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Towards a Benchmark for the Evaluation of LD Expressiveness and Suitability. Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez E-mail: Manuel.Caeiro@det.uvigo.es. Goals. General goal: Enhance the modelling support of E ducational M odelling L anguages ( EMLs ) focusing mainly on Collaborative Learning
Towards a Benchmark for the Evaluation of LD Expressiveness and Suitability Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez E-mail: Manuel.Caeiro@det.uvigo.es
Goals • General goal: Enhance the modelling support of Educational Modelling Languages (EMLs) focusing mainly on Collaborative Learning • Particular goal: Obtain an evaluation benchmark of EMLs’ Expressivenessand Suitability UNFOLD-ProLearn
What is an EML? • The purpose of EMLs is to support the modelling of learning practices (e.g. a course, a lesson, a lab practice, a workshop, etc.) in a generic way. • CEN/ISSS Workshop on Learning Technologies: An EML is a semantic information model and binding describing the content and process within a unit of learning from a pedagogical perspective in order to support reuse and interoperability UNFOLD-ProLearn
Evaluation Criterions • Expressiveness • Suitability • Final LD users: Application developers • Specific purposes: Reusability and Interoperability Capacity to denote the models in a domain Quality of having the properties that are right for a specific purpose UNFOLD-ProLearn
Development Approach • Focused on the coordination of the entities involved not on pedagogical or technological issues • Approach: problem decomposition UNFOLD-ProLearn
Evaluation Methodology UNFOLD-ProLearn
Perspectives • Perspectives in Workflow: • Process • Information • Resource • Organizational • Perspectives in Groupware: • Communication • Cooperation • Collaboration • Awareness A modelling feature that involves a certain purpose and that can be analyzed independently UNFOLD-ProLearn
Patterns An abstraction that is frequently repeated in a modelling domain UNFOLD-ProLearn
Subject Goal Object Rules Division of Labour Community Activity Theory Framework Environment ACTIVITY Activity Expanded Mediational Model UNFOLD-ProLearn
The Functional Perspective • What has to be done? • Goal breakdown and decomposition of activities into sub-activities. UNFOLD-ProLearn
Functional Patterns • Goal Featuring Patterns • Textual description, Mandatory task, Optional task, Grade, Input artefact task, Output artefact task, etc. • Composition Patterns • Task decomposition, Manual decomposition, Conditional decomposition, etc. • Multiple Instance Patterns • Learner task, Support task, Work task, etc. • Relationship Patterns • Complementary task, Antagonist task, etc. UNFOLD-ProLearn
What resources are intended to do it? Learners, teachers, software agents, equipment, etc. The Resource Perspective UNFOLD-ProLearn
Resource Patterns • Resource featuring Patterns • Learner profile, Portfolio, Group structure, etc. • Role Enrolment Patterns • Conditioned, Capacity-based, Manual, etc. • Resource Assignment Patterns • Direct, Role-based, Manual, Familiar, Separation of duties, Conditioned, etc. UNFOLD-ProLearn
What information is available? The artefacts that can be used. The Information Perspective UNFOLD-ProLearn
Information Patterns • Data Visibility Patterns • Activity data, Block data, Multiple instance data, etc. • Data Interaction Patterns • Internal Interaction, Compound task to decomposed tasks, to multiple instances, etc. • Data Transfer Patterns • Transfer by value, Transfer by reference, Copy, Transfer with block, Data transformation, Synchronization, etc. UNFOLD-ProLearn
What operations are available? The applications and services that can be used. The Operational Perspective UNFOLD-ProLearn
Operational Patterns • Operational Featuring Patterns • Textual description, Ontology-based, Instance, etc. • Invocation Patterns • Request, Request-response, Solicit-response, etc. • Monitoring Patterns • Role-based, Filtered, etc. UNFOLD-ProLearn
What organization is involved? Roles, Groups, Functional Units, Organizational Units, etc. The Organizational Perspective UNFOLD-ProLearn
Organizational Patterns • Structure Patterns • Organisational position, Organisational unit, Aggregations, etc. • Relationship Patterns • Delegation, Priority, etc. UNFOLD-ProLearn
When does it have to be done? The order in which activities can be performed. The Process Perspective UNFOLD-ProLearn
Process Patterns • Branching and Synchronizing Patterns • Sequence, Parallel division, Synchronization, Exclusive choice, Multiple election, Discriminator, etc. • Structural Patterns • Arbitrary cycles, Implicit termination, etc. • State-based Patterns • Delayed election, Milestone, etc. UNFOLD-ProLearn
At which moment does it have to be done? The time in which activities can be performed. The Temporal Perspective UNFOLD-ProLearn
Temporal Patterns • Synchronisation • A starts B, A finishes B, A before B, etc. • Scheduling • Deadline, Start point, etc. • Allocation • Maximum, Minimum, Average, etc. UNFOLD-ProLearn
What roles are allowed to do? Permissions, visibility, etc. The Authorization Perspective UNFOLD-ProLearn
Authorization Patterns • Permission Featuring Patterns • Artefact, Application & services, Class, Environment, Activity, etc. • Permission Assignment Patterns • Static, Manual, Conditioned, etc. • Permission Owner Patterns • Role, Application or Service, Policy, etc. UNFOLD-ProLearn
What roles need to know? Notifications, monitoring, etc. The Awareness Perspective UNFOLD-ProLearn
Awareness Patterns • Event Source Featuring Patterns • Role-presence, Role-actions, Environment, Class, etc. • Processing Patterns • Filter, Conjunction, Sequence, Counter, Composition, Storage, etc. • Event Sink Featuring Patterns • Role, Resource assigned to task, Application or Service, etc. UNFOLD-ProLearn
What interactions are intended to be produced? The control and management of the interaction in the activity. The Interaction Perspective UNFOLD-ProLearn
Interaction Patterns • Session Control Patterns • Automatic, Manual, Conditioned, etc. • Membership Control Patterns • Guest list, Minimum participants, etc. • Conversation Control Patterns • Automatic response, Typed response, etc. • Version Control Patterns • Operation-based, Role-based, etc. • Time Stamp Patterns • Periodic, Operation-based, etc. UNFOLD-ProLearn
Why to do it? Metadata, learning goals, pre-requisites, etc. The Causal Perspective UNFOLD-ProLearn
Summary • 10+1 perspectives • 200 + patterns, but we are refining them UNFOLD-ProLearn
Conclusions • Relationship with other EML evaluation proposals: not based on complete unit of learning modelling. • Next step: to provide a meta-model that enable the development of applications with truly reusability and interoperability properties. • Final goal: that teachers can perform the same things in a virtual environment that in their conventional classrooms. UNFOLD-ProLearn
Thanks! Manuel Caeiro Rodríguez E-mail: Manuel.Caeiro@det.uvigo.es