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LAUSD Nondiscrimination Statement MEM-4695.1. Both the “Nondiscrimination Statement” and the “Sexual Harassment Policy” posters must be posted in all schools and offices. They are in the main office. Sexual Harassment Policy BUL-1893.1 and BUL-3349.0.
LAUSDNondiscrimination StatementMEM-4695.1 Both the “Nondiscrimination Statement” and the “Sexual Harassment Policy” posters must be posted in all schools and offices. They are in the main office
Sexual Harassment PolicyBUL-1893.1 and BUL-3349.0 • Mr. Gamble and Ms. Cole are the Title IX Complaint Managers for our school • Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to: Unwelcome verbal, visual, and physical conduct.
Sexual Harassment Policy • 1. Is the conduct of a sexual nature? • 2. Is the conduct unwelcome? • 3. Does the conduct create a hostile environment for the alleged target? • 4. Is the conduct severe or persistent? • 5. Does the conduct limit the ability to participate in the educational program?
Sexual Harassment • If the answer to questions one through five is “yes,” the conduct may be considered sexual harassment. • That doesn’t mean that the conduct should not be considered inappropriate.
Anti-bullying PolicyBul. 1038.3 • Aggressive behavior that involves an imbalance of real or perceived physical or psychological power among those involved. • Typically, the behavior is repeated over time and includes the use of hateful words or acts.
Anti-Bullying Policy • Hurtful name calling • Gossiping or spreading rumors • Making threats • Posturing, gang signs, leering, gesturing • Extorting, humiliating, rating or ranking • Threats or insults sent by phone/email • Web sites
Hate-Motivated IncidentsBUL-2047.0 • An act or attempted act which constitutes an expression of hostility against a person because of the person’s real or perceived race, color, natural origin, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, or gender-identity. • Any of the bullying acts…targeted.
Child AbuseBUL-1347.1 • A child protective service agency official is required to allow the alleged victim the option to be interviewed in private or to select any adult member of the school staff to sit in on the interview.
Child Abuse All LAUSD certificated and classified employees are mandated reporters of suspected child abuse.
Child Abuse Quiz • May an employee use any source to acquire reasonable suspicion of abuse? YES NO • If an employee does not have reasonable suspicion, may the employee question the child?
Corporal PunishmentBULLETIN N-14 • As a disciplinary option at any grade level, corporal discipline in any form is not to be used within the District.
Student & Employee SecurityBUL. - 2368.2 • Safe-School Plans are in the main office (AP Safety) • Lock all school gates, except main entrance, during classroom hours • Visitors report to Main Office
Security continued • Issue School discipline policies • Personnel to conduct security patrols • Lock classroom doors when alone • Stringent control of school keys • Secure all personal valuables • Report loitering persons
Code of Conduct with StudentsBUL. - 5167.0 Use good judgment, and you are cautioned to avoid: • Meeting individually with a student behind closed doors, regardless of gender. • Giving students gifts that are not school-related. • Making statements in the presence of students that are unprofessional or immoral.
Code of Conduct • Touching that is not age-appropriate • Transporting students without written authorization • Meeting or being with students off campus, except in school-authorized activities • Communicating via any device, at any time, for purposes that are not specifically school-related
Ethics PolicyBUL. 4748.0 • Is the responsibility of all certificated and clerical staff (subs and part-timers too) • Encourages ethical conduct • Four Board approved Ethics Policies 1. Employee Code of Ethics 2. Conflict of Interest Code 3. Contractor Code of Conduct 4. Lobbying Disclosure Code
Injury and Illness PreventionBUL. – 3772.1 • Each work location must have a written Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) with specific responsibilities and procedures assigned and implemented to prevent employee injuries and illness
NondiscriminationMem. - 4695.1 • Notice for all employees and students • The policies are posted al schools
Safe School PlanRef. – 1242.7 • A comprehensive school safety plan relevant to the needs and resources of each school • Deals with the preparation of safe school plans that address violence prevention, student and staff wellness, emergency preparedness, traffic safety and crisis intervention and recovery
Section 504 and StudentsBUL. – 4692.0 • Provides for nonacademic and extracurricular services and activities in a manner that ensures that individuals with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate
Title IX/Complaint ProceduresBUL. – 2521.1 • Each student and employee has a right to learn and work in an environment that is free from unlawful discrimination • No district student or employee shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, or gender in and District educational program or activity
Uniform Complaint ProceduresMEM. – 5159.0 • May be used to file complaints with the District of to appeal District decisions which concern unlawful discrimination under the following federal/state laws: 1. Section 504 2. American with Disabilities Act 3. Title IX - sexual misconduct 4. Title VI – race, color, national origin sexual identification, gender identity, ethnic identity, ancestry
Williams/Valenzuela Complaint Procedures BUL. – 4759.0 • Requires public schools to provide equal access to instructional materials, safe and descent school facilities, and qualified teachers