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Sedimentary rocks - lithification

Sedimentary rocks - lithification. Sedimentary rocks are formed through lithification . Shown in (A) are unconsolidated particles. When subjected to lithification , they become sedimentary rock shown in (B). Classification of sedimentary rocks.

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Sedimentary rocks - lithification

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sedimentary rocks - lithification Sedimentary rocks are formed through lithification. Shown in (A) are unconsolidated particles. When subjected to lithification, they become sedimentary rock shown in (B).

  2. Classification of sedimentary rocks Sedimentary rocks are primarily grouped into two main types according to how they were formed. Detrital sedimentary rocks were formed through physical means (pressure) while chemical sedimentary rocks were chemically formed.

  3. Detrital sedimentary rocks – fissility Fissility refers to the property of detrital sedimentary rocks that enables them to be split into thin sheets. home

  4. Detrital sedimentary rocks – sorting The particles that make up detrital sedimentary rocks undergo sorting. Rocks upstream tend to be angular and poorly sorted while rocks downstream are rounded and well sorted. home

  5. Classification of sedimentary rocks Detrital rocks are classified according to the size of their particles. home

  6. Classification of sedimentary rocks home

  7. Classification of sedimentary rocks Chemical sedimentary rocks are classified according to their predominant component. home

  8. Classification of sedimentary rocks Calcite rocks are grouped according to how they were formed (inorganic or via biochemical processes). Inorganic limestones are described as nonclastic which means that they are not made of particles. Biochemical limestones on the other hand, are made of particles and so are clastic. home

  9. Classification of sedimentary rocks Sedimentary rocks, environments and structures

  10. Conglomerate (detrital, gravel, rounded particles) home

  11. Breccia (detrital, gravel, angular particles) home

  12. Quartz sandstone (detrital, sand, mostly quartz) home

  13. Arkose (detrital, sand, abundant felspar) home

  14. Siltstone (detrital, fine-sized particles, mud) home

  15. Shale (detrital, very fine particles, mud, may contain fossils) home

  16. Crystalline limestone (chemical, nonclastic, fine to coarse crystalline) home

  17. Travertine (chemical, nonclastic, fine to coarse, cavewaters) home

  18. Coquina (chemical, clastic, shell fragments, loosely cemented) home

  19. Fossiliferous limestone (chemical, clastic, coral fragments, calcite cement) Fossiliferous limestone are made of coral reef fragments cemented strongly by calcite. home

  20. Chalk (chemical, clastic, microscopic shells and clay) home

  21. Chert (chemical, nonclastic, quartz, light colored) home

  22. Flint (chemical, nonclastic, quartz, dark colored) home

  23. Rock gypsum (chemical, nonclastic, CaSO4) home

  24. Rock salt (chemical, nonclastic, NaCl, evaporite) home

  25. Rock salt (chemical, nonclastic, NaCl, evaporite) Halites are known as evaporites because they are formed through the evaporation of water from chemically-concentrated solutions. home

  26. Coal (chemical, nonclastic, plant remains) home Coal exists in many forms. The first form is peat which is still impure and damp (and hence contains a low amount of stored energy). Peat that has undergone burial and pressure becomes lignite or bituminous coal (which is now more concentrated and hence has more energy). Anthracite is the metamorphic form of coal which is formed after intense pressure and heat.

  27. Peat home

  28. Lignite or bituminous coal home

  29. Bituminous coal can be metamorphosed into anthracite home

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