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West London Mental Health Trust. Enhancing Project Management capability March 2010 Version FINAL. Introduction. PA has been engaged by WLMHT to provide an assessment of project delivery across the organisation and implement recommendations to improve delivery capability
West London Mental Health Trust Enhancing Project Management capability March 2010 Version FINAL
Introduction • PA has been engaged by WLMHT to provide an assessment of project delivery across the organisation and implement recommendations to improve delivery capability • Information gathered via interviews and desktop research has been used as a basis for creating: • A new Portfolio structure which will support delivery of the Trust’s strategic objectives • A Programme Management Office (PMO) model that will support the delivery of the portfolio • This presentation provides: • Summary of findings • Recommendation for the Portfolio Shape • Recommendation of proposed PMO structure • Proposed reporting structure for future Operations Boards to be produced by the PMO • Next steps
What staff have told us about project management in the Trust “Nobody ever questions are we delivering value for money to tax payers” “Projects tend to be parked somewhere rather than having shared ownership” “Projects seem to mushroom out of good ideas rather than be planned” “Need to get away from action plans and start running projects” “The organisation relies on individuals rather than team work” “Often the same requests come in each year - the wheel is re-invented each year” “Everything seems to come as a surprise – we should be better prepared” “Resources are pulled to deal with crisis - there is a lack of basic planning”
FINDINGS Outline summary of our findings • The Trust is delivering a significant number of initiatives ranging from: implementing the CQC action plan, improving patient experience, exploring alternative clinical models through to redeveloping the estate. Our main findings are that: • Broadly, projects can be grouped into three types – Major & Operational Capital Projects, Business Change and Other • There are pockets of good practice, but there are inconsistencies in how projects and programmes are currently managed and resourced across the organisation • There appears to be an unclear alignment of delivery activity with the Trust’s strategy • Projects are mostly aligned to functional silos • The impact of changes to projects are not fully understood before being implemented • Risks are not robustly managed. What the portfolio looks like (as is)
RECOMMENDATION: THE PORTFOLIO The Trust’s strategy will be delivered through six programmes of work • Summarising the current strategic objectives, the Trust is seeking to: • Become a top performing mental health trust • Ensure services are of a high quality & are safe • Provide patients with a positive experience • Become a trust that commissioners want to do business with • Have motivated staff who strive for excellence and be a place where people want to work • Be viewed positively by all stakeholders. To support delivery of these objectives, the portfolio has been shaped into six programmes of work:
RECOMMENDATION: THE PORTFOLIO Existing projects have been mapped to the proposed programmes
‘To Be’ – An integrated programme of work focused on delivering efficiencies and service improvements across London ‘As Is’ – Many SDU and functional projects operating in organisational silos WLFS Reconfiguration Community Forensic Development St. Bernard’s Redevelopment WLFS National Commissioning Group & Cassel Families Service Ealing Capital Programme S106 Works WLFS Capital Programme Regional Funding for the Cassel ESPD Service Hounslow Capital Programme Ealing Hounslow Capital Programmes Hounslow Community Development Ealing PICU Deep Clean Facilities & Estates H&F Capital Programme Fire Project Hammersmith & Fulham Physical Healthcare Environment H&F Service Reconfiguration RECOMMENDATION: THE PORTFOLIO Example: ‘Improving Service Delivery (London)’ programme integrates a number of independent projects PSO Improving Service Delivery (London) SDUs Operational Capital projects Facilities projects Service reconfiguration projects
The new PMO comprises of a small, central function with ‘local’ Project Support Offices (PSOs) embedded within each programme. It will: Provide a consistent set of toolsand templates Create a focal point for projectinformation and expertise Build on the existing Trust PSO structure Be able to adapt to meet the needs of theindividual programmes. In addition, a network of programme and project management expertise will be established to provide: Further assurance Intervention support Capability development through mentoring and coaching of other, less-experienced programme and project managers. Chief ExecutivePeter Cubbon Network of Expertise 3 or 4 Programme Directors 0.5 days per week each Meetingregulatoryrequirements PSO Improvingefficiency ofsharedservices Developing& motivatingour people PMO1x Head of PMO1x PMO Coordinator PSO PSO Improvingpatientexperience& safety Enhancinghigh secureservices (Broadmoor) PSO Improvingservicedelivery(London) RECOMMENDATION: PMO The new PMO aligns with the services and capabilities required by the Trust
Next steps - roadmap PMO ‘Open for Business’ 03/05 1/03 8/03 15/03 5/04 19/04 26/04 22/03 29/03 12/04 PA 4 Week analysis & recommendation PA/ PMO Parallel Agree Portfolio Accountabilities Select Programme Managers Allocate Project Managers May Dashboard issued Report data gathering Report data gathering April Dashboard issued PSO Shape agreed and resourced PMO Processes Embedded PID workshops for each programme and project Communications across Trust ref Portfolio & PMO & PSOs