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Welcome to DeKalb County’s GISWeb!. Take a tour of GISWeb…. Table of Contents. Getting Started ……….3 The Map Window …….4-5 The Toolbar ……………5-11 The Legend………....... 5, 12-15 Map Topics …………….5, 16 How to Query………… 17-21 Export to Excel ……….22 Print a Map ……………23
Welcome to DeKalb County’s GISWeb! Take a tour of GISWeb…
Table of Contents • Getting Started……….3 • The Map Window…….4-5 • The Toolbar……………5-11 • The Legend……….......5, 12-15 • Map Topics…………….5, 16 • How to Query…………17-21 • Export to Excel……….22 • Print a Map……………23 • Redline Tools………….24-25 • Hotspots……………….26 • Contact Information…27
Getting Started • Access GISWeb at: http://www.dekalbcounty.org/GIS/GISWeb.html 2. Please read the disclaimer and click “I accept” if you choose to proceed. 3. Follow the links to either “First Time User” or “Returning User”. If you follow the link to “First Time User” follow the simple steps to download and install the free Active CGM Plug-in (this only needs to be done on your first visit), then proceed to the site…
The Map Window Toolbar Map Legend Map Topics
The Map Window • Use the “Toolbar” to navigate and query the map • Use the “Legend” to turn features on/off • Use the “Map Topic” to select a map to display More detailed information in the following slides
The Toolbar Search & Select Print, Help & Contact Measure Navigation Zoom in, Zoom out, Measure, Set the Scale, Refresh the Map, Return Home Measure a Distance or Area, Find Map Coordinates Select Features In Circle, Rectangle, Polygon, Queries Print Map, Metadata, Help, Contact Info ***GISWeb is Processing when this icon is displayed in the upper right hand corner of the toolbar. Please be patient and let the map finish processing before proceeding Hover your mouse over the tool icon and the name of the tool will appear.
The Toolbar Navigation Tools: Home:Reload the site Zoom In: Map will zoom in to a preset scale based on a single click of your mouse. Zoom Out:Map will zoom out to a preset scale based on a single click of your mouse. Zoom by Rectangle:Map will zoom in to the area of the rectangle drawn. Click on map once to begin the rectangle, drag mouse and click again to close the box. Wait for map to regenerate to the zoomed in area.
The Toolbar Navigation Tools Continued: Pre-selected Zoom Areas:Select the tool and a pop-up box provides you with a list of areas to zoom to. Locate the area you would like to zoom to and click on the pin next to the location, the map will redraw the area. Map Scale:Enter the desired scale, for example 1:1000 is 1” = 1000’ Reload Base Map:The countywide base map will redraw. Refresh:Select the tool to refresh the map. This tool is often used when a Feature is turned on, but is displaying on top of the other features. Refresh The map and the feature will draw behind other mapping features.
The Toolbar Measure Tools: Display Coordinates:Click on the map to return the coordinates Linear Measure:Click on the map to start a line, continue drawing line by clicking on the map, double-click to end Measure Area:Click on the map to start a polygon, continue clicking to draw area, double click to close polygon
The Toolbar Search and Select Tools: Point Select:Select parcel to retrieve information. Select features in circle:Returns the attribute information for all parcels the line intersects. Click and drag line, double click to end line. Select features in circle:Returns the attribute information for parcels within the circle. Click and drag circle. Select features in rectangle: Returns the attribute information for all parcels within the rectangle. Click and drag rectangle, double click to end.
The Toolbar Search and Select Tools: Select features in polygon:Returns the attribute information for all parcels within the polygon. Click on map to start polygon, continue clicking to draw area, double click to close polygon. Query:A pop-up window displays various search options. Select the tab of the search you would like to perform. If only one result is found the map will automatically re-draw, if more then one result is returned press the pin next to the result you would like to see mapped.
