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In 2007, more than 34,000 suicides occurred in the U.S. This is the equivalent of 94 suicides per day; one suicide every 15 minutes. (CDC). Suicide. Cassidy Thigpen. If you ask a person about his/her suicidal intentions, you'll encourage that person to kill himself or herself
In 2007, more than 34,000 suicides occurred in the U.S. This is the equivalent of 94 suicides per day; one suicide every 15 minutes. (CDC) Suicide Cassidy Thigpen
If you ask a person about his/her suicidal intentions, you'll encourage that person to kill himself or herself Suicidal persons rarely seek medical attention Professional people don't kill themselves Once the emotional state improves, there is no longer any danger of suicide People who die from suicide don't warn others People who talk about suicide are only trying to get attention. They won't really do it. Myths about suicide (Connor, 2009: NIMH, 2009; crisislink.org)
Suicidal ideation • "Thoughts of harming or killing oneself" (IOM 2002). The severity of suicidal ideation can be determined by assessing the frequency, intensity, and duration of these thoughts (IOM 2002). • Suicide Attempt • Non-fatal, self-directed potentially injurious behavior • intent to die as a result of the behavior. • attempt may or may not result in injury. • Suicide • Death as a result of self-directed injurious behavior with intent to die as a result of the behavior. definitions CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION
2/3 suicide attempters are under the age of 35 • (Hawton, 1992) • Though females attempt suicide about 2 to 3 times as often as men, males complete suicide at 4 times the rate than females do, representing 78.8% of all U.S. suicides • (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 20010) • Highest rate of completed suicides is found in the elderly • half the victims suffered from chronic physical illness • (Harvard Health News Letter, 1996) • Remember: the number of actual suicides is underreported • (O’Donnell & Farmer, 1995; Silverman, 1997) profile
In 2007 • 7th leading cause of death for males • 15th leading cause of death for females • Firearms, suffocation, and poison most common methods but men and women differ in method used: Women and men: differences
The National Violent Death Reporting System. 16 states Tested for substances One-third of those who died by suicide were positive for alcohol at the time of death 1 in 5 had evidence of opiates (including heroin and prescription pain killers) Substances and suicide CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION
About 50% of those who complete suicide do so during the recovery phase of a depressive episode • (Isacsson & Rich, 1997) • 3% of Americans attempt suicide at some point in life • (D.C. Clark, 1995) • However, the lifetime risk for suicide for someone who has recurrent depressive episodes =15% • risk of suicide is 1% during the year in which a depressive episode occurs • (Clark, 1995) Depression and suicide
Countries with low rates of suicide include: Egypt, Greece, Italy, Israel, Spain, Mexico, and Ireland • (WHO, 1987) • For children, adolescence, and adults, suicide is among the 10th leading causes of death in most Western countries Geography and Suicide
having a mental disorder; specifically depression and a substance-abuse disorder • 90% of those who die from suicide have a diagnosis • prior suicide attempt • family history of suicide • family violence (including physical or sexual abuse) • firearms in the home • method used in more than half of suicides • incarceration • exposure to the suicidal behaviors of others • family members, peers, media figures Risk Factors for suicide NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH
Feelings of hopelessness • Impulsive or aggressive tendencies • Cultural and religious beliefs • belief that suicide is noble resolution of a personal dilemma • Local epidemics of suicide • Isolation, a feeling of being cut off from other people • Barriers to accessing mental health treatment • Loss (relational, social, work, or financial) • Physical illness • Unwillingness to seek help because of the stigma attached to mental health and substance abuse disorders or to suicidal thoughts Risk Factors for suicide CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION
Changes in neurotransmitters • serotonin • Decreased levels of serotonin found in individuals with: • depression • impulsive disorders • history of suicide attempts • also found in the brains of suicide victims Biological Factors related to suicide NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH
Mood Disorders • Major Depressive Disorder – 15% • Bipolar I & II – 10 - 15% • Schizophrenia • 10% • 20% -40% will attempt • Alcoholism Psychopathology associated with suicide
70 colleges and universities completed a survey on suicidal experiences • More than half of 26,000 students reported having at least one episode of suicidal thinking at some point in their lives. • 15% of students surveyed reported having seriously considered attempting suicide and more than 5 % reported making a suicide attempt at least once in their lifetime. • 6% of undergraduates and 4 % of graduate students reported seriously considering suicide within the 12 months prior to answering the survey “Suicidal Thoughts among College Students More Common than Expected” apa.org
Both undergraduate and graduate students gave these reasons for their suicidal thinking, in the following order: • wanting relief from emotional or physical pain • problems with romantic relationships • the desire to end their life • problems with school or academics • Fourteen percent of undergraduates and 8 percent of graduate students who seriously considered attempting suicide in the previous 12 months made a suicide attempt. suicidal thoughts among college students…
Cognitive Therapy • reduced rate of repeated suicide attempts by 50% during a year of follow up • helps those who have attempted suicide consider alternative behaviors when thoughts of self-harm occur • Dialectical Behavior Therapy • specific therapy used for Borderline Personality Disorder (have emotion regulation disturbances) • reduced suicide attempts by half Suicide prevention NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH
Clozapine • approved by the FDA for suicide prevention in those with Schizophrenia • Primary-care providers • it is shown that older adults and women who die from suicide were likely to have a seen a primary-care provider in the year before death • training primary-care providers to recognize and treat risk factors • Outreach to men still needs improvement Suicide prevention NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH