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Vocabulary . Unit 3. Adversary. An enemy or opponent. A best friend off the tennis court can also be a fierce adversary on it. Alienate. To turn away or make indifferent. Gossiping is a bad habit that can alienate friends. Artifice.

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  1. Vocabulary Unit 3

  2. Adversary • An enemy or opponent. • A best friend off the tennis court can also be a fierce adversary on it.

  3. Alienate • To turn away or make indifferent. • Gossiping is a bad habit that can alienate friends.

  4. Artifice • A clever skill; dishonest or insincere behavior that is meant to deceive. • The story was just an artifice to win our sympathy.

  5. Coerce • To compel, force. • Dictators try to coerce their subjects into obedience by threatening them or their families with punishment.

  6. Craven • Cowardly • It is a mistake to assume that everyone who refuses to go to war is a craven who lacks patriotism.

  7. Culinary • Related to cooking or the kitchen. • Cooking shows have helped many people master the secrets of culinary arts.

  8. Delete • To erase, wipe out, cut out. • Crime labs can determine whether an attempt has been made to delete material from audiotapes.

  9. Demise • Death, especially of a person in a lofty position. • The tolling of church bells has announced the demise of a monarch.

  10. Exhilarate • To give spirit or liveliness to. • The first landing on the moon exhilarated the nation.

  11. Fallow • Inactive; land that has been ploughed but not seeded. • After a month without a date, I decided that my social life was definitely in a fallowperiod.

  12. Harass • To disturb; to trouble by repeated attacks. • You should not harass someone just because they disagree with you.

  13. Inclement • Stormy, harsh; severe in attitude or action. • School was closed because of inclement weather.

  14. Muse • To think about in a dreamy way; to ponder. • Philosophers have always mused on the meaning of life.

  15. Negligible • So unimportant that it can be disregarded. • After inspecting the cars it was determined that a negligible amount of damage was done.

  16. Perpetuate • To cause to continue. • He perpetuates  the myth that his house is haunted.

  17. Precedent • An example that may serve as a basis for imitation or later action. • We hope other schools will follow our precedent in volunteer work.

  18. Punitive • Inflicting or aiming at punishment. • The general led a punitive expedition against rebel forces.

  19. Redress • To set right, remedy. • The accident victims will seek redress for the injuries they suffered in the train crash.

  20. Sojourn • A temporary stay. • No matter how short your sojourn in Paris, you must take time to go to the museum.

  21. Urbane • Refined in manner or style, suave. • An urbane host puts guest at ease by appearing confident and unruffled no matter what happens.

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