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AGNOSIA. Melis Dürü. 1730480. OUTLINE. Definition History Types of Agnosia Causes Treatment Difficulties. Definition. Comes from  ancient Greek ἀγνωσία , ‘ ignorance ’ , ‘ absence of knowledge ’ Rare disorder Loss of ability recognize ; Objects Persons Sounds Shapes Smell

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  1. AGNOSIA Melis Dürü 1730480

  2. OUTLINE • Definition • History • Types of Agnosia • Causes • Treatment • Difficulties

  3. Definition • Comesfrom ancientGreekἀγνωσία, ‘ignorance’, ‘absence of knowledge’ • Raredisorder • Loss of abilityrecognize; • Objects • Persons • Sounds • Shapes • Smell • There is no significantmemoryloss.

  4. History • Theterm ‘agnosia’ foundby Sigmund Freud, 1891. • FirstideasaboutagnosiacomefromWernickewhocreatedtheoriesaboutreceptiveaphasia in 1874. • Theydidn’thaveneuroimagingtechniques. • Neuroimagingtechniquesexpandedourknowledge on agnosiagreatly.

  5. Types of Agnosia • Thereare 3 maintypes of Agnosia. • VisualAgnosia: inabilitytorecognizeobjects, facesandwords. • AuditioryAgnosia: difficultytorecognizesounds. • SomatosensoryAgnosia: inabilitytoperceiveobjects (throughtactilestimulation).

  6. Others • Form agnosia: Perceiveonlyparts of details, but not abletoperceivethewholeobjects. • Fingeragnosia: difficulty in distinguishingfingers on thehand. • Painagnosia: difficultytoperceivingandprocessingpain.

  7. Causes • Agnosia can be theresult of strokes, dementia (name for a group of symptoms caused by disorders that affect the brain. Not abletothinkwell, memoryloss, cognitiveproblems, personalitychange, common in elderlypeopel but not a part of a normal aging) , developmentalproblemsandneurologicalillnesses. • Damagetospecificbrainareas in theoccipitallobeorparietallobes of thebrain.

  8. VisualAgnosia • Raresyndrome • Disfunctionorinjury in leftoccipitalandtemporallobe • Severe visualfielddefect on therightsidebecause of theinjurytotheleftoccipitallobe. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ze8VVtBgK7A

  9. AuditoryAgnosia • Thereare 3 sub-types of auditoryagnosia. • Auditory/verbal information Agnosia: Inability to hear words. • Auditory Agnosia:difficulty in hearing environmental sounds such as a car starting or a dog barking. • ReceptiveAgnosia : Problem in hearingmusic.

  10. Somatosensory Agnosia • Causedbylesions of thesomatosensorycortex (post centralgyrus) subsumedbythehead. • Sometimespatients can describethephysicalfeatures of theobject but cannotrecognize it. • Patients who cannot recognize an object by touch may still be able to draw the object and recognize the object pictured in the drawing.

  11. Treatment • Primarycause of agnosiamust be known in ordertohelp. • Treatment is generally symptomatic andsupportive. • Therearedifferenttypes of therapies can helppatientstogo on theirlifesmoreeasily. (occupationaltherapy, speechtherapy)

  12. E.g Patientwithprosopagnosia can waitforsomeonetospeakandwillrecognizetheindividualfromtheirspeech (way of talking). • Doctorsmakethepatientstorecognizetheirfamilymembers, friends, co-workersthroughlisteningratherthanvisualcues.

  13. Difficulties • Patientsarelikelytofacemajorlifestylechanges. • Theyareforcedtoleavetheircurrentjobbecausetheycan’trecognizetheirworkplaceorhavedifficultydoingthesametasksbeforetheaccident. • Someneedassistancewithsimpletasks. (e.g. Eating, can’tunderstandthedifferencebetweenforkandknife)

  14. Familymembersmayseemstrangerstopatients. This problem can solvedwithusingthefacialcuesforrecognizethefamilymembers. (E.g. Birthmark). • Be patient!

  15. Themain problem of detectingagnosia is thefactthatpatientsusuallydon’tknowiftheyhave a problem withperceptualorrecognitionmalfunction. • Thismakeshardertotreatpatients.

  16. Visualagnosia is a raresyndrome. • Limitation of studying (not enoughcasetostudy). • Patientslearncertainexercisestomaketheir life easier. • Whichhelpthemtoidentifyobjects. • Makelists of wherethingsshould be

  17. ReferenceList • http://psych.ucalgary.ca/PACE/VA-Lab/Visual%20Agnosias/treatment.htm • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnosia#Cases • http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/agnosia/agnosia.htm • http://www.psychnet-uk.com/x_new_site/DSM_IV/agnosia.html • http://www.macalester.edu/psychology/whathap/UBNRP/visionwebsite04/agnosia%20treatment.html

  18. Thankyouforlistening! 

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