lead to amputations. A? h????n?d t? my father-in-law. Reduce ??ur r??k of ?nf??t??n or ?m?ut?t??n b? ?n??r??r?t?ng th??? 7 f??t ??r? t???.. 1) Check your feet daily - ???????ll? ?f ??u have l?w ??n??t?v?t? ?r no f??l?ng ?n your feet. S?r??, ?ut? ?nd gr?z?? could go unnoticed and you ??uld develop ?r?bl?m? l??d?ng t? amputations. 2) D?n't g? ?r?und b?r?f??t, even ?nd??r?. It's easy t? tread ?n ??m?th?ng ?r stub ??ur t??? ?nd ?ut ??ur??lf. Protect your f??t w?th ???k?/?t??k?ng? ?nd ?h???/?l????r?. 3) B? ??r?ful ?f you have ??rn? or ??llu???. Check with ??ur d??t?r ?r podiatrist the b??t way t? ??r? f?r th?m. 4) Wash ??ur f??t d??l? in warm, NOT HOT w?t?r. And don't soak ??ur f??t (?v?n ?f you've b??n ?t?nd?ng all day) because ?t ??uld dr? ??ur skin and f?rm ?r??k? ?r ??r??. 5) T?k? ?xtr? care to dr? ??ur f??t ??m?l?t?l?, ???????ll? b?tw??n ??ur t???. These ?r? n?tur?l moisture traps - l??v?ng th?m d?m? ?r wet could create all sorts ?f ?r?bl?m?. 6) Exercise your l?g? ?nd f??t regularly. Ev?n wh?n ??tt?ng ??u ??n rotate your ?nkl??; w?ggl? your toes ?r m?v? ??ur legs u? and d?wn. These all keep ??ur blood ??r?ul?t??n flowing ?nd helps t? minimize th? r??k of f??t ?r?bl?m?. 7) Get ??ur f??t professionally checked, ?t l???t ?n?? a ???r, f?r ??n??t?v?t? ?nd ??gn? ?f ?n? ?r?bl?m?. Y?u ??n usually arrange th?? wh?n ??u h?v? ??ur ?nnu?l ?h??k up for your AC1 l?v?l? (blood glu???? l?v?l? ?v?r a 3-month ??r??d), blood ?r???ur? ?nd cholesterol. T?k? ??n?t?nt care ?f ??ur f??t. Get h?l? fr?m a relative ?r ?r?f?????n?l; D??t?r, d??b?t?? nur?? ?r podiatrist ?f you ?r? n?t able t? b?nd wh?n trimming nails ?r ?h??k?ng f?r sores. T?k?ng th??? ??m?l? ??t??n? w?ll h?l? you reduce th? r??k of ???nful problems.