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397 十架曾否使你疲倦HAVE YOU GROWN WEARY OF THE CROSS ”十架曾否使你疲倦?”恩主柔聲詢問。“Have you grown weary of the cross?” Tenderly asked the Lord.你心曾否懊悔揀選祂來作你的分?Have you regretted choosing Him to be your all in all?你心曾否意欲收回立志遵祂命令?Have you intended to withdraw the loyal pledge you've made?親愛的主,受苦雖多, 愛卻是何等深;My dearest Lord, tho' deep the pain, yet deeper is Thy love.
沒有一種痛苦打擊,能稍移愛袮心。No suff‘ring blow or painful tears can move my love for Thee.雖然道路崎嶇難行,使我發出呻吟;Tho’ dark the night and rough the way, My soul does groan and sigh,靠恩我仍柔聲歌唱;我要與袮同行!Still by Thy grace I will softly sing, "I'll keep walking by Thy side."
(二)”你要思想我的道路,”思想就會興奮;"Reflect upon my path on earth." this doing, lifts my heart,祂為尋我流落迷人,竟來此地微行。For seeking me a wand'ring soul, He deigned to come to earth.祂受鼓舞何等的少,四圍都是虛偽;Throughout His way was ruggedness, loneliness e'er untold.祂受誤會攻擊,竟在親近祂的圈內;His life, so oft not understood e'en by His faithful band.
祂心感覺何等孤單,雖有萬人在圍。His heart, did feel such solitude, While thousands thronged His side.愛何無私!祂的行徑,感動我心欲淚;His love, so selfless yet so great, Does move my tears to flow.恩何希奇!此愛今正催我效祂行為。Amazing grace! Such wondrous lovePrompts me His way to go.
(三)再無任何荒涼力量,能來掩蔽摧毀;No more can pow'r of barrenness encase me to destroy.因袮所賜喜樂光亮,使我疲魂甦醒,The joy and light Thou givest me, awake my weary soul,導我進入甘甜交通,迫我服袮命令。Bring me into sweet fellowship, constrain my will to yield. 為此正當他人安眠,讓我深夜不睡;For that, while others sweetly sleep let me Thy vigil keep;
為此正當他人歡笑,讓我座前流淚;For that, while others gayly laugh, let me before Thee weep.為此正當他人安息,讓我收割疲憊;For that, while others quietly rest, let me in labor reap.好使我能與主同帶豐滿禾捆而歸。O that I may with the Lord return Bringing in sheaves one day.
(四) 我以死向世上一切,因主正在招呼;I'd die to all this world can give, for He is calling me;我寧捨棄一切自由,好使多人得甦;I'd rather all my freedom lose, that others be revived;願意以死向我自己,來領浪子歸回。I'd die to self throughout my days, bringing the wand'rers home. 恩何希奇,喪失一切,所得何其豐多;What wondrous grace! While losing all, O how my gains abound!
撇下所有,全心跟隨,反覺萬有在握Forfeiting all to follow on, I find all in my hands.失喪生命,為我換來無窮喜樂生活;This path of loss has won for me a life of endless joy.直等今生時日過盡,進入諸天居所。Then to my glorious home I'll fly, at he ending of my time.