The Financing of Infrastructures Overview of the Energy Market in Turkey
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The Financing of Infrastructures Overview of the Energy Market in Turkey. Giuseppe Farina TUSIAD International Executive Board Member Istanbul, May 4 th 2012 Italy & Turkey – Building Together. Key data on Tusiad.
The Financing of Infrastructures Overview of the Energy Market in Turkey
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The Financing of InfrastructuresOverview of the Energy Market in Turkey
Giuseppe FarinaTUSIAD International Executive BoardMember Istanbul, May 4th2012 Italy & Turkey – Building Together
Key data on Tusiad «Founded in 1971, voluntary based civil society organization to which the leading representatives and managers of the business world are members of, TÜSİAD is composed of approximately 600 members and an estimate of 3500 companies that these members represent on behalf of Turkey’s major industrial and service establishments.» TÜSİAD’sindividual members and their companies realize; 80% of Turkey’s foreign trade excluding energy import 65% of industrial production 50% of the registered employees except agriculture and public servants
1 8 7 5 4 2 11 12 21 20 19 18 17 15 13 16 10 3 6 9 14 Privatization of generation and distribution sectors Distribution Generation Extended Cancelled – to be re launched Direct Transfer Transfers to private ongoing Assets under privatization Bogazici * (Istanbul 1) Ayedas * (Istanbul 2) Trakya Coruh Yesilirmak Portfolio of plants for a total of 143 MW were privatized in 2008 (7 hydro PP, 1 small geothermal and gas PP) Step 1 Completed Sakarya Baskent (Ankara) Aras Camlibel Firat Gediz (Izmir)* 52 run of river hydro power plants of around 142MW grouped into 19 portfolios (privatized in 2010 17 out of 19 portfolios) Kayseri Step 2 On way to be finalized Vangolu ** (Van) In 2004, TEDAS was divided into 21 regions according to the privatization program in line with the Energy Market Law As of now privatization of TEDAS assets was half completed and was carried out by local operators, without strong expertise in electricity distribution, at an high acquisition price Privatization of other DSO is ongoing Meram (Konya) Dicle** Menderes Goksu* Toroslar (Adana, Gaziantep) 18 thermal power plants of 12.5GW 27 storage hydro plants of 3.7 GW Step 3 To be started Akdenitz (Antalya) *
RenewableSources - 2011 GovernmentAnnouncements Power Production Mix AmmendedRESLaw and Incentives Turkey Renewable MarketFocus on market trends 2010 Production: 211 TWh The Ministryof Energy isaiming at increasing the share ofrenewables generation from 26% in 2010 to 30% in 2023. In particular, the Governmenthas the objectivetoachieve the 2023 goalsmainlythrough 3 technologies: Hydro: exploit the economicallyusablehydropowerpotentialassumed at 30GW: 1.1GW additional per year Wind: 20GW installedcapacity: 1.5GW additional per year Geothermal: 600MW installedcapacity: 40MW per year Source: EMRA, Unicredit
Transmission and Interconnections Transmission Interconnection Capacities TEIAŞ—the state-owned monopoly transmission system operator—owns and operates Turkey’s transmission system. In total Turkey has around 47,090 kilometers of lines in 2009, including lines at 400, 380, 220, 154, and 66 kilovolts (kV). Since 2004 Turkey has been a net exporter of electricity, exporting 2.67 TWh in 2010. Source: IHSCERA
Future projects Existing Gas Pipeline and Future Projects South Stream Existing projects Future projects Nabucco
Turkish Power Market OverviewKey Attractions Demand up by CAGR ~7% over the last 20 years Low current per capita consumption Demographic development and urbanization Strong economic growth Energy bridge due to exceptional geographic and strategic location