The Toolbar Print, Help and Contact Information: Print:A window will appear with various printing options. Active CGM Browser:Allows you to download the necessary plug-in to view the maps. Help:Provides a more detailed help manual Metadata:Data about the data. This document contains a description of the map features and the date they were last revised. Contacts:Select this tool to display a list of contact information. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
The Legend • Each entry in bold is called a Feature. Each Feature has a list of Attributes that will display when active. • To activate a Feature, place a check in the box. • To view the Attributes, click on the Feature name. • Example: With the “Public Building/Locations” Feature turned on, the Attributes listed are what appears on the map.
The Legend • Zoom in to the map if a Feature you checked is not visible. Some Features are scale dependent and require you to zoom in. • Use or , in the toolbar, to zoom in. Please Proceed for an example…
The Legend • “Aerials” is turned on , but not displayed…
The Legend Zoom by rectangle to an area of the map. The aerials are now visible.
Map Topics • The first map displayed when you enter the site is “GIS Base Map” . You will notice a black dot next to it showing that it is currently the active map. • Each Map Topic in bold contains related interactive maps. • Notice in the legend how the Features change depending on the Map Topic you are viewing. • The Query capabilities also change as you view different Map Topics. Note: The topic “Sheriff” is not accessible by the public.
Query • A Query is a question or inquiry. It’s a way to search through data. • Notice the different topics listed across the top of the Query box. • Each topic contains different ways to Query that information. • Examples on the following slides…
Query Examples A Query for the Address “110 Sycamore St”, displays only one result, Therefore the map is automatically generated for that location…
Query Examples However, if you remove the “Street Suffix” from your search criteria, multiple results appear. Click the pin next to the result you want and a map will generate.
Query Examples When searching for an Owner of a parcel, it is recommended that you minimize the information you enter. A Query with the last name “Smith” and first name “Mike” doesn’t return any results. When the search is minimized to last name “Smith” and first name “M”, many results return.
Review of the Query Function • If only one Query result is found, the map will automatically redraw to display the result. • If more then one result is found then select the result you want to display by clicking on the pin . • If your Query returns no results, try limiting the information you entered. In turn this will broaden your search. • You can Export your Query results to an Excel Spreadsheet by Right clicking your mouse on the blue bar of the results and select “Export to Excel”. (This is an Internet Explorer function, not a tool of GISWeb.)
Export to Excel To Save your Queried results, Right click on the blue bar above your search results. You will be given the option to “Export to Excel”. (This is an Internet Explorer option. If you do not have this option under the right mouse click, visit the Microsoft website to find out how to install this option.) Right Click Here…
Print a Map • Most maps Print better in the Landscape Orientation. • The “Color” option is automatically set to Black & White. You can change to Full Color. • Legend Entries allows you to choose the information needed in the legend. If you leave an entry unchecked it will still be visible on the map, just not noted in the legend. • Select “Preview”>File>Print (you may need to change your printer properties to print landscape.) Print Options
Hidden Tools • Using your mouse, right click on the map for additional tools… • The “Magnify” tool displays the map in a magnified window allowing you to read small text or decipher busy areas of the map. • “Text Magnification” will enlarge text that is hard to read. • The “Redline” tools are used to draw and make temporary notes on the map. The following slides will further explain the Redline tool.
Redline Tools • Redline allows you to place text or lines on a map. • First, adjust Text Size and Line Size:Right click on the map, highlight Redline and choose Text Size or Line Size. • Right Click again and choose Text to start typing, or select the type of Line you’d like to add: • Callout • Simple line • Circle • Compound line • Redlines are not saved on a map and therefore will not print. To get around this, Right Click go to “Save…” and the map will be saved as a CGM file.
Hotspots • Many features on the map are Hotspots. • Some Examples Are: • Annexations • Schools • Parks • Public Buildings • When selected on the map, either an additional Attribute box or picture will appear.
Thank you for taking a tour of GISWeb! Please contact us if you have any further questions… Please contact the Information Management Office… Joan Berkes-Hanson, IMO Director, 815-895-1643 Sheila Minogue, GIS Manager, 815-895-1687 Bruce Hamilton, GIS Analyst, 815-899-0704